Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I'm sowwy for being idiotic.... I won't do it again. I pwomise.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Just watched BW019, it was alright. It's probably more interesting if I knew what was going on, lots of talky. But Ash's Pokémon attacking Cabernet was lulz. The battle was good too, it's always nice to see a Duwott. Even if this one did lose.

Next week's episode looks hilarious. The duckings have... A VUVUZELA!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

The move Pikachu learns in the next episode, is electro ball.





RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

for the people wondering about why they won't age Ash if they age him they would have to change his whole character design to make him look whatever age they make him so they probably don't want to alter his appearance that much so they just leave him as 10.

i also think electro ball would replace quick attack unless somehow in the anime a pokemon can learn up to 5 attacks which i doubt.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Why would they replace a normal-type attack with another electric-type attack? That doesn't make much sense, and the writers have been fairly intelligent thus far...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I would assume Volt Tackle leaving. Both moves look kind of similar...

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Well there have been times where more than four moves have been used, Electivire in the sinnoh league used, Brick Break, Thunder, ThunderPunch, Protect and Giga impact, as well as Heracross using more than four moves, and the most recent example, Ishizumai.

I think all of Pikachu's moves are valuable, in their own ways, but if he did get rid of one, I'd say volt tackle, or Quick Attack. Volt Tackle because, Pikachu has a new way of using thunderbolt this season, and it's one it's oldest moves, Quick attack got a new animation, so did Iron tail, but I don't think Volt Tackle got a makeover, but Volt Tackle is a better Quick attack in my opinion, so either those two, if he gets rid of a move.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Even though Ash with Sandile would be cool, I'm not exactly sure it would happen- he only caught Sewaddle in BW018, and having eight Pokemon within the first 20 episodes seems a bit much. Plus all his other Pokemon are good fighters, and he isn't going to send a recently-hatched Scraggy or his new Sewaddle, and all the starters are powerful.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i don't care if they get rid of team rocket as a whole after best wishes, but they at least better keep Jessie, James & Meowth.

and Ash probably will capture sandile after it evolves (still haven't memorized a lot of generation V names) like what we saw on that one image a while back.

does the sunglasses sandile remind anyone of the ash's squirtle back in the original series?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Well, I've not seen the full episode yet, but Pikachu learns Electro Ball, which replaces Volt Tackle.
Sunglasses Sandile evolves into Krokorok, and the new evolution graphics are unbelievably cool.

Next ep looks good too, more Snivy action, for those who are so inclined.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

the battle at the end looks like ash was going to catch the sunglasses krockork (is that its name) cuz i really hoped he would catch it!
i wish iris' Excadrill would help them save ash