Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah, so some trainers have random badges from wherever, but for the purposes of the storyline, it's not an error.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

alypkm said:
there suppose to be many gyms in this region not only these 8 gyms....

alypkm said:
it's impossible to have only 8 gyms

You say that as though you already have irrefutable evidence that there exists a 9th gym in Isshu in the anime. In which case I'd ask you to tell us where is the irrefutable evidence, either in the form of an anime screencap of the gym (or its badge), or some dialogue from a certain episode referencing the 9th gym.

Otherwise, don't pass off your speculation as fact.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Episode 29 will debut a new ending called,

Do you say Pokémon? BW (Bidaburyu)

Some pictures.



91 different Unova Pokemon will appear in the ending.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

New opening and ending, or do you mean 91 Pokémon in the ending?

This is why your snippets of news annoy me, they frequently make no sense...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Really? Well they usually don't, this one was just a mistake.

I got the information from somebody, who said opening, so I asked him if he meant ending, and he did make a mistake, I was just following his original post.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Dude, calm the heck down. Ok, there may be more Gyms and Badges, but does it really flipping matter? Ash will get the Eight Badges from Unova. There's no denying it will happen, it's been done before. He just has a case to hold all of them. Get over yourself and this petty argument here.

Get back on topic here. Any more posts on this argument will result in warnings/bans.

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

But in the interest of keeping this topic on topic and unlocked, I present some interesting trivia regarding the BW series. The only episode thus far not to feature a new Pokémon is BW007. AMAZING HUH?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I brought us back on topic... slightly... >.>

You always delete my most bitter and scathing comments, you big meanie. :p

But hey, I realised I never commented on the second half of the Emonga/Snivy jealousy skit.

In short, I wanted to punch that annoying little flying rat right in the middle of the face. Snivy, as ever, is too cool. On a more disturbing tangent... Bianca's hair when everything got thunderbolt'd... it looked rally cool. Cilan's was just terrifying.

NEXT WEEK: Angry candles firing balls of shadow energy. You know, if the Pokémon world were real, no-one would ever feel safe to leave their houses.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Watched BW25 at last.

I find it really funny Arti keeps saying how fast and evasive Ishizumai is to dodge attacks and half the time it just sits there and spams Protect.


Hahakomori why u keep do special attack, you're a physical sweeper
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Episode 22's summary.

Pokemon: Black and White Episode 22: Hiun City! Fushide Panic!

The Episode starts at night time, with a Team Rocket Helicopter flying above the Desert Resort, with a Purple beam, shooting from a laser on the bottom of the Helicopter, it’s scanning the ground below. Inside the Helicopter, the Meteorite is in a glass spherical case, with wires attached to it at the top and two big wires, with circular connectors on the sides of the case. Jessie asks if they can sense anything, James says there is no response, Flint is in the Helicopter, in the same room separate from the Piloting room. Flint asks Professor Seger how it is coming along, the professor says that it’s going to their liking, if it continues at the same rate. Meowth, looking at a laptop says that the energy reading on the land is already at 1216, James looks at another screen, saying that he’s picking up something from the sensor. Seger looks at a screen in front of him, on it, energy appears to be gathering, he says that they have finally found it, the Meteorite. The Helicopter has stopped, the scanner is aimed at a spot on the ground, below the surface of the ground is a yellow glowing rock, the meteorite they need.


Ash and co. are walking through the streets of Castelia during the day, they pass the Pokemon Center, Ash says that he can finally challenge the gym now. Iris says that it sure is huge, Cilan agrees, he says that it is famous for having tasty ice creams, Casteliacones, he’d like to eat one while they’re here, Iris heartedly agrees. Iris says that they should get one before the gym challenge, Ash stops Iris, he says that they can get one when the gym challenge is over, Pikachu agrees. They come close to the center of Castelia City, Cilan says the path through it, leads them to the gym, they can make a detour right through the central area. They’re walking along a path of the central area, park sort of area, Iris asks Ash if he is prepared, Ash says that as of right now, his plan is to battle with a passionate impression. They turn to their left a bit, and they see a group of trees near them, in the center, Burgh is there, he has one leg on the the leg of a tree, he’s standing, right hand on his chin, head up, thinking about something. Ash says Burgh’s name, Burgh turns to see who called his name and he notice Ash, later on Ash tells Burgh that they were heading for a gym challenge in Castellia, right now. Burgh says that they have to wait a bit though, because something is troubling him, Burgh looks away, Burgh asks what it is, Burgh says that he can sense a commotion from some Bug Pokemon, since last night. Iris mentions that Bug Pokemon make noises when trouble is about to approach. Burgh agrees, he says that unlike people, Bug Pokemon have the power to sense electromagnetic waves, which humans can’t do, Iris feels something too. Iris points to a direction saying where it is coming from a place, later they come to where she says it is coming from, Cilan says that they’ve ended up at the Castelia Ice shop, where it’s closed. Ash asks Iris, what the matter with her is, he says that she just wanted an Ice Cream, Iris says it isn’t it, Pikachu sighs but behind them is a Manhole cover on the ground, Pikachu senses something so he turns around on Ash’s left shoulder. Pikachu looks at it, he jumps off of Ash and he comes to the Manhole, Ash asks if something is wrong, so Pikachu points to the Manhole cover. They all turn around and they look at it, Ash asks Burgh what is down there, to which Burgh responds by saying that it’s an underwater canal. Burgh says that it is connected to a river, that stretches as far as he remembers, it appears to stretch to even the Desert Resort, Burgh remembers something, he says that Pokemon have travelled through the underpass, from the Desert, before, Ash says that down there might be something, Burgh tells them that they should take a look down there.

They walk around in the canal, along a path on the right, Ash sees something sticking out of a pipe wondering what it is, so he pulls out his Pokedex. It says, “Venipede, the Centipede Pokemon. It uses it’s head and tail to feel with it, it catches and explores vibrations surrounding it.” Ash puts his Pokedex away and they run to the stuck Pokemon, Ash mentions again that is has a sense of feel. The Pokemon wiggles as it is stuck, Iris is wondering what it is doing, Cilan says that he thinks it’s head is stuck and it wants to be free. Ash says that they should help it out, Ash is about to grab it, until Burgh stops him, saying that it’s special ability is Poison Point, if Ash touches it, Ash will become poisoned. Ash says that it’s struggling though, it shouldn’t stay here, Ash breaks out from, Burgh stopping Ash and he grabs Venipede, he pulls it out, which causes Ash to fall on the cement/sidewalk of the underground canal. Iris asks if Ash is alright, he says yes, Venipede falls in front of Ash on the ground as well, Ash sits up and after Venipede sees Pikachu looking at it, it goes back against the wall in the canal and Venipede uses a screech attack. Burgh says that they should have foreseen it and Ash ask it to stop using Screech, Venipede stops it and it’s head falls down, it has a bruise on it’s back, it closes it’s eyes, looking like it’s in pain, Ash gets on his knees, he asks if it hurt, so Ash says that Venipede was being reckless, even though it knew it’s body was in such a condition. Ash says it needs to treat Venipede right away, Venipede opens it’s eyes and it looks up at Ash, Venipede’s antenna’s shake, Cilan tells Ash to watch out because it might counteract, Iris tells Ash to quit it, Ash tells Venipede that it wont hurt it, Ash tells it politely to calm down, Venipede launches itself, to knock Ash over, but Ash catches it in his hands. Ash is holding it, he says that he himself is alright, Ash says that he just wants to help out, Pikachu talks to Venipede so Ash and Venipede look at Pikachu, Venipede and Ash go back to looking at each other, Ash asks if it understands now, Venipede nods as it understand, as Ash says it is a relief a purple line appears over his nose, Ash has become sick. Ash puts Venipede on the ground, in between his legs, he tells Burgh to treat it now, Ash falls on the ground, they’re all worried, Cilan tells them that Ash has become poisoned, Iris asks if they have an antidote, Cilan says that he is sure that they have some, Burgh says that he will treat Venipede.

Later on, Ash is awake and he is being fed some medicine that Cilan is giving Ash, from a spoon, Ash thanks Cilan, he thanks him because he is still alive, Cilan tells Ash that it’s alright, Iris sprays Venipede with a antidote spray, and Venipede’s bruise clears. Burgh puts a white bandage over the bruise, he says that Venipede’s treatment has also finished, Ash thanks Burgh, Burgh says it’s alright because the important thing is, what Ash did, touched his pure heart. Iris places an Oren Berry next to Venipede, she tells it to eat it, so that it can feel better, Venipede sucks the Oren Berry’s food out of it, until it is reduces to a thin rotting berry. Ash tells Venipede that it is all better, Burgh mentions that they have to think about something else, why was it’s head stuck in the pipe. Cilan hears a noise and he wonders what it is, he looks behind him, and he sees a path connecting the two sides of the Canal, and at the ends of the paths are tunnels, a swarm of Venipede travel from the left tunnel to the right. They are all shocked, Burgh says that Venipede are supposed to be outside of Castelia city in the Desert, and he still wonders why they are here. They are passing down the two sides of the Canal as well, one of them in the swarm, uses Screech which hurt the groups ears again, Burgh says that they appear to be mad, Ash asks why and some of the Venipede shoot some Mud Shot attacks at the group, but the group dodges them, Burgh says it is bad and they have to get out of there, Ash wonders about the hurt Venipede that they befriended. Ash stands there while the rest of them run away, Burgh says they have to run for now, Iris tells Ash to hurry and Ash tells Venipede to take care before he runs off as well. They are all out of the manhole and on the street from before, Ash’s top half of his body is outside and the lower half inside the canal, looking at what’s happening, the Venipede are all causing Chaos, a group of them are pushing over a truck and other ones are carrying away a woman. And they’re firing Mud Shot’s everywhere, so a Police motorcycle pulls up, it’s officer Jenny, and in her sidecar, is a Herdier, Jenny says it’s dangerous and they all need to leave the area. Burgh asks what is going on, Jenny says that a swarm of Venipede are swarming the city, Cilan asks why, so Jenny explains that Professor Juniper is looking into it. A big explosion goes up, a dust cloud is rising from in the distance, Burgh says that it came from the Pokemon Center in the city, so Ash says that they should go and take a look.

They come to near the Pokemon Center, a bunch of Venipede have been knocked out, they look at a group of trainers near the Pokemon Center, one has a Darmanitan, one has a Pignite and another person has a Pansear, but Ash notices someone else, he notices someone with those trainers, Trip. Trip turns around seeing Ash, but he quickly ignores him, Ash is shocked, Trip tells Lampent to come out, a Pokemon comes out, Ash doesn’t know what is, so he looks it up on his Pokedex, it says, “Lampent, the Lamp Pokemon. It is able to float in the air. In the past they lived deep within the forrest, but they now usually live in large cities and towns.”. Trip tells the other 3 trainers that they should do it together, Trip and the 3 other trainers with fire Pokemon all call for a flamethrower, Darmanitan, Pignite, Pansear and Lampent all fire a Flamethrower attack. The attacks hit a bunch of Venipede’s so another group of Venipede’s attack back, the Venipede’s fire a couple of Mud Shot attacks at them, they explode in the air. Trip tells them to stay focused and the others need to keep using Flamethrower, but Ash gets in front of Trip, telling him that he has to stop what he is doing. Trip tells Ash to move out of his way, or Ash will become their opponent as well, Ash asks him why he is attacking the Venipede, Trip responds by saying that that they are barricading the humans and that it’s understandable that they should take matters into their own hands. Ash says Juniper is currently investigating why it is happening though, Ash tells them to not attack for now, Trip says that Ash is naive, Trip says that place they are in now and Kanto, are completely different. Ash gets angry, a man approaches them as well, saying that whatever is happening, needs to be addressed as soon as possible, the man is the mayor, he says that if this continues, Castelia will plunge into Chaos, as well as the Venipede’s poison being dangerous. The mayor says that they need to trap the Venipede, or they need to evacuate the humans, Burgh tells the Mayor to wait, he says that containing the Venipede, will only anger them more and they will rebel even more.

The Venipede’s antenna's start to shake and Burgh says that if they started a fight with them, it wouldn’t help anyone, so the Mayor asks Burgh if there is another option, Burgh says yes, if they bring the Venipede to the central area of Castelia, they can find out as to why they are acting the way they are. Jenny tells the Mayor that the Police and Juniper are investigating as well, Ash, Iris and Cilan plead to the mayor, to listen to them. So the Mayor asks them, how they will get the Venipede to gather in the central area, Burgh tells him that they need to find the leader and if they can get the leader to follow them, the rest will follow. The Mayor understands, so he tells them that they should try their plan, but if they can’t do the task, the others will take the problem into their own hands, he asks if they agree and Burgh says yes. Burgh says that they will go and find the leader straight away, Burgh tells Cilan to get Nurse Joy, they will need Audino’s help later, Cilan understands, so Cilan runs off and Iris, Burgh and Ash run the other way and Trip wonders about the Venipede leader. At Junipers lab, a guy and girl are on back to back computers, Juniper is behind the man, looking at a compute screen on a wall, the man turns around, telling Juniper that the date from the EXA observation satellite, has been received. The screen on the wall changes to a view of the Unova region, a picture of the desert pops up on the screen of the map, the man asks Juniper why need the satellite to find out about what’s going on with the Venipede. Under the picture of the Desert, pops ups a picture of Castelia, Juniper says that Venipede burry underground and they build their nests in the Desert Resort and the cause of the Venipede moving, could be because of a disruption within the earth’s ground(Team Rocket). Back in Castelia, Ash, Burgh and Iris are running through a street, Ash asks how they will find the leader, Burgh says that wild Pokemon stick side by side, when danger occurs. So they need to find a swarm, gathering around a certain one, and that will be the leader, but leaders are always in a place where they can keep an eye on their swarm. They stop, they look around the city, Iris wonders if the one she sees could be the one, she points to one, in the middle of the edge, of a nearby building, and Ash mentions that the one Iris pointed out, has a bigger body. Burgh says that is another way, to locate the leader, but if it the leader, it will come down to challenge them, the one Iris pointed out eventually jumps off of the building and it lands on the ground without a problem. Burgh goes closer to it, he asks if it is the leader and he says that if it stays where it is, the swarm will be in danger, he tells it to follow him, the Venipede fires a Mud Shot, but Burgh dodges it, the Mud Shot hits a building behind Burgh, but Burgh tells Venipede to calm down.

Trip calls for a flamethrower, Trip is near the group and Lampent fires a flamethrower at the leader, but the leader of the Venipede jumps and dodges. Ash tells Trip to stop it, Venipede fires a Mud Shot, but Trip tells Lampent to dodge it, so Lampent does, Ash tells Trip that he shouldn’t attack, without a reason. Trip says that if the leader will be defeated, the swarm will fall apart, Trip says that is his reason for attacking Venipede. Iris asks Trip how he could say it so calmly, Ash says that they have agreed to lead them to the central area, without hurting them, but Trip disagrees, he says that the leader of the swarm wont listen to them. Trip tells Lampent, that it’s the others, or them, Lampent fires a shadow ball, Ash jumps in front of the leader and the Shadow Ball hits Ash instead, sending Ash flying past the leader and he falls not to far away, on his back. Trip tells Ash that it was pointless for him to do it, Burgh tells Trip to stop it, as the Venipede shake their antenna’s the bandaged one from earlier comes in, it talks to the leader and the injured one moves on, over to Ash. The Venipede rubs against Ash showing affection, Ash recognizes it, he tells Venipede that he is fine, Ash tells Trip to observe that the Venipede can be nice Pokemon. Ash says that there is really no need to attack them, Trip tells Ash that the reason doesn’t matter, but the outcome does, Burgh tells Trip that he is being unjust. He tells Trip that their pure hearts have yet to bloom and reach them, Iris agrees and Ash says that until then, Trip should hold off. Cilan’s voice calls out for Burgh, Cilan is running in, along with Nurse Joy and her Audino, Trip returns Lampent to it’s Pokeball, Trip says that they can do what they want, but he doesn’t exactly agree with them. Iris asks what is with his attitude, Burgh tells Joy that Audino should use Heal Pulse to calm the Venipede, Joy understands, so she tells Audino to use Heal Pulse, Audino creates a pink ball of energy, in between it’s hands, the ball grows and explodes, shooting a wave of healing energy spreading. The wave of healing energy calms the Venipede, Burgh brings out a shell and he tells the Venipede to follow him, the shell is a flute, Burgh plays a gentle tune from it, Cilan says it’s an insect pipe, Burgh walks away whilst he still blows the flute, the Venipede follow Burgh and Iris praises Burgh for doing it. Burgh stops, he says that he’ll go to the central area and he asks Ash and the others to lead the other Venipede, into the Swarm that are following him and Burgh continues to walk whilst playing the Insect Flute.

Nurse Joy and Audino wave goodbye, Joy says that she will help out too, Ash and Pikachu run to a nearby alley way, Ash finds four Venipede, so Ash chucks one of his Pokeballs, and out comes his Pidove. He tells Pidove to use gust, to send the Venipede, back to the swarm, Pidove gets behind the Venipede, the Venipede turn around to face Pidove, Pidove’s wings glow light blue and it swishes it’s wings, causing big gusts of wind. It moves them, so the Venipede walk back to the swarm themselves, after Ash and Pikachu get out of their way, so Ash tells Pidove that it did good. Iris is on a building, where some Venipede are on the rim/the edge of the building, Axew jumps from her shoulder, Iris tells Axew to use Dragon Rage, it caused a Dragon Sneeze instead, a big explosion cloud causes Iris and Axew to be covered in dust from the smoke, Iris says that it didn’t work again, so the Venipede walk down the building and they join the Swarm. Iris and Axew fist bump each other, while Iris tells Axew that they did it. Some Venipede are running towards Cilan and his Pansage, Cilan tells Pansage to use a light flavored, Bullet Seed attack. The weakly Bullet Seeds, fire from Pansage’s mouth, causing the Venipede to become unbalanced, so the Venipede walk back into the Swarm following Burgh. Two Venipede’s are butting heads in anger, Joy tells Audino to use Heal Pulse, the Heal Pulse ball fires, growing and exploding, sending healing waves around the two Venipede, which makes them happy and they walk back to the Swarm. Ash sees some more Venipede on the side of a building, Pidove flies towards them but one the Venipede, fires a Mud Shot, Pidove becomes scared, Trip calls out for an Air Cutter. Trip’s Tranquill appears, it uses Air Cutter destroying the Mud Shot, which causes Pidove to fall and land in Ash’s hands, Ash looks at Trip and Trip tells Tranquill to use Air Cutter to send them back, into the swarm. Tranquill fires an Air Cutter, so the Venipede get blow off of the building, they then crawl down the building and into the Swarm. Ash starts to smile, he tells Pidove to use Gust, the Gust attack fires and some more Venipede get blown away, until they walk back into the Swarm. Pidove becomes happy as it’s in the air, it becomes shocked, it’s body becomes a light blue colour, green bits of Aura circle Pidove, as it glows and it changes shape, Ash’s Pidove is now a Tranquill. So, Ash looks it up on his Pokedex (Really Ash? You checked that info like 12 episodes ago), it says, “Tranquill, the wild Pigeon Pokemon. It evolves from Pidove. It can return to where their trainer is, not counting for how far away it is.”, Ash tells Tranquill to use Gust, to send the separated Venipede, back into the swarm. Tranquill claps it’s wings, causing a big gust to blow, which makes the Venipede blow back, until they walk back into the rest of the Swarm. Trip tells his to use Aerial Ace, Tranquill is coming close to the Venipede, which blows them up in the air and Tranquill flies under them, the Venipede fall on the ground and they walk into the Swarm. Ash smiles, he looks at Trip, Trip sees Ash and he turns away whilst Ash still smiles.

At Junipers lab, the same man tells her as they are looking at the same screen, that he is picking up a signal of an unusual energy, Juniper tell him to follow through, so he agrees. A map of the Desert Resort, with arrows from over Unova, moving in and pointing to the Desert, shows up on the screen. The man says that there is a strange occurrence in the Desert Resort and that two unfamiliar energy’s are fusing together, so Juniper wonders, what is happening in the Desert Resort. Later on, a plane is flying through an afternoon sky full of clouds, in it is Giovanni, he is sitting in a seat, with a table in front of him, with a computer on the table. A Team Rocket grunt appears on the screen, he says that they will be arriving in Unova, very soon, Giovanni understand, he looks above the compute screen thinking about the meteonite. Giovanni has an evil laugh, he says that everything that will happen, will happen for the glory or Team Rocket. Back to Castelia City, it’s night time, all of the Venipede’s are in the central part of Castelia, Officer Jenny is making sure the Venipede don’t escape, by using two Herdier’s as a barrier, Ash is kneeling down at the injured Venipede from before, he says that it’s a relief and that they were able to move everybody there without anyone getting hurt. The Mayor says that it is a true relief to the residents, he tells Burgh that he did a good job, he says that Mayor should really thank Ash, Iris, Cilan and Trip too. Ash says that they were just following Burgh’s orders, Cilan says that they knew it would lead to what happened, Iris agrees, the Mayor says thanks, he says that is a relief. Ash turns around and he sees Trip walking away, Ash asks where he is going and Trip mentions, the next town, Ash asks Trip about his gym challenge, Trip responds by saying that the problem with Venipede, wont be resolved for sometime. Trip says that he shouldn’t have to waist time, when he can battle a gym that is running now, Trip walks away, Iris calls Trip and impossible lad, Cilan mentions that Trip’s afterglow taste, only lasted a couple of seconds, but when it comes to it, Trip has his own taste. Ash asks for a battle, when they next meet, Trip asks Ash if he could win at all, when the time comes.

A Helicopter lands on a nearby building’s Helipad , Juniper steps out, Ash is on the building, he runs to Juniper, Juniper says that she knows what happened, because of Officer Jenny, everyone from before, except Joy, Audino and Trip, are on the building, Juniper says that they did a good job. Burgh asks Juniper why the Venipede made such a big migrate, she holds up a portable screen, on the screen is the one with the arrows pointing to the Desert, Juniper tells them to take a look. She says they found a mysterious Energy in the Desert Resort, Burgh says that it disturbed the Venipede so much, that they had to move. Juniper agrees, the Mayor asks Juniper what the energy is, Juniper says that she is about to find out right now. Jenny says that she’ll go too, Ash asks if him and his friends can go too, Juniper tells Ash that it would be too much trouble, Ash tells Juniper that he befriended a Venipede, which suffered from the cause. He says that it’s the reason, as to why he wants to help the Venipede, as well as to restore peace to their home. She understands, they all smile, but Juniper has a condition, if they run into trouble they will have to listen to Officer Jenny. Ash and co. agree, Burgh wants to go, but he has to attend to the Venipede in the Central Area and that he’ll wait alongside them. Officer Jenny thanks Burgh and Ash tells him to take care of the swarm, he says that they should leave it to them, the sun rises and they take off in the Helicopter, Burgh waves goodbye and he says that he is counting on them, then the Helicopter take off into the distance.

Good Points

- Ash befriending a Venipede

- Trip appearing again

- Debut of Heal Pulse

- Pidove evolving
Bad Points

- I didn’t like the plot

- The Venipede are still ugly to me

- Trip being obnoxious again.

An image from Pokemon Smash's Opening, could Monmen from episode 32, be captured by someone on the main cast?

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

IIRC Monmen's going to be featured in an episode soon... Who knows.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

A picture from episode 30. I think this girl is Druddigon's trainer.



"Ash and his friends are suddenly attacked by the "Cave Pokémon" Druddigon. Iris finds out the reason for Druddigon's rampage. Its Trainer asks Iris to teach her how to raise it."

Also, note the contrasting portraits of Emmy, a novice who can't handle her Pokémon well.




BW033 Title: Elgyem and the Unidentified Flying Object!

Preview for next episode:

Druddigon knows Draco Meteor and Focus Blast (I think) and Axew perfects Dragon Rage. Tepig battles Druddigon, and he's doing pretty well.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I find it a little strange that Ash already has 6 Pokemon.And he's just beaten 3rd Gym Leader.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

More pictures of Episodes 31 and 32.



They seem like interesting episodes, Blitzle's debut is a good thing and I think Cottonee is using Attract.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Attract is overused in B/W... same goes for Protect.

Watched the attack of the haunty candles, and it was a pretty great episode. I enjoyed it, even if I didn't know what any of the people were saying.

Nice to see more of Dwebble, especially since the X-Scissor graphics are among the best in the show. And yay, token Electroball from Pikachu. By far the most interesting turn of events though, was Team Rocket and the gang working together. Even if TR's Pokémon were pretty useless...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Pokemon: Black and White Episode 25: Hiun Gym Match! Purehearted Bug Pokemon Battle!

The episode starts off with the gang outside the Castelia Gym, they walk inside, on the inside, on the sides are a bunch of trees, rocks and moss, they are all amazed at the decoration of the inside, Cilan says that it’s like a Botanical Garden. They come to a door, it’s an automatic sliding door and it opens before they come towards it, they pass through it and a voice is sounding, the voice is telling something to eat plenty of something. The door closes behind them, after the gang heres the voice, they turn to their right, as they see another forest like area, the voice was Burgh and he is sitting on a tree branch, feeding berries to a Sewaddle, out of a leaf. Ash calls out Burghs name, Burgh turns to see Ash, he says that they are here, he jumps down in front of them, on the shiny blue floor, in between the forest areas on the left and right sides of the building. Burgh welcomes Ash to the gym, Ash thanks Burgh and he says that they should do the gym battle now.


They walk to a big open area, where there is still a blue shiny floor, trees still surrounding them and above is a dome shaped glass roof. Cilan is amazed to see that there are so many trees inside a building, Cilan turns to Burgh and he says that it is truly amazing, Burgh says that he got some of the trees from Pinwheel Forest (Sure, why not), so the bug Pokemon inside, would be comfortable. He says that bug Pokemon like a green area anyway and in a place like where they are, their inspirations will blossom. Cilan says that what he said, is just like him, Burgh asks what mood Ash is in today, Ash says that he’s in a completely perfect mood and he says that he will get his badge. Burgh says that he can’t wait to see what type of battle, Ash will show him, Burgh clicks his fingers and the floor in the middle shakes, sliding doors in the floor open, and a normal Pokemon battlefield arises. Ash thinks that it is awesome, Ash and Burgh are now on opposite sides of the battle field, a referee is on the sidelines and Iris and Cilan are standing on the sidelines as well. Burgh says the gym battle will now begin, the referee says that only 3 Pokemon are permitted and the match will end when the respective Pokemon can’t battle anymore. Burgh says that since he is the gym leader, he will show his Pokemon first, he calls for Dwebble to come out, Dwebble comes out, Iris says to Cilan that the rock on it’s back is different than his. A picture of Cilan’s Dwebble is shown, Cilan’s Dwebble has a darker rock and it’s eyes are closer together. Cilan says that the rock is different, Iris wonders what Pokemon Ash will bring out against a Rock/Bug type Pokemon, so Ash sends out Tepig, Iris mentions that Ash is starting off with a strong plan and Cilan agrees. The referee tells them to begin, Ash tells Tepig to use tackle, Tepig charges down the field, Burgh tells Dwebble to dodge, Dwebble dodges, so Ash tells Tepig to use tackle gain. Tepig turns around and charges at Dwebble again, but Burgh tells Dwebble to use dig, Dwebble digs underground, Tepig misses and Dwebble comes out of the ground. It slams into Tepig, Tepig falls on the ground, Burgh tells Dwebble to use X-scissor, Ash tells Tepig to dodge it, but the attack hits Tepig hard and Ash says it was fast. Iris thinks that Dwebble is light, Burgh says that the rock on Dwebble’s back is specially made, compared to the others, it isn’t heavy, It attends and makes it’s environment quick and exquisite, Ash tells Tepig to use ember, it fires an ember, but Burgh tells Dwebble to use Protect. Burgh tells Dwebble to use X-Scissor, it hits Tepig, Tepig is fine, Ash tells it to use tackle, the attack hits Dwebble, Ash congratulates Tepig, he tells it to finish Dwebble off, Ash tells Tepig to use Flame Charge. Tepig gets prepared, Burgh tells Dwebble to use Protect, Tepig hits the blue protect shield and it bounces off hard, so Burgh calls for a Rock Wrecker, Dwebble creates a red outlined stone, it forms in between it’s claws, the rock grows and it fires at Tepig.

The dust cloud from the attack, that hit Tepig clears, Tepig is unconscious so Ash returns it to it’s Pokeball, Cilan says that attacking using Rock Wrecker at close range is a strong maneuver, Iris asks Cilan, if he means that Burgh lured Tepig, Cilan says yes. He says that he was waiting for Tepig to get closer, so that Dwebble could attack, he also says that it is something they should expect from Burgh. Burgh asks Ash, what his next Pokemon will be, Iris wonders what sort of Pokemon Ash has, that could match up against Dwebble, Cilan says that Ash could use Oshawott and his water attacks, or Pikachu with his Iron Tail. Ash says that it’ll be bug, against bug, he throws a Pokeball calling for Sewaddle to come out, Sewaddle comes out, Iris and Cilan are shocked, Cilan says that it is Ash’s taste after all. Burgh wonders if it is the Sewaddle from before, Ash agrees, a flashback of Leavanny making Sewaddle’s new leaf, for it’s head, is shown, Burgh says that Leavanny made Sewaddle’s new leaf after all. Ash thanks Burgh for that again, Burgh says that it looks good on it anyway, but it wont stop Burgh from tearing the leaf into shreds and that they have to put aside, personal emotions in the gym battle. Burgh says that it probably has gotten stronger, he is looking forward to seeing Sewaddle battle. Iris wonders if Ash is at a disadvantage, since Burgh knows Sewaddle, Cilan disagrees, he says that Burgh hasn’t seen Sewaddle battle yet, Ash tells Sewaddle to use razor leaf, but Burgh tells Dwebble to use Protect, the leaves bounce off of the shield. Burgh tells Dwebble to use X-Scissor, Dwebble jumps in the air, it’s claws glow blue, it goes in for an attack, but Ash tells Sewaddle to use String Shot to dodge, Sewaddle fires a String Shot attack, at the ceiling. The X-Scissor missed, because Sewaddle rises into the air because it’s brining in it’s string shot, Iris calls Sewaddle swift, Burgh says that it is an exquisite way to dodge, exactly like Bug Pokemon, Burgh likes it. Ash tells Sewaddle to use Bug Bite, Sewaddle jumps to attack Dwebble with Bug Bite, but Burgh tells Dwebble to use Protect, Sewaddle bounces off of the protection shield. Burgh tells Dwebble to use Rock Wrecker, Dwebble gets prepared, Iris says that Burgh waited for Ash’s Pokemon to get close again, the Rock Wrecker fires, Ash tells Sewaddle to dodge with string shot, Sewaddle fires a string to the right, it attaches to the right side wall, keeping the trees in. The attack misses, Ash tells Sewaddle to use Razor Leaf. Burgh tells Dwebble to use Protect, so the leaves bounce off of the protect shield, Cilan says that Protect will be a problem, Ash wonders what to do, Burgh tells Dwebble to use Rock Wrecker, the attack fires. Ash tells Sewaddle to use String Shot to engulf the rock, Sewaddle shoots a long string around the Rock, which stops it, Burgh tells Dwebble to use X-Scissor, Ash tells Sewaddle to use tackle, Sewaddle knocks Dwebble, hard which sends it falling out of it’s shell, Ash tells Sewaddle to use Razor Leaf, which sends Dwebble flying out of its shell and it falls. Burgh tells Dwebble to get the shell back, Ash tells Sewaddle to use tackle, Sewaddle lifts Dwebble up into the air, it falls on the ground and Ash tells Sewaddle to finish it off with Razor Leaf, Razor Leaf fires causing a dust cloud, it clears and the attack knocked Dwebble unconscious.

Burgh returns Dwebble to it’s Pokeball, Burgh praises Ash’s Sewaddle, Ash thanks Burgh and Burgh sends out his next Pokemon, a Whirlipede, Ash wonders what the Pokemon is, so he brings out his Pokedex, it says “Whirlipede, the Cocoon Centipede Pokemon. It evolves from Venipede and it is protected by its hard body. Spinning in the form of a tire, can allow it to violently rampage it’s opponent.”,. So Burgh asks it Whirlipede’s pure heart, is burning bright, Whirlipede spins, it’s spikes on it’s sides, create blades. Iris says that it’s another mismatched opponent, Cilan agrees, he says that Whirlipede is a Bug/Poison type, Iris asks Cilan, what would be strong against Whirlipede, Cilan mentions a flying type. Iris says that Tranquill is with Juniper, Cilan says a fire type would be good as well, but Iris says that Tepig was sent out, not that long ago, Iris says the battle will be tough. Ash tells Sewaddle to keep it up, Whirlipede fires a Poison sting, Ash tells Sewaddle to dodge with string shot, String Shot fires at the roof and Whirlipede’s attack dodges, Ash tells Sewaddle to use String Shot on Whirlipede, strings go around Whirlipede, Burgh says that Whirlipede should spin to cut the thread, it does and the string is cut. Ash says that String Shot, has no affect, Burgh tells Whirlipede to use Steam Roller, Whirlipede spins and it’s round blades are outlined in silver. It goes towards Sewaddle, it hits Sewaddle, Iris says that it is effective, Burgh tells it to use the same move again, Whirlipede charges towards Sewaddle, Ash tells Sewaddle to use Razor Leaf, but the Razor leaves do nothing and the Steam Roller attacks Sewaddle again. Sewaddle falls on the ground, hurt, Ash asks if it is alright, Sewaddle stands up, Burgh says that it is a strong move, exquisite, Whirlipede’s pure heart is exceeding it’s burning passion. Ash tells Sewaddle to use Bug Bite, Burgh tells Whirlipede to use Iron defense, Whirlipede’s coat shines silver, so Sewaddle bounces off of Whirlipede, Cilan is surprised that it knows Iron Defense and Iris says that the battle is getting harder. Burgh tells Whirlipede to use Steam Roller again, it charges forward and it hits Sewaddle, Sewaddle flies and falls on the field again, Burgh says that it is time to finish it, he tells Whirlipede to use Solarbeam. The spikes on the front of Whirlipede’s body glows yellow, a shinning solar sphere is in between the spikes, a Solarbeam then fires and it hits Sewaddle hard and Ash is worried. Ash tells Sewaddle to hang in, Sewaddle keeps getting hit with the Solarbeam, until the attack disappears, Sewaddle glows light blue, Cilan says that Sewaddle is evolving, Iris thinks it’s cool, green bits of aura circle Sewaddle as it glows light blue and it changes shape. The green bits of aura, and the blue glowing light, covering Sewaddle disappears and Ash’s Sewaddle has evolved into a Swadloon. Ash wonders what it is now, Cilan says that it is a Swadloon, Ash looks it up on his Pokedex, it says, “Swadloon, the Forest wrap Pokemon. The evolved form of Sewaddle. The leaves protecting its body, keep it warm during cold times. Swadloon can raise plants, healthily, as they blossom in the forests, where the Swadloon live.”.

Ash is really excited, Burgh says that it was able to evolve, he says that Swadloon is one of his favourite Pokemon, he is really happy when he is in a forest and he can find a Swadloon. It’s a good place to grow trees, but they are in a gym battle, so he wont go easy on Ash, Ash tells Swadloon to use String Shot, 3 strings shoot out of Swadloon’s mouth, they go around Whirlipede’s body. Burgh tells Whirlipede to spin, to cut the strings off, so Whirlipede spins and it cuts the strings, Ash says that even Swadloon’s String Shot, wont do it. Burgh says that they are beautiful tying abilities, Burgh tells Whirlipede to use Steam Roller, Ash tells Swadloon to dodge by using String Shot, Swadloon fires String Shot at the ceiling, it goes up into the air, but Whirlipede’s Steam Roller cuts the strings. Swadloon falls on it’s back, Whirlipede blades are still outlined in white, they glow brighter and then they dim, Whirlipede goes towards Swadloon using Steam Roller still. Ash tells Swadloon to show it’s evolved strength and to use Energy Ball, Swadloon gets up, it opens its mouth, a small green glowing ball, grows in front of it’s mouth, it fires at Whirlipede, hitting it. Whirlipede flies and falls on it’s side, Ash congratulates Swadloon, Iris says that Swadloon learned Energy ball, Cilan mentions that upon evolving, it has brought out a new taste. Ash tells Swadloon to follow up with Tackle, Swadloon slams into Whirlipede, knocking it over so hard, that it faints. Burgh returns Whirlipede to its Pokeball, Ash congratulates Swadloon again, he says that there is only one Pokemon left, to battle against, so Cilan wonders what Burgh’s last Pokemon will be. Burgh pulls out a Pokeball, with his eyes closed, he raises it into the air, whilst opening his eyes, he calls for Castelia Gym’s guardian, to come out of the Pokeball. Burgh tells Leavanny to come out, Leavanny comes out of it’s Pokeball, Iris knew that Burgh would be using it.

In a warehouse, Team Rocket are there, talking to Giovanni’s secretary, the secretary is on a screen, adjacent to the other side of the briefcase, which is storing equipment. Team Rocket are wearing jackets, covering anything possible underneath, Jessie asks her if they can talk to Giovanni, the secretary says that he is in a meeting, and he can’t be disturbed. James says that he was also in a meeting the day before as well, the secretary says that he is very busy, Jessie asks her, if he has told her, how they can help them at the moment. She says yes, they can do what they like, for now, but still under the name of Team Rocket, she says that it is all and she will be on her way, the transmission of her cuts off and the screen goes blank. Jessie wonders what she means by doing as they please, Meowth says that it is for Team Rocket, James wonders if she was telling them to fight, Meowth says that it feels like Giovanni has abandoned them. Jessie disagrees, she says that Giovanni has high hopes for them, Meowth says that they’ll meet Giovanni’s hopes, by capturing Pikachu, Team Rocket do their motto, and they take off of their jackets, they are now wearing their old white uniforms. Jessie says that they’ll definitely capture Pikachu, they all agree that they can do that, a Yamask comes towards them, Jessie wonders who it is, James says that it’s a Yamask, Yamask is checking out one of the pieces of equipment, inside the briefcase. Jessie says that it would be good if it joined them, Jessie brings out Woobat, James tells her that it looks hungry, James pulls out a jar, which Yamask was looking at, he opens the lid. He puts the jar on the ground, telling Yamask to eat up, after Yamask has had all of the Pokemon food, it lies on the floor, James asks how it was and if it is full. Yamask gets up, James asks if it wants to join, Yamask agrees, James pulls out a Pokeball and Yamask’s head gently touches the Pokeball. James has captured the Yamask. James is happy, Jessie says that it is a good omen, Meowth says that their cheers, goes to Giovanni.

Back to the gym battle, Swadloon fires an Energy Ball, but Burgh tells Leavanny to use protect, so the Energy Ball hits the protection shield. Ash says that Energy Ball wont last, Burgh tells Leavanny to use String Shot, so the string covers most of Swadloon’s body, so Ash tells Swadloon to use Razor Leaf on itself, from the top of it’s head, Iris is shocked, it fires leaves, which come down and cut the string surround Swadloon. Ash thanks Swadloon, he says that it begins right now. Iris says that Ash is getting carried away, Cilan says that it is how a spicy flavor works, Burgh says that Ash took a Risk in doing so and Swadloon also took damage. Burgh says that Ash has a gutsy heart, he orders Leavanny to use Leaf Storm, the Leaf Storm hits Swadloon, Burgh says that it is time to finish things off, he tells Leavanny to finish it off with Hyper Beam. A dust cloud surrounds Swadloon, it eventually clears, the attack knocks out Swadloon, Ash returns Swadloon to it’s Pokeball, Burgh tells Ash to reveal his third Pokemon, Iris says that it will be Ash’s last Pokemon in the gym battle, Cilan wonders what the Pokemon will be. Oshawott pops out of it’s Pokeball, it hits its shell, the shell falls down, it picks it up and puts it on his chest, Pikachu walks next to Oshawott, asking to battle, Ash chooses Pikachu and Oshawott is in complete shock. Ash returns Oshawott to it’s Pokeball, saying that it can battle next time, Burgh wonders if Ash is going with Pikachu, Ash says yes. He tells Pikachu that it’s up to him, Burgh says that Pikachu’s are rare in Unova, but this is a gym, it doesn’t matter what Pokemon battles, because he knows the weaknesses of lots of Pokemon. Ash says that his Pikachu is different, he cheers Pikachu on, Iris says that Ash is choosing Pikachu after all and Cilan says that Pikachu is Ash’s number one vintage, Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt.

Burgh tells Leavanny to dodge it, Leavanny goes on all fours, the Thunderbolt passes over Leavanny, Ash tells Pikachu to use Iron tail, Pikachu goes in to attack, Burgh calls out for Leavanny to use Protect. Leavanny, which is now standing, uses Protect, Pikachu’s Iron Tail hits the Protect shield, Pikachu falls back, Burgh tells Leavanny to use Leaf Storm, the Protect goes away, it gathers leaves around its body, the leaves shoot out, towards Pikachu. Ash tells Pikachu to counter with Thunderbolt, the two attacks collide in the center, Burgh is surprised, he tells Leavanny to use String Shot, the String wraps around Pikachu, making a Toga shaped covering over Pikachu’s body. Burgh tells Leavanny to use Leaf Storm, Ash tells Pikachu to dodge it using Quick Attack, Pikachu tries running, but it’s become slow, it walks a bit, looking like it might fall over, the Leaf Storm hits Pikachu, causing a small dust cloud to rise where the attack hit. Pikachu flies a bit, it falls on the ground, not that far away, Burgh mentions that a Pokemon with a large tail, uses it to balance itself, but if someone seals the tail from doing that, it can’t perform at it’s best. Ash tells Pikachu to cut the threads, Pikachu tries bitting them, it even ties pulling on them, Burgh says cutting his Leavanny’s threads, would not be a simple thing to do. Burgh tells Leavanny to use Leaf Storm, the attack hits Pikachu, causing yet another black dust cloud, Pikachu flies out of it and hits the ground again. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, Pikachu shoots off a Thunderbolt, but it goes over Leavanny’s head, Cilan is sweating because he’s worried, he says that Pikachu is unbalanced and that it is unable to aim properly, Burgh tells Leavanny to use Hyper Beam, the attack shoots in front of Pikachu, Pikachu flies and falls down, hard, near the right/center of the field. Burgh asks Ash if he should just give it a rest, Ash asks Pikachu if he is okay, Pikachu says yes, Ash says that himself and Pikachu, will never give up.

Burgh has a serious expression, he tells Leavanny to use another Leaf Storm, leaves start to gather around Leavanny’s body, Ash tells Pikachu to spin and to charge forwards, Pikachu spins and goes forwards, the Leaf Storm hits Pikachu. Iris and Cilan are worried, Burgh is confused, Pikachu lands perfectly, the strings around it’s body fall off, after being cut by the leaves, Ash cheers Pikachu on, Pikachu looks at it’s tail, as it is now free to move, Burgh says that Ash’s risky strategies, surprises him. Burgh calls for another String Shot, Ash tells Pikachu to dodge it with Quick Attack, Pikachu charges leaving behind a sparkling white line, it dodges multiple String Shot attack, Iris says that Pikachu has its speed back. Burgh tells Leavanny, to keep using String Shot, Ash tells Pikachu to face it head on, with a Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt, destroys the String Shot, Cilan mentions that Pikachu’s aim is spot on, Ash tells Pikachu to use Iron Tail, Pikachu’s tail, is covered in Iron, it strikes down on Leavanny’s neck, Burgh is worried, Ash tells Pikachu to use Electro Ball. The Electro Ball forms in front of Pikachu’s erect tail, Pikachu swishes its tail, the Electro Ball shoots down the field, it hits Leavanny, creating a huge explosion cloud, the cloud clears and Leavanny is on the ground and it has fainted. The Referee declared Pikachu and Ash the winner, Ash and Pikachu are excited, Iris says that Ash has won, Cilan says that the battle was full of surprises and it was a spicy battle. Ash is at the middle of the field, with Pikachu, Tepig and Swadloon near him, Burgh walks up to Ash, he says that he was a strong trainer from the start, he congratulates Ash, he says that this is proof of his win at the Castelia Gym, Burgh holds out an opened hexagonal box, the Insect Badge is inside it, Ash grabs the Badge. Ash holds up the Badge in the air, in excitement, his Pokemon that he used in the battle jump up alongside Ash as well, being joyful, Ash places the badge in his Badge case. He says to Iris and Cilan that he got the badge, Iris says that she was worried for a second, Cilan says that everyday, Ash brings out a new flavor, Burgh says that it was a spectacular victory, he tells Ash to keep it up, for the other Gym Battles, Ash says yes. Outside the Gym, in the afternoon, Burgh tells Ash to be careful on his journey, Ash says thank, to Burgh, Cilan says that they will meet again, Iris says to take care of the Bug Pokemon. Ash, Iris and Cilan walk away, into the distance as they head for there next journey.

Good Points

- Swadloon evolving

- Swadloon using new moves and it’s battle style

- The Battle was okay

- James finally getting a Pokemon, and on top of that, a Yamask

- Team Rocket are back to their old selves for now and they are wearing their white outfits

Bad Points

- Burgh seemed a bit arrogant at some points

- Some parts of the battle, were a bit boring

- Swadloon’s expression.

I can't wait until Episode 31, because Blitzle and Joltik, look so good in the anime. :)
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes


Emongaaaaa yes yes my body is ready

And that was basically BW27. It was also a bit funny that the BW Surfing Music plays when Iris gets Emonga. Since BW28 continues after that, I'll be watching it too. I'm skipping Litwick mansion because I have no interest.

With Madoka Magica's final 2 episodes not getting the green light from MBS, BW is literally the only anime on my watch list now :(