Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I think it's safe to say episode 20 was one of the best episodes we've had in a while--lots of involvement from various Pokémon, some quirky new ones, and Pikachu gets a new move. Good stuff all around. Hopefully we'll get a subbed version soon.

Episode 19 wasn't bad either, Cilan really kicked some tail in that one!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i just watched the english version of episode 4 and i hate tepigs voice!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

^Protip: take it to the thread dedicated to the Engish dub.

^^Yeah, Cilan was pretty great. Very tactical. Or maybe Caberet just sucked, cos I have no idea what all the talky was about.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I know it's late, but I'll post the episode 18 summary/review, now that I'm in year 11, it means more work, but when you get and A/B on an assignment, I know putting this off was worth it. Plus I don't think episode 19 is subbed yet anyway.

Pokemon: Black and White Episode 18: Yaguruma Forest! Kurumiru and Arti!!

Ash, Iris, Dento, Pikachu and Kibago are standing on a rocky cliff, over looking a forrest below, Ash notices the forrest, and Iris comments that it’s a deep forrest. Dento mentions that it’s Yaguruma forrest, Ash is surprised, because he hasn’t heard of that before. Dento says that it takes no time at all to travel through it, if you travel straight forwards, through it. But if you don’t, it becomes a natural maze, Ash is surprised about what Dento just said, so Ash says they need to be careful. Iris says that they wont get lost, if they leave it to her. Ash says that she is extremely confident, Dento wonders if it’ll be a straightforward path, or if it’ll turn out to be a maze. So Ash says that they’ll only find out, if they go through it.


They walk through the deep forrest, with Iris leading saying the inside of the forrest is pretty calming, Dento says the air is fresh and the the gentle light is overwhelming. He also thinks that good Pokemon, can live in the forrest, Ash thinks that it would be nice to meet new Pokemon. Then a Pokemon comes swinging down using it’s string shot attack, it then kicks Pikachu, Pikachu quickly gets on it’s feet, it used thunderbolt, but the bug looking type Pokemon swings away using it’s string shot attack again, and Pikachu accidentally electrocutes Ash. The bug Pokemon then uses a razor leaf attack in mid-air, Pikachu jumps back, whilst dodging the attack. The Pokemon then uses string shot and the string attaches itself to Pikachu’s forehead, so the Pokemon brings itself in near Pikachu’s head, it then uses bug bite, so it bites onto Pikachu’s head, Ash tells Pikachu to throw it off, so it does. Ash asks Pikachu if it’s alright, Pikachu says yes and Ash wonders what the Pokemon’s problem is. So Ash looks it up on his Pokedex, it says, “Kurumiru, the sewing Pokemon. It hides it’s body from it’s enemies, by having a leaf hood on it’s head. It’s leaf clothes, will become an emergency ration, when food becomes a scarce. Dento mentions that since it wears leaves, like people wear clothes, it’s a highly respected mascot, for fashion designers. Iris now knows why it’s so cute, Ash says he likes it, and since it looks like a strong battler, he’ll get it, so Ash goes to throw a Pokeball. Kurumiru, fires a string shot, which knocks Ash over, and the sting covers Ash’s body, and it forms a big string ball around his body, still exposing, his Arms, Legs and head. Ash gets up and says that he is liking it more and more, Iris does wonder why it attacked them, Dento thinks it’s just a keen battler. Kurumiru charges it’s arms showing that it’s ready to battle, Pikachu uses Iron Tail on the string around Ash to cut it, it eventually all breaks off. Ash thanks Pikachu, Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, it does, Kurumiru is sent flying into a tree, Kurumiru uses string shot on a nearby tree branch, and it keeps using it on different trees, as it swings away from the group. Ash says that is escaped and he tells it to wait, as he and Pikachu run after it. Iris tells Ash to wait up, Dento says that they’ll diverge from the straight path, Iris says it can’t be helped and Dento thinks that they should run after Ash as well.

So they do, Kurumiru keeps swinging away, Ash and Pikachu run after it but Ash eventually trips over, so Pikachu runs back to Ash to see if he is okay. Dento and Iris catch up to Ash, Dento calls out Ash’s name and Iris asks him if he is alright. Ash says that he is fine, he gets up and Dento notices that they’ve lost sight of it, Iris asks what they should do, Ash says that he wants to continue searching for it but, Dento finishes Ash’s thought, by saying that the forrest is called the natural maze, after-all. Dento says that he shouldn’t search for it too far, Ash says he is right and that they should return to the path. They keep walking and Iris says that it’s weird because they should of reached the end of it by now, Ash says that it might be the other way, but Iris responds with a no, because she’s sure that they’re going the right way. Ash asks why, Iris says it’s because of her sixth sense, Dento is annoyed with the unscientific opinion again. Ash says that his instinct is also quiet reliable, Iris tells Ash to shush because she just heard the voice of the forrest(Celebi?). Ash’s stomach rumbles, Dento says that it’s just the sound of the bug inside Ash’s stomach. Iris says no, she could hear the voice of the forrest clearly, so she runs off, telling them to follow her, Ash and Dento shrug their shoulders, and it turns out that Iris led them to a rocky canyon. Ash asks her how, where they are, is the voice of the forrest, she says the voice must of led them to see the beautiful scenery that they came across. Ash doesn’t know what she is talking about, Dento says it depends on how you put it, he says that the rumors must be true, that they got lost, because they parted from the path, only a small bit. Iris says that in times like this, It’s best to see where you are, by looking from a high place, Ash doesn’t understand, Iris points to a huge tree, Dento says that she is right, and that you can survey a lot from the top of that tree.

All three of them come to the tree, Ash says wow, and they are all amazed at the huge size of the tree. Ash says it’s huge, he says that he’ll go up there, Dento tells him to be careful, Ash and Pikachu run up the tree, but Ash soon slides down it, but he gives it another try, so he eventually gets up there. Iris and Kibago poke their heads out from the top area of the tree, then Pikachu and Ash pop their heads out, Ash asks how is it, Iris says that they should go a bit higher. Ash’s says that they should go, they turn their heads up and see a big green thing hanging from an above branch, Iris asks what it is, Dento yells out to them, wondering what the matter is. Ash says that their is something strange in tree, Dento wonders what it is, the green thing unravels revealing it was a person covered in a cape. The man jumps down onto a branch, in between Iris and Ash, saying that they don’t want the Pokemon of the forrest to get startled. A bit later, they eventually make it to the bottom of the tree, Ash asks what the man was doing up there, the man answers by saying that he was living up there like a forrest Pokemon. Iris asks why, Arty says that they probably wouldn’t understand it, even if he explained it to them. He says that he means his pure heart, Dento doesn’t quite understand it. Arty says that as he paints pictures and he makes clothes, people could say that he is an ingenious artist. He says he reached a stop, in his production process, and Iris is surprised a genius like him could reach a stop, just like that, Dento tells her to shush. Arty says that as he was living like a forrest Pokemon, he hoped that he would find some inspiration, Ash asks if that it was he means by a pure heart. (Arty goes all dramatic) Arty says he is correct, he says that people need a flawless pure heart(Arty’s not so dramatic now), for Art, Arty asks what they are doing in a place like they are and Dento says they got lost. Arty says it’s not that much of a problem, because he can lead them out of the forrest, but he asks them, if they should live in the forrest for a bit longer, Ash says no, because he wants to head to Hiun city and he wants to challenge the gym leader. Arty jumps up on one of the tree’s root things(?) being all dramatic again and he says Ash wont have one if he heads there now anyway, because himself, Arty, is the gym leader of Hiun city. They are all shocked, Dento wonders if Arty is really the famous bug gym leader, Arty says that he is no normal user, he is an artistic user.

The group introduce themselves, Arty says that the 3 of them are traveling and studying Pokemon, as Pokemon trainers, Arty remembers how exciting it would be, for young girl and boy Pokemon trainers, he says it’s what youth, a pure heart is about. Arty feels inspired so he brings out his sketch pad, Arty starts sketching and Ash asks what the problem is. He says that he has an inspiration, he throws up the sketch pad, whilst saying it’s no use, he says he was so close, to grasping an inspiration. Iris asks why he gets an artistic inspiration, when he lives like a Pokemon in a forrest, Arty says it depends on the person, living a primitive life in the forrest, reawakens long forgotten feelings, makes him realise how good mother nature is, again. He can now become one with, the forrest, so to speak, in any cases, lots of things are shown in a new and refreshing way, Iris thinks she knows what Arty means, and Ash agrees with Iris. Kurumiru then comes down, using it’s string like a vine, it kicks Ash over and Iris says it’s the same Kurumiru from before, Arty asks if they know it. Ash says they got lost when he tried to capture it, Kurumiru then jumps from Ash’s head to Arty’s shoulder, to eat some vines. Arty says realises that Kurumiru might be headstrong, but it’s also cute. Ash asks if it is Arty’s, Arty says it’s wild, Arty says that, that’s why there are many new things that he finds out, when he spends time with it. Ash thinks the life of a forrest Pokemon is really interesting and Arty thinks it’s a good idea to study a Pokemon before you get it. He then asks them if they would explore for a bit, Ash, Pikachu, Iris and Kibago agree, Dento says it’s time they set up camp and that he will start preparing their meal. Dento is preparing some sandwiches, Arty says that they should greet Kurumiru, before they travel, Ash doesn’t understand what Arty means, Iris doesn’t know who they will greet, Arty says, Kurumiru, obviously, Arty puts his forehead on Kurumiru’, from the touching, a light sparkles , in between Kurumiru’s lumps on it’s head and Arty’s forehead, Arty says the lumps on Kurumiru’s head are said to be sensory organs and they detect certain things, upon contact. Arty says that, that greeting like that is a way friends greet each other. Pikachu and Kurumiru touch foreheads, Iris asks if Kibago wants to do it, Kibago jumps out of Iris’s hair and it and Kurumiru touch heads as well. Then Iris and Kurumiru touch heads, Ash is excited to do it, he goes in for a greeting but Kurumiru slams it’s head on Ash’s head, hard knocking Ash over. Iris laughs and says it’s because it tried to get it before, without warning it, Arty says it’s another way of a greeting, so he shouldn’t feel to bad. Ash tells Kurumiru that he is glad to meet it, but it walks away, Arty says that it’s time to start moving along, Ash is annoyed.

Arty, Iris and Ash follow Kurumiru to a bunch of bushes, Ash wonders what it is doing, Arty says, that it might look like it’s doing nothing, but something is going on. Iris asks if it is listening to the Forrest's voice, Arty says it’s possible, so Iris is happy, she says she was completely correct and Ash sees that Kurumiru is just eating some leaves. Arty says it was just wondering, what leaf it should eat, Iris falls to the ground in annoyance, Kurumiru keeps walking, Ash says it’s on the move and Iris wonders what it will do next. They walk to a big plain clearing, Kurumiru yawns and it curls up into a ball with the leaf on it’s head, covering it’s face, Arty mentions that after it eats, it goes to sleep. Iris asks if they should take an afternoon nap as well, Arty says that she’s right, they all lie on the ground with their heads near Kurumiru and their legs away from it, they’re lying in a circle fashion, with Pikachu next to Ash, lying the same way and Kibago is in Iris’s hair. Ash says that it somehow feels good, Iris hasn’t done what she is doing in a long time and Arty asks them what they feel, when they look to the sky. Iris says it’s a blue sky with white clouds and Ash thinks of, a nice weather, Arty says what they are saying is right, but he asks them if they again realise how big the sky is. Iris starts to think about what he said, Arty says that far away the big universe, is growing, Ash thinks it is amazing. Kurumiru wakes up and the others all sit up, Iris says it’s woken up and Arty thinks it’s time to keep moving, they follow Kurumiru to a bunch of bushes, most with Berries on them, Kurumiru starts to eat a berry, Ash says there are a lot of berries, Iris says that it eats, sleeps, then it eats again, Arty tells her that, those are the basics of living and that human babies do the same thing. Suddenly a Koromori comes out of the bush, Kurumiru is eating from, Arty says that the Koromori was also eating, Iris says Koromori is threatening it, and it’s telling it not to come to this spot again, Ash says it’s bad, they’ll start fighting, for the berries. Koromori uses double team, Kurumiru uses string shot and it gets rid of the fake Koromori’s, another one comes out of a bush, behind Kurumiru, they both use Air Slash. Ash tells Kurumiru to be careful and Ash dives in front of Kurumiru and the attacks hit Ash, Kurumiru uses razor leaf on one Koromori and Pikachu uses thunderbolt on the other one, both of them fly away. Arty asks if Ash is alright and Ash says that, the attack was not that bad, he’s had worse, Kurumiru carries an Apple on it’s forehead and it drops it near Ash, Ash asks if it is for him and Kurumiru turns away and Ash says thank you.

As the sun is setting, Dento brings the dinner to them at the table that the others are sitting down, near the big tree. Iris says that the combination of soup and past is great, Dento serves Arty, saying that he made a salad, made from berries. Arty wonders how Dento knows what he likes, Dento says that he is a sommelier after all, Iris asks what Kurumiru is eating, Ash says it is eating as well, it’s eating berries, off of a leaf plate. It’s now night time, Ash and the others are sleeping high up in the tree, on a big branch. There is a light shinning near them, it’s a lantern on next to Arty. Dento says it’s a good view, Ash says he has never slept in a tree before, and Dento says it’s a nice taste. Arty asks them, what kinds of discoveries they made, since they set off on their journey, Ash wonders what he means. Arty gives an example, saying that in his childhood, his pure heart was stolen, by the beautiful bug Pokemon and though, he has had many battles and he has drawn lots of pictures, he is always learning new stuff. Arty says that the Pokemon world is full of mysteries, Ash agrees, they all see shooting stars and Dento calls it a fantastic taste. Iris thinks that sleeping, right after looking at stars, is a really great thing. Kurumiru, which is with them and it’s hanging above the group, by it’s string, is near Ash, Ash asks if it wants to sleep with him, Kurumiru turns away and Ash still says good night to it. The lamp that shines bright near them is switched off and they all go to sleep. Then Kurumiru breaks the sting and it stands near Ash, Ash wonders what it is doing, Kurumiru goes into Ash’s sleeping bag. Arty says it’s unusual for it to do that, Kurumiru pops it’s head out and they all go to sleep.

In the morning Pikachu is screaming out, they all wake up and Ash follows Pikachu’s voice, Pikachu was poking it’s head out of the tree, then Ash does the same, they see Kurumiru sleeping on the top of a Minezumi, which is running. Ash tells the others what has happened, Ash says he needs to help so he jumps out of the tree, Kurumiru wakes up and it uses a string shot on a near by branch and it swings away, Minezumi notices it is gone, but it continues to run into a cave, Ash says that it escaped into the cave, a gust of wind blows Kurumiru onto the head of a wild running Shikijika, Ash and the others head into the cave, Ash asks where Kurumiru is, they see a Minezumi laying on a rock in the cave, and the one they saw out of the cave is protecting them from going near it. The one laying down has leaves for a pillow and a leaf on it’s body, they see the other one and Dento thinks the other one doesn’t look too well. Arty says that Minezumi, usually eat Kurumiru leaves, to cure upset stomaches, Iris realises that the Minezumi carried Kurumiru off to help it’s sick friends and Arty gives the sick one a drop of medicine instead. Arty says that it doesn’t taste too good, but it’ll make it feel better in no time, the first Minezumi jumps up and asks how the sick one is going, the sick one sits up and they’re both happy and the they thank Arty. Arty mentions that it’s no problem, so they head off. They make it out of the cave and they see a Shikijika, then Arty sees Kurumiru, on it, with a string shot around Shikijika’s neck. Shikijika runs off and the others follow it, they see a deep cliff to a river below, and Arty says it’s bad. Ash tells Kurumiru to use string shot on Ash’s arm, it does that, Shikijika jumps over the moon cliff and Ash pulls Kurumiru back, but the strings break because of a strong wind and Kurumiru falls to the river below. Ash jumps after it and they are both caught in the rivers current, Arty, Iris and Dento run alongside the cliff to catch up with Ash. Ash swims and swims, trying to catch up with Kurumiru, because there is a waterfall coming up, Ash eventually grabs Kurumiru in his arms, but Ash and Kurumiru fall down the waterfall, but luckily, Arty sends out Hahakomori and it uses string shot to stop Ash and Kurumiru from falling. Hahakomori throws Ash and Kurumiru back onto the river side, with the others.

Pikachu goes to see Ash and Ash asks Kurumiru if it’s okay, it says yes, Ash is happy, but it’s clothes/leaves, got ripped. Arty says Ash can leave the issue to him and Hahakomori, Ash looks up the Pokemon on his Pokedex. It says, “Hahakomori, the parenting Pokemon, it’s the final evolution of Kurumiru. It creates clothes by attaching a mucus like string to it’s hands, it then uses that to sew leaves together.” Back in the forest, Arty gives Hahakomori a leaf, which he tells, politely, for it to make it into a new leaf for Kurumiru’s head. It eventually does it and Kurumiru looks as good as new, Arty says that the way Ash’s pure heart, rescued Kurumiru, even with the risk of getting hurt, touches Arty’s heart. Ash jokingly says that he is exaggerating and Dento feels that Kurumiru shares Arty’s thought, Ash asks Kurumiru if it wants to go with him, it says yes and Ash throws a Pokeball and it gets captured. Ash does his battle pose, but afterwards, it shrinks and it locks itself, Ash doesn’t know what’s going on, Dento asks if it Ash’s seventh team member, Ash does some counting and he says yes. Dento says that it is why, it wont work, Dento says that Ash needs to deposit one his 7, to keep Kurumiru and Arty tells Ash that there is a Pokemon center, when they exit the forrest. Ash walks out of the Pokemon center, with the others waiting, Ash tells Dento that he sent one to Araragi, he then sends out Kurumiru. Ash picks up Kurumiru and he says it’s nice to have it around, they then greet each other, Arty suddenly has an inspiration, because of Kurumiru and Ash, he has an idea for another piece of artwork. Arty says that he’ll head to Hiun city, Ash tells Arty to wait, after he runs off, Arty says that he will be awaiting for the gym battle with Ash and he runs off again. They all wave goodbye.

Good Points

- Arty

- Kurumiru’s personality

- Sleeping under the stars

- The chase to save Kurumiru

- The following of Kurumiru

Bad Points

- Hahakomori’s voice

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

so whats going on with team rocket these days? i hope they don't stay this "proffessional" forever. Although tbh i would like them to actually do well for some reason.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

So who do you think will catch the next pokemon and what pokemon? I think Iris will catch a shimama
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Gym battle spoilers,




Kurumiru will evolve and Pikachu will be in the gym battle.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Sewaddle already evolving? well, it is a bug type. . .
So i geuss this means pidove is of the team. YES! i was hoping for it to go. . . well, for now anyway -_-
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

cool swaddle evolves!
when do we see pidove?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Probably next time it's needed for S&R missions to find Team Rocket, who have conveniently escaped with Pikachu and Togepi Piplup Axew.

So yeah, who knows?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

The Team Rocket Trio will be back in episode 22, Giovanni, Flint, Professor Seger and Juniper will be in the episode as well.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i wonder what episode swaddle will evolve in probally during team rocket vs team plasma episodes
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i wonder what will go on in it? Maybe an evolution? Maybe a stolen pokemon? Maybe a big pokemon battle? Who knows but i bet it will be good!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Watched BW021 and I have literally no idea what happened. With the exception of 2 brief battles with Snivy, it was pretty dull.

But BW022 looks to be better. Ash is walking into Pokémon attacks again, and Trip has a Lampent. He must love ghosts.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i hope james chatches the alian well i hope james catches any pokemon