Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

But Sewaddle is currently at Junipers and will probably only be switching out for Tranquill in the episode of the gym battle.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I do hope hope they show those two episodes eventually, we all know the anime likes to "ban" episodes....

Also, does anyone else get the feeling that Ash might catch that one Venipede?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

To quote another reliable source,

"Team Rocket and Oshawott are there, no Tranquill, Scraggy or Pansage. Also, Burgh's Dwebble knows Rock Wrecker and will KO Tepig.

However, the most interesting thing is that Mika Kanai is listed again (she was also listed in BW023). I'm sure that she voices Swadloon who evolved from Sewaddle in BW023."

Proof? http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/program/detail/21304_201103171900.html

Episode 27, It's an Emolga/Iris/Bianca episode, heres the summaries.

Ash and Co. meet a really cute Emolga who begins playing tag with Iris. But this Emolga has an unexpected personality...Oshawott, who has fallen in love, joins in - creating a huge uproar!?

Heading toward Nimbassa City, when in front of Ash and Co. who've been traveling with Bianca, appears Emolga, the Sky Squirrel Pokemon! Emolga, who kindly picks up berries that Axew has dropped, has all the Pokemon under its spell. Seeing this cute Pokemon, an excited Bianca quickly begins a battle in order to capture it. But, Emolga toys with its opponent using Attract, is unable to cope with the battle and runs away.

Bianca panics and chases after it! Along for the ride, for some reason, is Axew. It appears that it wants to thank the Emolga, who was so kind to it. However, this Emolga has a secret the team had never thought of...

The episode title is, Beware of the Cute Face! Paralyzed by Emonga!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

- sewaddle evolve...(having evolved in battle against burgh's dweeble,swadloon became a prime member of ash's team.It has many powerful moves including razor leaf and it's icredibly agaile stringshot and a brand new move energy ball which helped it take out burgs's whirlipede in the battle.However it quickly lost to burgh's leavanny.)

-catch a new pokemon...a yamask..(after hearing that giovanni is missing,that team rocket have disbanded,and jessie & james deciding to go find giovanni,a yamask appears by team rocket.kames is eager to own it and feeds it.Shortly after this ,he captures the yamask.)



what episode do riguree appears?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

im guessing this is what you think will happen

p.s you spelt james kames once :p
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

No, this is what happened, I actually watched it live, but I'm pretty sure Sewaddle evolved while fighting Whirlipede, not Dwebble.

Some picture from episode 27,


RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Dang so I read James' character bio on Serebii and well it just flat out spoiled the entire 2 part episode. I don't mind spoilers but...I'm definitely not happy with what I read. Laaaame!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

2 part episode? The episode that just aired was the gym battle, where James caught it. I'm happy that James caught it.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

what did james catch?
so is bianca now one of ash's traviling partners and her Pignite is her starter so dose that mean it was that excited one from junipers lab?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

A Yamask.
No, she's just going with them, it doesn't make them traveling partners for the region. And why would it be the one from the lab, how would we know?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

good point but its her starter so i was thinking it could have evolved who know but we might find out in the dub.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Teehee, Bianca's back. I like her, she's hilariously overexcitable.

Also, anyone got a youtube link to today's episode? I'm struggling to find it, probably because the entire internet is confused as to what number it is and why it's this one and etc etc.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I can never say no to more Bel as well. Still gotta watch BW22 tho. But it'd have to wait till Saturday since I have a midterm on Friday. Saturday is also Madoka Magica day for me so double anime dose this weekend for me I guess
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Team Rocket are back in white now, it appears. Got it all loaded up on YT, but I don't have time to watch it, because of Ultimate Frisbee training. But it'll be here for when I get back.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

haha......i'm guessing that maybe iris or bianca will catch that emolga.....it's so cute and adorable...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Very cool episode. Great battle, James catches a poke, and another evolution. Still love the instrumental version of the OP that plays whenever something evolves.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

wait team rocket is silly again? since when? and there in white again too?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Ok this is what happened, after the battle, Giovanni doesn't want to talk to anyone, so his secretary is taking over, telling TR that they can feel free to do what they want to, but they need to work hard for Team Rocket as well. Meowth suggest that the go after Pikachu for Giovanni.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

ok thanks so they are doing what they used to do again
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Just watched BW22. Shame Arti didn't use any pokemon. When he beckoned the Fushide leader to jump off a friggin building I thought he was going to battle it with Hahakomori. Ah well.

Seeing as how the rocket/plasma mini arc will be starting soon I'd be keeping an eye out for the next 2 episodes as well, followed by Hiun gym match, and then Bianca/Emolga a fortnight after that.