Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

in episode 31 oshawatt lost his scalchop so in a picture he has a joltic on his tummy so i think he used it to replace the shell
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Sean said:
in episode 31 oshawatt lost his scalchop so in a picture he has a joltic on his tummy so i think he used it to replace the shell

Yeah, we kind of already know that, the picture is on the same page, as this one.

Anyway, some picture of the Druddigon episode, from Pokemon Smash.





RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Looks like Dragon Claw.

And I see Team Rocket are bringing the rain...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Pokemon Black and White Episode 27: Beware of Cute Faces! Emonga Paralyzes!!

The episode starts off during daytime, in a forest sort of Area, there is a tree with multiple Apples hanging off of some branches, 3 Patrat walk along one Branch, they stand in a line, they jump up and down hard. Until, some apples fall off of the tree branch that they are jumping on, lots of them fall down, the Patrat jump and they land on the ground. They jump, whilst having their eyes closed, in excitement of getting the apples, an Emolga appears behind a nearby tree, it’s standing on a branch, it moves it’s head, from behind the tree, to spy on the Patrat. It has a devious look on its face, the Patrat are holding some apples, in enjoyment, Emolga glides and lands down in front of them, pretending to faint. The Patrat look over Emolga, Emolga turns to face towards them, it opens its eyes, it winks its left eye, it uses Attract, it affects the Patrat on the right. Patrat become infatuated, it hands its apple to Emolga, Emolga takes the apple, it takes a bite so then it uses Attract on the other two, they all become infatuated, they hand apples to Emolga. Emolga stashes the apples in its mouth, hands, in between its ears and it holds some, using it’s tail, Emolga runs off, the Patrat wave goodbye, they aren’t infatuated anymore and they notice that notice that there is nothing in front of them, except for an apple that has been eaten to it’s core. Emolga is behind a nearby rock, enjoying the apples, as the Patrat become angry.


On a Grassy Hill clearing, with forests near them, Ash, Cilan, Iris and Bianca are sitting at a table eating food, Pikachu and Axew are sitting on a flat, grey rock. Ash rubs his stomach saying that he is full already, Bianca wipes her lips with a serviette, she says that the flavor is the best, it deserves five stars. Cilan’s holding a plate, picking at a piece of bread, with a fork, he says that he is happy that it was so good, to get a compliment like that. Iris is away from the table now, she picks something up saying that if Cilan’s was the best, her desert will be a first rate, she picked up a bowl of apples, Bianca doesn’t understand, she says that the apples look just what they were, when she picked them. Bianca says that a Desert should have fluffy white cream, a look of elegance and grace and a sweet chocolate coating, overall. Iris says that freshly picked fruits, would be good to start off with, Ash and Pikachu are doing some exercises until Oshawott comes out of its Pokeball and it’s on the table, it grabs an apple from Iris’s bowl, Oshawott takes a bite and it seems to like it. Iris tells Axew to have an apple, she throws it to Axew, it hits its head, the apple rolls down the hill, Axew chases after the apple, the Emolga from before is standing on a tree branch, on the left of Axew, which is running down the hill. The apple hits a rock at the bottom of the hill, it finally lands near it, Emolga happily glides in towards the apple, Emolga lands near the apple, Axew walks up to Emolga and stops. Iris is running down the hill, still holding the bowl of apples, Ash, Iris and Pikachu run down the hill, but they stop at the bottom, at the sight of Emolga, Ash looks it up on his Pokedex. It says, “Emolga, the Flying Squirrel Pokemon. They live above trees in forests. It uses its thin elastic cape, to fly into the air.”, Emolga looks at the apples in Iris’s bowl, it looks at its Apple, it imagines it and Axew in a flowery field, Emolga has an apple, it holds it out for Axew, they both grab onto the apple, Emolga imagines Iris bring it the bowl of apples to it, Iris says that it can have the apples. Emolga’s fantasy ends, it laughs as it’s eyes are closed, it opens them making its eyes seem shiny and cute, Axew and Pikachu kind of like Emolga, but Oshawott, really loves Emolga.

Emolga hands her apple to Axew, Axew takes it, Emolga blushes whilst it brushes Axew’s head with it’s tail. Axew and Emolga dance around being happy, Ash says that he is happy for Axew, Iris thanks Emolga, she holds out the bowl of apples, saying that Emolga can have the apples, if it wants. Emolga goes to grab an apple, until it turns to its right after hearing screaming, Bianca is the one screaming, she’s running down the hill towards Emolga. She comes to bottom of the hill near Emolga, she kneels down she picks Emolga up, caressing Emolga in her arms. Bianca’s eyes are closes while she is smiling and calling it cute, but Bianca is accidentally hurting it, Emolga has had enough. Cilan appears, Bianca stands up, she says that she had made up her mind, to make Emolga her Pokemon, Bianca holds Emolga out in front of her. Emolga struggles to escape Bianca, Ash mentions that Emolga doesn’t like Bianca, Iris says that Bianca should battle it, before she captures it. Bianca says that they are probably right, she puts Emolga down, she throws out a Pokeball, telling Minccino that she is counting on him, Bianca says that they should start, she tells Minccino to use double slap, Minccino’s tail glows white, it swishes its tail, Emolga keeps dodging the attacks. Bianca says that she wont let it get away, she tells Minccino to use Hyper Voice, Minccino’s ears roll up, forward, it takes a big breath, before letting out a big Hyper Voice, it effects Emolga, Bianca tells Minccino to use tickle. Minccino moves its tail, Minccino launches towards Emolga, but Emolga’s body sparks, it shoots out a Discharge attack at Emolga, the electricity reaches out and electrocutes everyone else as well, Bianca says that she feels numb, Iris drops the bowl of apples, and Oshawott jumps in the air, still showing affection towards Emolga. The electricity goes away, Minccino shakes it off, Bianca says that they need to prevent Emolga’s movements, she tells Minccino to use attract, Minccino winks its right eye and pink hearts go towards Emolga, but Emolga winks her left eye, using attract as well. The attacks collide, but only Emolga’s Attract is left, Minccino is in shock, Iris, holding Axew, wonders if it is Attract, Ash says that Emolga can use it too. The Attract circles Minccino, but Oshawott pushes Minccino out of the way, Oshawott gets hit by the Attract, Oshawott is infatuated and it goes towards Emolga. Ash wonders what Oshawott is doing, he returns him to his Pokeball, Emolga flies and lands on a nearby, small tree branch.

Bianca goes towards Emolga, telling it to not run away, Emolga flies away, Minccino is next to Axew, Minccino is in shock, Bianca returns it to it’s Pokeball. Bianca chases after Emolga, Axew, which is still holding it’s apple, picks up another one and it chases after Emolga. Iris asks where Axew is going, she runs after Axew, Ash tells her to wait up, Ash, Pikachu and Cilan follow, Bianca, Axew and Iris. Emolga is flying past a bunch of trees, Bianca is standing, with Axew next to her, saying that Emolga is no where to be seen, Iris comes towards Axew, she stops and asks him what the matter is, Axew talks to Iris whilst holding out an apple. Iris says that it wants to give Emolga, a present, Ash and Pikachu catch up as well, Cilan catches up, he agrees with what Iris said, Ash says that Emolga was unable to eat the apples, because of Bianca. Bianca says that she was just so hyped up, that she wanted to capture it, she calls out for Emolga to wait for her and that she is on her way now. Iris kneels down, she pats Axew on the head, as Axew climbs up Iris’s shoulder and into her hair, Iris says that they should both find Emolga, together. Axew, still holding on to the two apples, and it being in Iris’s hair is really happy, Iris tells Axew to hold on tight, Iris runs up a nearby tree, so Ash says that they should go too, Ash, Pikachu and Cilan run off as well. Bianca, who is slowly running through the woods, sees Iris above her, Jumping from tree to tree, moving forward as well, so Bianca runs waving her arms, screaming out for Iris to wait up. Emolga lands on another tree branch, it looks at 3 apples hanging from a branch above her, she pictures Iris holding a bowl of apples again. Then she pictures Bianca and Minccino, coming closer towards her to capture herself, so she gets angry, Emolga takes two, out of the three apples, it bites off a big piece of the one in its right hand and she bites down hard into the other one in her left hand. Iris is swinging from a vine, wondering where Emolga is, Ash and Cilan come to Bianca, who is sitting on the ground, looking exhausted, so Ash holds out his hand, as Bianca breathes heavily. He asks if she is alright and that she should give up, Bianca knocks Ash’s hand away and she says that she’ll get Emolga, no matter what. She gets up, saying that she wont give up, that easily, she runs off and Cilan tells Ash that she is expressing a hot-headed and exciting taste.

Iris is walking through the woods, saying that Emolga usually live in the woods, but it doesn’t look that way, an eaten apple falls on Axew’s head, Iris and Axew turn to see the apple on the ground. Iris starts to think of something, she turns upwards to see Emolga lying on a tree branch, Iris says that she has found it, Emolga gets up, it looks down towards Iris an Axew, Axew is happy, he throws an apple at Emolga, for her to have and Emolga catches the Apple. Iris says that they want it to eat it, she also tells Emolga that Axew likes her, Axew is happy and Emolga imagines, her and Axew dancing in a field of flowers. Iris walks over to them, with a Bowl of Apples, Iris says that they should eat until they are full. Emolga’s fantasy ends, it puts on a devious face, before it shows off it’s cute eyes, acting nice. Bianca comes running towards them, saying that she found it, she throws out a Pokeball, calling out for Minccino to use Double Slap, Minccino comes out of its Pokeball, Emolga jumps off of the branch, Minccino lands on the branch and it jumps off of it. Minccino’s tail glows white, it goes to hit Emolga with its tail, it misses once, but then it hits Emolga, Emolga creates a glowing yellow, electric ball in between it’s hands, it grows and it shoots off at Minccino, Minccino gets electrocuted, because of it, Minccino falls down, but Bianca holds out its arms and she captures it in her arms. Iris say that the move was Volt Switch, Emolga glides down, it jumps on Bianca’s hat, hurting Bianca’s head, hard, it flies off and Axew runs off of Iris’s shoulder. Axew runs after Emolga, it runs through tall grass and Iris follows after Axew, Bianca sits on the ground, she and Minccino are hurt, she says that they lost again, Ash and Cilan walk towards Bianca. In the tall grass, Axew jumps on a rock, Axew grabs onto Emolga, Axew pulls Emolga down, Axew runs off of a cliff, Emolga tries to fly, but with the wait of Axew, it’s flying above the rocky mountain. Iris runs down the rocky cliff/hill, she jumps and hold Emolga and Axew in her arms, Iris lands and sits on a small ledge, the ledge breaks off and they go sliding down until they reach a deep forest, the ledge hits a tree. The ledge lands on its side against the tree, Iris is sitting with her legs in the air, on the ledge. Emolga and Axew are by her sides, Iris says that it hurts, she asks Axew and Emolga, if they are alright, Iris gets up with Axew on her left shoulder, she wonders where they are and Emolga jumps on top of Iris’s head. She hears a noise, she wonder what it is, eyes start to glow around Iris, within the deep forest, that they are in, Emolga gets angry, but Iris and Axew are scared.

The glowing eyes fade, as the Pokemon reveals themselves to be a group of Swoobat, so Iris says that they have entered into a Swoobat nest. The Swoobat open their wings, off of their bodies, they all use Round, Iris says that she is sorry and she asks the Swoobat to stop. Emolga gets so annoyed that she sparks, until she stops and she fires a Discharge, shocking the Swoobat, as well as Iris and Axew. The Swoobat get electrocuted so much, that they fall to the ground, Iris and Axew are still hurt, Emolga points to a place nearby, Iris follows Emolga’s direction, Cilan, Pikachu and Ash come to the cliff that the Iris fell down. Cilan says that they have managed to fall to the ground below, they look to the big forest below, Ash says that they have made their way, into the deep forest. Cilan mentions that it would be crazy and dangerous, to go down there, Ash asks if they should wait, Bianca yells out that they shouldn’t, Ash, Pikachu and Cilan turn around to see Bianca slowly running with a giant leaf in her right hand. Bianca says that she’ll get Emolga, no matter what, Bianca jumps and she rides the leaf down the cliff, using the bottom stem part, as a steering object, she tells Cilan and Ash, to go with her. Iris is walking through the deep forest, she tells Emolga that although it did save them, she doesn’t want to get caught up in this, Axew spots something, Iris sees it, it’s a lake, she suggests that they should take a break there. Iris is sitting on a mossy tree that has fallen over, and the end of it is in the boarder of the lake, Iris and Axew are standing on the end, near the water. Emolga picks up some water to drink, when it does, Axew starts to splash water which hits Emolga, Emolga becomes frustrated, it closes it’s eyes, it turns to face the lake and it’s body is outlined in a shiny green colour. It creates a green ball, from in between its hands. It shoots the ball and it falls in the water, creating a small wave, Axew is really impressed and happy, Iris says that Emolga is playing, using Hidden Power, so she asks if Axew is delighted. Axew turns to face Emolga, it shakes Emolga’s left hand, asking it do more, Emolga fires 3 Hidden Power orbs, they hit the water, creating three small waves, Iris tells Axew that it is great. Axew jumps around in excitement, Emolga outlines in light green, yet again, it fires one Hidden Power ball, but it’s a bit bigger than the other ones. It creates a big wave, Iris says that it is a bit too much, the wave sends water spitting up in the air and the water falls back down again, the glowing eyes appear, in the same forest, at the other side of the lake.

Emolga and Iris are worried, Axew is smiling, Iris wonders if they are the Swoobat from before, the Swoobat fly up in the air, lots and lots of them fly towards them, Emolga zaps all of the Swoobat with Discharge, Iris runs off with Axew, saying that they need to get out of there. Emolga follows Iris and the group of Swoobat follow them, back with Ash, Cilan and Bianca, the 3 are behind a tree, poking their heads out, they see a rustling in a nearby bush. Ash says that there is something in the bush, Bianca mentions that it’s Emolga, Cilan says that it isn’t because the Pokemon is a larger Pokemon, but Bianca disagrees. Bianca comes out of hiding, she pulls out a Pokeball, she throw out the Pokeball, calling out for Pignite. Pignite comes out of it’s Pokeball, Bianca tells it to use Flamethrower, Pignite fires a Flamethrower through it’s mouth, it hits the bush, engulfing it in flames, a big Pokemon is inside the flames, Cilan recognizes the voice and a Scolipede comes out of the flames, as the fires disappears. Cilan, Ash and Pikachu run off, Bianca and Pignite follow them, with Scolipede following them all. Some Swoobat are circling around a grey, rocky/cliffy, area, Iris is in a cave along with Emolga and Axew, she is hiding behind a rock, which is front of the caves entrance. Iris is surprised that they have cornered them, Iris tells Emolga and Axew to hide until they pass, Emolga holds it’s hands out, like it doesn’t give a Rattata’s behind, Axew copies it, Emolga looks at Axew copying it, Axew looks at Emolga, Emolga smiles and shies away. Scolipede is looking for Ash and the others, Ash, Pikachu, Cilan and Bianca are hiding behind trees, Ash says that they barely managed to escape, they come across a rustling bunch of leaves on a tree branch, Bianca says that it’s Emolga and that it’s hiding above in the tree, Ash asks her if she is sure, Cilan mentions that the way the leaves are moving, it isn’t Emolga’s taste. Bianca disagrees, she throws out a Pokeball, telling Minccino to come out, Minccino comes out in the air, Bianca tells it to use Hyper Voice, Minccino unleashes a Hyper Voice, the leaves shake and a Galvantula falls out of the tree, it looks angry, Bianca asks why, Galvantula zaps Ash, Bianca, Cilan and Minccino, they are on the ground in pain.

The Swoobat are on a high, but not so high ledge, on the opposite side of the cave, with the flat rocky ground in the middle. Iris says that they are still there, they are really insistent, Swoobat fly and land on a right and left flat rock, on the main ledge and some land on one at the back and one lands on a small one in front of the other flat rocks. They all use Round, Iris says no, she covers her ears, asking them to cut it out, she runs out of the cave with Emolga and Axew on her shoulders, the Swoobat surround her. Three of the Swoobat, fire charge beams, Iris and Axew run to the right and Emolga lands on a rock to the left, Iris says that they now have no choice, but to battle the Swoobat. Emolga jumps up, it fires 3 Hidden Power orbs, they hit the ground sending waves, which move the Swoobat backwards a bit. Iris says that she is counting on something, especially today, she calls for Excadrill to come out, Excadrill is in it’s drilling form, it falls upside down, it’s metal claws cut into the ground and it topples over. Iris calls it hopeless, even in a situation like this, the Swoobat look back at Iris, Emolga lands in front of the Swoobat, it uses Attract and most of the Swoobat fall in love. Excadrill stand up in it’s drill form, it opens up and it has become infatuated as well, Excadrill is in love with Emolga, Iris asks why it had to use Attract on Excadrill, Iris returns Excadrill to its Pokeball. Three Swoobat that aren’t in love, surround Emolga, so Emolga puts its hands close together and it start to spark electricity, Bianca, Ash and Cilan are still walking through the deep forest, Bianca says that Emolga is right ahead, Ash says that she is alright to think so, but she should apologize for bringing out the Scolipede and the Galvantula. They see electricity sparking from the distance, Ash asks what it is, Bianca says that it is probably Galvantula, so they shouldn’t worry about it. She says that they should go, Cilan says that it’s Emolga, Emolga is shocking the Swoobat that tried to close in on her, along with Iris and Axew, Iris tells Axew to hold on. The three Swoobat fall on the ground, the rest aren’t effected by Attract anymore, Iris says that the rest of the Swoobat have recovered from Attract.

The Swoobat start to use Round, Ash’s Pikachu zaps the Swoobat instead, Ash, Bianca and Cilan are on top of the cliff, with the cave in it, Pikachu jumps down in front of Ash, after using Thunderbolt, Bianca is on the flat rocky ground below, she goes to grab Emolga in her arms, saying that this is where Emolga was, but Emolga flies away and it land on another nearby rock. Ash wonders what the Pokemon are, so he pulls out his Pokedex, it says, “Swoobat, the Courtship Pokemon. They evolve from Woobat. It can emit strong sound waves of different frequencies, from its nose. The sound waves can usually break boulders.” Ash puts his Pokedex away, surprised that they evolve from Woobat, he tells Iris to leave the rest to them. Pikachu jumps off of Ash’s shoulder and it lands in front of Ash, Oshawott comes out of it’s Pokeball, it stand next to Pikachu, Oshawott takes its Scalchop with its right hand, Oshawott hold it out in front of it, Ash is confused, Oshawott looks at Emolga, trying to look confident, Emolga feels disgusted, a Swoobat shoots a Charge Beam, it hits Oshawott hard, Ash asks it, what it is doing, Ash returns Oshawott into it’s Pokeball. The Swoobat all use Round, Cilan mentions that it’s more powerful, because a lot of them are using the attack at the same time, Ash says that he wont lose to this, he tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, Pikachu zaps all of the Swoobat, Emolga fires one big Hidden Power sphere, it hits the Swoobat, the Swoobat are hurt, so they fly away. Iris is holding Axew, they look at each other and Iris says that they are safe, Emolga is one a small rocky pillar again, it shocks the entire group, it doesn’t care, so it flies away. They are all hurt, Bianca says that she has had enough of Emolga’s discharge. Late in the afternoon, during the sunset, the group walk up the hill from the beginning and they come to the Table that Cilan set out, Bianca says that in the end, she never captured Emolga, Ash asks Bianca if she is glad, because if she captured it, it would’ve used Discharge on her again. Bianca says that Ash is probably right, Bianca shrugs her sad emotions off, she says that it’s fine to let Emolga go, Cilan says that everyone must be hungry, he holds out a bowl of apples and he says that the Dinner will be finished shortly. A nearby right ear of a Pokemon opens up, as Ash and Iris rub their own stomachs, Bianca is happy that she’ll get more of Cilan’s cooking.

The ear belonged to Emolga, it comes flying down from a big tree, smiling, it falls in Iris’s arms, so they area all surprised, Ash asks Iris, if it likes Axew and Iris. Iris asks Emolga, Emolga appears to agree, Axew is happy, Iris understands, she holds out a Pokeball, Emolga is on the table now. Iris presses the Pokeball on Emolga’s head, gently, Emolga goes into the Pokeball. Bianca is annoyed that Iris didn’t battle it first, Iris holds out the Pokeball, it eventually captures it, Iris holds the Pokeball in the air saying that she caught Emolga, Axew jumps up near Iris, being happy. Iris now has Emolga.

Good Points

- Emolga’s personality

- Axew

- Bianca’s ditziness again

- Iris capturing Emolga

Bad Points

- Plot seemed boring

- Oshawott shouldn’t of got more battle time.

Yeah, the attack does looks like Dragon Claw. I hope TR don't blast off.

Yep, Druddigon had Dragon Claw, along with Flamethrower, Draco meteor and Focus Blast.

Axew mastered Dragon rage and James's Yamask knows Night Shade.

Preview for the next episode.


- Ash picks up Oshawott

- Oshawott looks upset while holding berries

- Pikachu zaps Oshawott

- Joltick zaps Oshawott

- Oshawott vs. Blitzle

- Oshawott's Shell goes flying.

I like Kenyan, he reminds me of morrison crossed between the guy who had that swallot in that Hoenn contest episode.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I'll watch BW030 later, but I saw the preview... hilarious. That Joltik jolting Oshawott was lulz... easily the most emotive and enjoyable Pokémon we've seen in a while. Self-confident to the point of arrogance and cheerily incompetant. Gotta love it.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Snivy's cool too. And I'm rather glad Tepig isn't depressive and full of angst like Chimchar. But it could always evolve into a total jerk, like Charmeleon did...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Still hatin' on that Emolga...

But anyway, saw BW030, really enjoyed it. Jessie and James are pretty good villains. They're not as comically useless as in DP, but they seem to have more of their personality than they did when they were blackshirting it up.

And yay for Dragon sneeze. Teehee.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I'm sorry, but these are some of the cutest pictures of Oshawott that I have seen








Ash really being nice with Oshawott to help train it? That is nice to see. Oshawott looking sad at the lake and it looking at the Bottlecap like that? That's nice too. Which reminds me, I hope James's love for Badge returns soon and does the rock that Oshawott is carrying, resemble a large stone, Scalchop, or is that just me?

Summaries for the episode:

As Ash and Co. continue on their journey to Nimbassa City, Trainer Kenyan, and with him a Blitzle, The Electrified Pokemon, challenges Ash to a battle! The one who put their hand up to accept the battle? The Water-Type Pokemon Oshawott, with just the feeling that it can deflect any attack with its prided Scalchop, it's ready. At first, Oshawott is able to beautifully avoid the Electric-Type attacks but when it takes one of Blitzle's intense 'Double Kick' it's beloved Scalchop goes flying off into nowhere!

Panicing, Ash and Oshawott race off to find it. But they can't find it anywhere...Oshawott is terrified at the thought of losing its greatest weapon. Ash and Co. decide to help find Oshawott something it can use instead of its Scalchop but...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

That's a bottlecap. I'm hoping for some hilarious interaction with James, seeing as how he collects them.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah, I know it's a Bottlecap, I edited it somewhere else, I forgot to copy and paste my thoughts with the edit. Anyway James wont be in this episode, basically Team Rocket wont be in this episode but according to the Voice Actor lists for this episode, Officer jenny could appear, but that voice also voices the Ducklett's, Trubish and Litwick, so it could just be the voice for Blitzle.

Pokemon: Black and White Episode 28: Emonga vs. Tsutaja! The Volt Change Chaos!!

Ash, Iris, Cilan and Bianca are walking along a path, Iris and Axew are smiling, Ash asks Iris if she is happy that she caught Emolga. Iris says yes, she says that Axew is happy to have another friend as well, Bianca asks Iris if they should have a battle, with Emolga against her Pignite. Ash says that if she does that, than Iris should battle Pikachu, Cilan thinks about friendly electric type battling, an electric taste that might have an interesting development, Bianca tells Ash that she asked first and she did want to catch Emolga after all. Ash says that she was failing at capturing it anyway, Bianca says that Pignite and Emolga can actually have a full battle. Iris accepts the battle with Bianca.


The group are in a big clearing, Iris and Bianca are standing apart facing each other on a dirt ground, Cilan is on the side refereeing, Ash is sitting on a small rock, Pikachu and Axew are on his left. Iris throws out a Pokeball, telling Emolga to come out, Emolga comes out of the Pokeball, spinning and it does a cute pose, Bianca thinks that Emolga is cute, Ash says that Emolga will be Bianca’s opponent after all. Bianca throws out a Pokeball telling Ash that he is right and that she should careful, she tells Pignite to come out of it’s Pokeball, Pignite comes out. Bianca lets Iris have the first move because Emolga is cute, Emolga pulls a cute face, Cilan says that Emolga has the first move, he tells them to begin, Iris tells Emolga to use Hidden Power, Emolga’s body is outlined in a light green colour, it creates a green glowing orb in between it’s hands, it fires it and the attack hits Pignite’s face, creating a big dust cloud. Bianca knows what Iris was coming up with, she tells Pignite to use Heat Crash, Pignite runs forward, covered in flames, Iris tell Emolga to use Attract, Emolga winks it’s right eye, pink hearts go towards Pignite, Pignite is shocked as it is running the pink hearts circle Pignite and Pignite is now in love with Emolga. It stands still normally, Bianca returns Pignite into it’s Pokeball, Ash says that Bianca had no other choice but to return Pignite, Cilan says that what Iris did, was a splendid tactic. Iris says that she thought so, Bianca says that her and her team still has plenty of fight left in her, she calls for Minccino to come out of it’s Pokeball, Minccino comes out, Bianca says that since Emolga used Attract, they will to, Minccino uses Attract, Iris sees it as a challenge, so she tells Emolga to use it, so Emolga uses Attract. The attracts collide and they cancel each other out, Ash asks if the attacks colliding means that the affects wont work, Bianca tells Minccino to use tickle, Minccino runs towards Emolga, it tickles Emolga with it’s tail, Emolga can’t help but to laugh, Iris tells Emolga to use Hidden Power, Emolga can’t take it anymore, it lifts its right hand in the air, a yellow glowing ball appears above Emolga’s right palm. Emolga throws the ball at Minccino, Emolga flies backwards and Excadrill comes out of it’s Pokeball, it’s still in it’s drilling form, it falls towards the ground, it’s legs creates a hole in the ground, Excadrill topples over. Axew and Pikachu go on Ash’s shoulders, Cilan says that the move is Volt Change, Iris says that she didn’t ask for that attack, so Bianca wonders where Emolga is. Emolga is behind Iris, laughing joyfully, Ash is on Pikachu’s head, Axew is on Ash’s left shoulder, Cilan says that a usual Volt Switch, only switches the Pokemon using it with another Pokemon the trainer has and the user returns to it’s Pokeball, Ash says that Emolga uses it differently. Bianca laughs saying that it is really interesting, Iris agrees, she says that she shouldn’t be laughing, she returns Excadrill into it’s Pokeball. Emolga is still laughing, Iris kneels down and tells Emolga that if it uses Volt Switch, then there is no point in battling, Iris says that Emolga needs to follow her commands, Emolga turns away, it looks back at Iris and Emolga is crying. Cilan says that as things are, the battle would be senseless, Iris says that she understands, she tells it to not cry, Emolga looks away and it has a devious expression, Iris picks up Emolga.

She holds it in the air, she tells it to quit its fussing and to stop crying, she puts it on the ground telling it to do it’s best, Emolga gives Iris a look, it’s annoyed at her. She tells Emolga that it will be alright and that she has Emolga’s back, Emolga lets out a sigh, Bianca says that she’ll go first this time, she tells Minccino to use Hyper Voice, Minccino rolls up its ears, it takes a big breath, Iris tells Emolga to dodge it, Emolga fires a Volt Switch, it hits Minccino, Emolga flies back and Pansage comes out of it’s Pokeball, being half asleep. Hyper Voice hits Pansage, Pansage becomes annoyed, it’s hair sparkles, it holds it’s hands out above in front of its head, a glowing ball appears between it’s hands, it shoots a Solarbeam at Minccino, Bianca is worried and the attack knocks out Minccino. Cilan says that Minccino lost and the winner is Pansage, but saying that has a strange taste, Bianca doesn’t agree with what happened, she returns Minccino to its Pokeball, she congratulates Minccino. Emolga applauds an angry Pansage, Iris walks over to Emolga, saying that it shouldn’t use Volt Switch on its own, Emolga starts to cry, Ash, Cilan and Bianca walk over, Ash says that Emolga probably hates to battle. Bianca agrees, she says that Emolga doesn’t listen to its orders from Iris and that it gives off a carefree attitude, Iris says that it’s up to trainers, to properly raise their Pokemon, Ash doesn’t understand, Cilan says that it means to build a good relationship with your Pokemon, in which the Pokemon will be able to grow. Iris kneels down towards Emolga, she tells it that battling is good when it is done properly, she tells it to do its best and to try again, the battle begins again, Bianca throws out a Pokeball, telling Pignite to come out, Pignite comes out, it does its usual pose when it comes out, Bianca tells it to use Heat Crash, Pignite is covered in flames, it runs towards Emolga, Iris tells Emolga to use Hidden Power, Emolga doesn’t really care so it used Volt Switch, Emolga flies back and Snivy comes out of its Pokeball. Iris asks Ash to lend her his Snivy, Bianca agrees, Ash says that Snivy is his Pokemon though, Iris asks why, she just wants to show Emolga how interesting a Pokemon Battle can be. Ash says no, Iris calls him stingy, Ash asks her what she said, Cilan comes over, he tells them to hold up because Emolga has disappeared.

Iris runs apart from the group, not to far away, she yells out asking where Emolga ran off to, Bianca asks Ash to battle her with his Snivy, until Emolga is found, Ash agrees and he says that it is something that he likes. He tells Snivy to battle, Snivy shrugs its shoulders, the battle starts, Bianca tells Pignite to use Flamethrower, Pignite unleashes a Flamethrower, Ash tells Snivy to use Leaf Blade, Snivy spins while its tail glows light green, it hits the Flamethrower with its tail, stopping the attack. Snivy jumps back on the ground, Ash congratulates Snivy, Bianca tells Pignite to use Flame Charge, Pignite stomps its feet on the ground, creating a dust cloud around it, it shoots out covered in fire, Ash tells Snivy to use Leaf Storm, the leaves hits Pignite, stopping its move. It is sent rolling back until it gets on its feet, Bianca tells Pignite to keep it up, Iris says that the battle is coming deep, she asks where Emolga is, she hears a sound and she looks up to a nearby tree on a tree branch, Emolga is sleeping on it. Iris tells Emolga to come down from there, Emolga gets up, it goes back to sleep, Iris says that using Volt Switch and switching places with Snivy, means that it wont stop its practice. Ash and Bianca’s battle stops as they listen to Iris, Snivy closes its eyes and it uses Vine Whip, the vine wraps around Emolga, and it puts it on the ground near the group, Cilan says that learning from Volt Switch causes Vine Whip to change to an unexpected surprise, Iris runs over to the others, she meets up with them and she tells Emolga to have a proper battle this time. Emolga looks sad, it then pulls a cute face, Iris gets angry, she says that its cute face wont work anymore, Emolga is shocked, it gets angry so its cheeks start to spark, Snivy quickly jumps away from the group, before Emolga shocks the entire group, except for Snivy. Snivy does not care, Iris gets up with fizzy hair, crying and asking why it would do that, Emolga has a devious look on its face, Ash gets up with fizzy hair laughing, Bianca also has fizzy hair, Cilan gets up and Bianca checks her mirror, she says that her hairdo now, might be a good thing. Cilan says that Bianca sure is positive, Ash’s stomach rumbles, Ash appears to be hungry and Cilan says that its lunch time.

The group stand near their lunch table, with the Pokemon from before being out, except for Pignite. Ash throws out four Pokeballs, out of them come, Tepig, Scraggy Swadloon and Oshawott. Cilan gives a bowl of 3 apples to Axew, Pikachu and Emolga, Cilan gives a bowl of 5 apples to Ash’s other Pokemon, Emolga chews and eats its entire apple. It looks at Ash’s Pokemon, excluding Pikachu, it has and idea and it uses Attract, Attract circles, Swadloon, Tepig, Oshawott and Scraggy, they all become infatuated, Emolga walks over to them and the four Pokemon give their chewed on apples to Emolga. Sitting at the table now is Bianca, Iris and Ash, they all have cups in their hands, Cilan is standing up, Bianca says that it is as if a herbal aroma were to pass by, his cooking really deserves 5 stars. Cilan thanks Bianca, Ash asks the Pokemon how the food was, Pikachu is happy, and Emolga and Axew look full, the four Pokemon of Ash’s that were in love before, snap out of it, they look towards the bowl, it’s empty and all our of them become angry. All four get into a fight, Axew and Pikachu walk over towards the fight, Emolga sticks its tongue out, Pikachu tries to stop Oshawott from being angry, Oshawott breaks Pikachu’s hold, he fires a Water Gun and Pikachu slides towards Tepig, Pikachu hits Tepig, Tepig fires an Ember attack at Pikachu’s behind, Pikachu lands on an angry Swadloon, Swadloon throws Pikachu up in the air, it fires a String Shot at Pikachu, creating a String Shot Wring, around the middle of Pikachu’s body. Pikachu lands near Scraggy, Scraggy keeps hitting Pikachu’s head, with its head, the other three angry Pokemon fight again, Axew is running around being scared and Snivy doesn’t care, the group walk over to the Pokemon, Ash asks why they are fighting, Iris wonders what happened, Bianca tells them to stop fighting, Pikachu is annoyed of Scraggy’s weak, yet irritating Headbutt’s, so Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt at the entire group, Snivy is away from the group, so it isn’t affected.

The group all get up again with frizzy hair, Cilan holds and looks in Bianca’s mirror and he is beginning to like the hairdo, Bianca agrees with him. Ash asks the Pokemon what the matter is, the Pokemon except for Axew and Scraggy talk to the group, Ash says that he doesn’t understand a word, Cilan says says that they are trying to say that someone’s eating their food. Iris asks who it was, Cilan says that it is “Thinking Time”, the group try to think who it was, Snivy, which is separate from the group, picks up Emolga with one vine, Iris says that Emolga seems to be full, Cilan says that he understands, he pulls out a pointing stick and he keeps hitting it at the background which shows pictures from what happened. He says that the apples that were eaten seems to be from the male Pokemon, Emolga is the only one stuffed, he says that Emolga is the culprit, Bianca asks why, Cilan says that Emolga must have uses Attract, so that it could infatuate the male Pokemon, so that Emolga could eat the apples by herself. And that when the Pokemon snapped out of infatuation, they started to fight, because they didn’t know who ate the apples, Bianca says that it seems believable and Ash says that it is really suspicious. Emolga, still being held up by Vine Whip looks guilty, Iris cuts in in front of Emolga, she says that Emolga isn’t the bad girl here, Iris asks Emolga if she is right, right before she hugs Emolga, face to face and Emolga starts to cry softly. Iris says that it’s not fair how they suspected Emolga, Ash, Bianca and Cilan look guilty, Ash agrees, he says sorry, Cilan says that his thoughts may have gone to far, Bianca says that they are all sorry. Iris tells Emolga that since they said sorry, it doesn't have to cry, Emolga stops crying it rubs its head against Iris’s face, they both laugh and Iris says that it tickles, Emolga looks towards Snivy with an intimidating look, Snivy is lying against a tree, and it gives Emolga a look back.

With the table packed away, Cilan says that they have finished cleaning up, he asks if they should leave, Ash and Pikachu yawn, Ash says that he is tired and Pikachu agrees. Then Iris and Axew agree as they look tired as well, Bianca asks if it is napping time, Cilan says that she is right and that they should take a short break. They are all lying near a tree, Ash has his Pokemon sleeping next to him, Cilan is using his bag as a pillow, Bianca is sitting up against the tree, Iris is sitting against the tree as well, Axew and Emolga are near Iris. Emolga gets up and walks off, Axew and Oshawott wake up because of Emolga, Axew walks to Oshawott, and then the two follow after Emolga and Snivy then wakes up. Emolga is walking along a path, arms spread wide, eyes closes, a smile on its face, it’s face becomes happy when it sees a big apple tree, it then becomes worried when it sees three Watchog on the trees branches. It then hears Oshawott an Axew, those two are coming close to Emolga, turning their heads, trying to call out for Emolga, Oshawott and Axew then see Emolga, Emolga dramatically faints on the ground. Oshawott and Axew rush towards Emolga, Emolga wakes up looking weak it points its right hand towards the Watchog that are now on the ground near the tree. A curtain appears in the background, the curtain opens showing cartoon background pictures of what Emolga is telling them, it tells them that it tried to get some apples from the tree innocently but the Watchog scared it away and they started hurting her. It pretends to cry, Oshawott gets annoyed, it walks over to the Watchog, the Watchog start to talk, Oshawott takes off its Scalchop with its right hand, the Scalchop glows yellow, it leaves a blue shining trail behind it, the Watchog get angry. Oshawott gets prepared, it jumps in the air using Razor Shell on the tree, it lands on the ground, still holding its Scalchop in its right hand, two apples fall on top of each other, on Oshawott’s left hand and a third one falls on Oshawott’s Scalchop. A fourth one falls on its head, hurting it, Oshawott walks over to Axew and Emolga, holding out two apples, Axew and Emolga take one each, happily.

The Watchog get really angry, they lunge towards them in the air, sticking their feet out, as it to kick them on impact. Oshawott, Axew and Emolga notice and they jump in the air, so then Watchog continue lunging until they smash into a tree, so Emolga starts to laugh. A rustling is heard, a Pokemon falls out of the same tree the Watchog hit, the Pokemon lands in a nearby bush, it get up looking angry, the angry Pokemon is a Simisear, the Watchog look petrified so they start talking to save themselves. Simisear fires a Flamethrower above the Watchog, the Watchog scurry away, one by one into a forest behind Emolga, Axew and Oshawott, Simisear walks over to the 3 and Axew, Oshawott and Emolga become worried. Back with the rest of the group, Pikachu moves Ash, which causes Ash and Cilan to wake up, Ash sits up and stretches his arms, Iris wakes up and she notices something. She wonders where Axew and Emolga are and Ash looks around wondering where Oshawott and Snivy are, Pikachu talks to Ash, Ash’s other Pokemon wake up and Ash asks Pikach where they ran off to. Iris climbs the tree that they were having a nap near, she pokes her head and body, out of the top of the tree, she senses something in a tree in the distance. Ash says that they need to look there, back with Simisear, it’s looking angry, Oshawott and Axew are in front of Simisear, Emolga is in a nearby bush, Oshawott holds its Scalchop in its right hand, Oshawott’s Scalchop glows, it runs towards Simisear, which throws Oshawott into a tree, Axew attends to Oshawott. Simisear comes close to Emolga who is in a bush, holding the same apple from before, Emolga finishes eating the apple, it throws it straight at Simisear’s face, Emolga laughs and Simisear becomes really angry. Simisear begins to hit things, breaking them, but Emolga dodges the punches that accidentally smash stuff, Simisear is becoming exhausted, so Emolga lands on the ground after flying around and messing with Simisear. It runs away, eyes shut being happy, Axew’s right hand grabs Emolga’s left hand, Axew points towards an injured Axew, Simisear comes closer to punching Emolga and Axew, but a vine stops Simisear’s fist, Snivy is in a nearby tree branch, the vine came from it, it wags a right hand finger at Simisear. Simisear breaks out of the hold Snivy has, it fires a flamethrower, Snivy jumps over Simisear dodging the attack, it lands near Emolga and Axew, Emolga quietly walks away, but Snivy brings it back, using one of its vines, it brings Emolga near it on the ground, Emolga looks annoyed, Ash, Cilan, Iris and Bianca come running towards their Pokemon, but a bunch of broken trees are blocking their path.

Ash looks Simisear up on his Pokedex, it says, “Simisear the Ember Pokemon. The evolved form of Pansear. They love sweets because they become energy for the fames in its stomach.” Oshawott is still lying against a tree, being knocked out, Axew is attending to Oshawott, Simisear fires a Flamethrower at the two, but Snivy jumps in, in front of Oshawott and Axew. The Flamethrower is stopped by Leaf Blade, Simisear punches Snivy up in the air, it lads on ground near Emolga and Oshawott. Simisear is smiling, deviously, it even laughs a bit, Snivy looks hurt, Cilan says that it is at a type disadvantage, Iris tells Emolga to defend the others, Emolga starts to think of Snivy and Oshawott being hurt, Simisear closes in, but Emolga fires a couple of Hidden Power orbs at it. It then gets ready, it grows another orb in between its hands, it grows large and Emolga throws it at Simisear, Emolga keeps throwing more at Simisear. Emolga flies around Simisear in a circle, Simisear tries to get it, Ash says that it is the right time to check on Oshawott and the others, Ash, Iris, Bianca and Cilan walk over the broken trees, and they walk over towards Oshawott and Axew. Emolga is still circling Simisear, it becomes really, really angry, Cilan says that is growing a “Mad Taste”, Iris thinks that it’s scary, Simisear fires a Flamethrower which barely misses Emolga. Snivy uses a Vine Whip attack to grab Simisears right leg, Simisear trips over and the Flamethrower hits a nearby rocky mountain, Ash and co. cheer, but when it hits the mountain a big rock breaks off and it starts to fall down towards Simisear. Emolga fires a couple of Hidden Power orbs and Snivy uses Leaf storm, Leaf Storm breaks the rock and the it spins and breaks the rocks into tiny, tiny pieces. Simisear looks at Emolga and Snivy, it becomes angry, it just walks away, Cilan says that it has gone from a wild taste, to a mild taste, Ash praises Snivy, Snivy does a small little pose, Iris praises Emolga saying that it battles well, Emolga goes to pick up an apple.

It walks over to Snivy, the two stare at each other intimidatingly, Ash wonders what is going on, Snivy hands the apple to Snivy, Axew comes towards the two trying to calm things down, Snivy closes its eyes smiling. Snivy uses Vine Whip to cut the apple into three, all three take a piece, Snivy is truly happy, Cilan says that the taste of a bad relationship changed for the best. All of them are back at the tree, where they had a nap, Bianca mentions that Iris has Emolga, Axew and Excadrill. Bianca says that they all have unique personalities, Iris says that she has a challenge ahead of her and the feeling is only natural, Ash says that he will get his fourth badge, Bianca asks him where he got his third, he says at Castelia City, he opens his badge case and shows her, Bianca is shocked, she says that she will also challenge it, she runs off to do so. Bianca turns around saying that they will meet again, Ash agrees, Iris says that they should have a battle then, when they meet, Cilan says that he will prepare delicious food then, Bianca runs off saying that it is a promise, Snivy, Axew and Emolga are on the ground, Emolga and Snivy look at each other and they look away, intimidatingly.

Good Points

- It was humorous

- Volt Switch

- The Watchog

- Snivy acting like a Diva

- Emolga’s personality

Bad Points

- Boring at times

- Cliche Plot near the end


Two new episode titles,

BW034: Rival Battle! Vanipeti, Dokkora Compete in a Battle!!

BW035: Gamagaru, Maggyo! Battle on the Water!!

Preview for next episode.

Preview, Cottonee float through the air at sunset, the weak one flies over to the one it loves, Dwebble fights Cottonee and Ash's Scraggy fights Cottonee too.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

No James/bottlecap fun, but still, BW031 was a great episode. Oshawott is a brilliant character. Best in the series.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Episode 36's Title.

The Dragon Buster appears! Iris and Doryuzu!!

And yes, episode 31 was a good episode, worried little Oshawott was cute to see.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

This is what happened in the latest preview, on Pokemon Smash.

- Pairs of Cottonee are swirling around in the air. There are numerous of these pairs eloping.
- Ash's Scraggy seems interested in fighting the main Cottonee, pointing to the pokemon who is floating in the air.
- The main Cottonee is blushing as it is floating above the ground in front of Ash and co.
- Cilan seems very excited and says a variation of his catchphrase: "It's loving time!" (I did not hear it fully)
- The main Cottonee and Ash's Scraggy battle.
- Cottonee uses Razor Leaf.
- Cilan is also shown again, saying something about wanting to help out Cottonee.
- When Cottonee gets hurt and falls to the ground, Ash checks to see if it is ok.
- The preview ends with Ash and Cottonee giving each other a high-five.

Pokemon: Black and White Episode 30: The Road to Become a Dragon Master! Kibago VS Crimgan!!

Ash and Iris are in another battle, where they are using their Scraggy and Axew respectively. Iris tells Ash that it’s time to start, Ash tells Iris to attack from anywhere. Iris tells Axew to use Scratch attack, Axew runs forward, it’s arms spread wide getting ready to use the attack, Scraggy is jumping on the spot, jumping on it’s left foot, then right, getting ready. Ash tells Scraggy to dodge it, as Axew goes to attack, Scraggy does a backflip, dodging the attack. Ash tells Scraggy to use Headbutt, as Axew misses, Scraggy swings it’s head backwards, then forwards, slamming it’s head onto Axew’s. Axew sits on the ground holding it’s head in pain. Iris tells it to hang in there, she tells it to use Dragon Rage, Axew stands up, a blue light shines inside it’s stomach, its mouth is closed, it then opens, a blue orb from inside its stomach and it starts to come out of its mouth. Axew sneezes and the attack explodes inside it’s mouth, causing a huge dust cloud. Axew is in a big crater sitting down, smoke comes out from its mouth, Ash is near the outside of the crater, with dirt from the explosion on himself, he is lying down, with Scraggy and Pikachu lying near Ash. Ash calls the attack intense, Cilan is standing, with dirt from the dust cloud on himself, he says that Dragon Sneeze has a strong but bitter taste. Iris is on the the ground, with her head hanging low, she lifts her head up, she also has dirt from the dust cloud, she yells that it isn’t Sneeze, it’s Dragon Rage. Pikachu and Scraggy are standing, Ash is sitting up, adjusting his hat saying that Axew is trying his best, but it wont work. Iris says that it can’t be helped and that it takes a long time to raise Dragon types. Iris walks in the crater, she picks Axew up, saying that it’s enough for today, it’s in her arms and she says that it will be able to use the move soon and that they should try it another time. They are all in the crater now, Ash returns Scraggy, a rustling is happening in a nearby bush, then the sound from the bush moves to a bush on the right. The gang notice it, they turn around to see it and a fire attack shoots out of it, Cilan and Ash duck, so that they can dodge. The fire attack misses them and Iris wonders if it could be what she thinks, a Pokemon comes out of the bush and Iris’s instinct was right, it’s a Druddigon and the Pokemon snorts steam out of it’s nostrils.


Druddigon starts to roar, Ash checks it out on his Pokedex, it says, “Druddigon, the Cave Pokemon. It warms its body by storing sunlight in its wings. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.”. Ash says that it is a Druddigon, Iris says that it is a Dragon Type, it is powerful, cool and the greatest. Druddigon puts it’s hands close together, a blue orb grows in between them until it is big enough, Cilan says that it is Focus Blast. Ash tells Pikachu to use Electro Ball, Pikachu jumps off of Ash’s left shoulder and onto the ground, its body is outlines in electricity, Electro Ball grows in front of Pikachu’s tail, Druddigon fires the Focus Blast, Pikachu fires the Electro Ball, the two attacks collide. Ash notices that it wants to fight, Ash tells Pikachu to give it, it’s all, Pikachu’s arms start spinning like slow blades. A girl steps in, in front of the bushes and in front of Druddigon, she’s wearing a blue top, with orange stripes near the top of it, orange stripes on it’s sleeves and near the bottom of the shirt. She’s wearing jeans, brown/orangeish boots and she has short orange hair. She says that it is here and that she was looking for it, Druddigon jumps over the bushes and it walks away. Iris notices that it has a rope tied around it’s right leg, Druddigon runs away past a couple of trees. As Axew is in Iris’s hair, she tells it to hold on, she runs after Druddigon. Cilan calls out for Iris, Ash says that the should go, Pikachu jumps on Ash’s left shoulder and Ash runs off with Cilan following. Druddigon continues to run, Iris stands on a rock, as she comes to a couple of rocky cliffs with caves in. Axew pops out of Iris’s hair, Ash calls out for Iris, Ash, Cilan and the girl come towards Iris, the girl asks where her Druddigon is, Iris tells them to shush. Iris tells Axew to call out for it, Axew jumps off of Iris, it climbs up a nearby cliff with caves, it climbs until it jumps and reaches a cave high up. It goes into the cave, until it jumps out running scared, Druddigon comes out of the cave and Axew falls down on a rock, face first. It then runs away again, it jumps into Iris’s hair, Druddigon jumps down and lands in front of the group. It lets out a huge roar, Cilan says that it is annoyed and dangerous, Iris says that it is alright and she goes towards it a bit. Iris holds out her arms but Druddigon lets out another big roar, Druddgino’s head dangles down, with its eyes closes and it looks like it’s in pain. Iris puts its hand on its head, Druddigon opens its eyes, she says that she will make it feel at ease.

Iris takes the piece of rope around Druddigon’s leg off, she says that everything should be okay now. She shows the rope to the group, Iris says that the rope must of got tangled around its leg, which is the reason it rampaged. The girl wonders when it could of happened, Iris gives it to her, the girl looks at the rope saying that she went out to pick it’s favourite berries, Berryb Berries. She wonders who did it and why, she realizes something, she bows, she says thank you, she stands up properly saying that her name is Amy, Iris says that she is welcome. Iris introduces herself, she says that it is nice to meet her, Axew says hi, Iris introduces Axew, Ash introduces himself and Pikachu and Cilan introduces his self, saying that he is a Pokemon Connoisseur. Amy says that it was impressive that Iris knew where Druddigon was, Iris says that Druddigon have trouble moving when their body temperature falls and she says that sunlight is shinning into the cave that it was in and that’s why she was sure that it was there. Ash tells Iris that she knows a lot about Druddigon, Iris has her head raised, eyes closed acting all smart, she agrees saying “Of course.”, she says that she did grow up in a Dragon Village. Ash wonders what she means by Dragon Village, Iris asks him if he forgot about her hometown. The screen zooms out to show that they are being watched and the screen is analyzing things like Druddigon, it’s James using binoculars on a nearby cliff top near the group, he says that it is a shame that they didn’t capture it, but the strength that it had, in able to break out of the special wire is truly something. Jessie nearby says that it was the right decision to continue spying on it and on top of that, it joined the twerps. Meowth is looking at two compute screens, one with Pikachu and one with Axew, Meowth says that they will get Axew, another Dragon type and their favourite, Pikachu. Meowth is in a Mechanical machine, with a Dome casing as the outside of his seat in the machine. He says that it will all be for, they all finish it off by saying that it will be for the sake of tomorrow, for Team Rocket and for Giovanni. The machine seems to be a big one, with Meowth’s seat at the top, an area in the middle, two rocket boosters on the sides and on the bottom there are 3 thin cannons in a row, one facing a bit to the left, a bit to the right and one in front.

Back with the group, Axew and Pikachu are playing with Druddigon’s tail, while Druddigon is facing Amy, who is sitting down. Ash says that Iris’s hometown was a leisurely place where lots of Dragon Pokemon live, he asks if he is right. Ash and Cilan are sitting on a boulder, next to a tree, Iris is sitting on the tree branch, resting against the main part of the tree, Iris answers Ash by saying that everyone gets along very well with Pokemon in her hometown. She says that the coolest of them all, are the Dragon Masters, Ash sounds interested and Cilan mentions that he has heard of them. Cilan says that they have the ability to attune their hearts, to Dragon types and raise the their strength to the maximum. Cilan asks Iris if he is right, Iris says yes and she rubs the back of her head with her left hand, whilst blushing, she says that it is her dream to become a Dragon Master. She stops rubbing her head and blushing, she says that it isn’t her Dream, it’s her goal, Pikachu and Axew are playing with Druddigon’s wings, whilst Druddigon lets them, Amy understands, she says that it is why she knows lots about Dragon types so much. Amy asks if Iris could teach her about Druddigon. Iris doesn’t understand, Amy stands up, she says that she is a new trainer, Cilan asks if she really is a new trainer. She says yes, her Papa traded Druddigon to her, but since it is her first time raising a Dragon Type, she thought that she should start traveling once it gets used to her a little more. Though, she has a trouble making a choice, Ash wonders if that is what is really going on, Iris jumps off of the tree, Iris understands, she says that she will do anything she can to help her. Pikachu and Axew are sitting on Druddigon’s head, Amy is surprised, she says thank you, Iris talks to herself, thinking how Druddigon could adapt, she says that she Amy should have a battle. Amy is shocked, Iris asks if Amy has had one before, Amy says that she hasn’t battled before with Druddigon, Cilan says that it is the perfect way for Amy and Druddigon to understand each other better. Ash agrees, he says that they should battle now. Iris says that it is decided, they should go ahead and battle, Amy agrees and the battle starts, Ash is on one side with Amy and Iris on the other side, Pikachu is next to Ash and Ash enlarges a Pokeball in his right hand, once it stops growing he throws it, telling Tepig to come out.

Tepig comes out and Cilan as the referee says that the battle should begin, Ash tells Tepig to use Tackle, Tepig charges down the field, it hits Druddigon hard in the chest, sending it sliding backwards, making dust rise as it feet goes along the ground, the dust goes away. Amy is worried, Iris tells Amy to calm down, she says that Amy needs to stop Tepig’s moves, Amy tells Druddigon to use Focus Blast, Druddigon puts its hands close together, growing and creating a shining light blue orb in between it’s palms. Druddigon throws it, Ash tells Tepig to dodge it, the attack hits the ground underneath Tepig as it dodges, Ash tells Tepig to use Flame Charge, Tepig stamps it’s feet whilst standing, a grey dust cloud arises and surrounds it, fire starts to come out of the dust cloud. Iris says that Druddigon can take the attack. Iris tells Amy to order Druddigon, to block the attack with its whole body, Amy tells Druddigon to block it. Tepig shoots out of the dust cloud covered in fire, Druddigon crosses it’s arms, Tepig hits Druddigon’s arms, Tepig’s attack explodes and it falls on the ground, Ash tells it to get up, so it does. Iris tells Amy that it is her chance to attack it, Amy tells Druddigon to use Dragon Claw, Druddigon’s claws glow light blue, it scratches the air. Ash tells Tepig to use Ember, Tepig fires an Ember, Druddigon dodges it by moving to the left, bein scared, it does the same when another Ember attack is fired. Iris tells Amy that she shouldn’t let Druddigon flinch, she tells Amy that Druddigon should pressure it, Amy tells Druddigon to keep up using Dragon Claw, Druddigon runs forwards, scratching the Ember attacks that Tepig is firing as it is running, Druddigon hits Tepig, sending it flying and landing near Ash. Tepig lost, Cilan declared Amy as the winner, Iris cheers as Axew jumps up and down in glee. Amy is so surprised, Amy says that she won, thanks to Iris’s help, she thanks Iris whilst bowing. Iris has her eyes closed whilst she rubs the back of her head with her left hand, Iris says that it is quite hard to be in sync with a Dragon Pokemon, Druddigon comes towards Iris and Amy, Iris pats a happy Druddigon, Iris says that it is important that Amy and Druddigon should trust each other and they need to be patient. Iris asks if Axew agrees, Ash tells Tepig to hang in there, Tepig gets up and stands on its hind legs acting happy this time. Ash tells Tepig that it did well, he tells Tepig to take a long rest as he returns Tepig to its Pokeball. Cilan comes over to Iris, Amy and Druddigon, he says that it can use Flamethrower, Dragon Claw and Focus Blast. Iris asks Amy if it can use any other moves, Amy says that as of right now, it only knows 3 moves, Iris says that it only knows 3, but if it learns another one, Ash finishes it off by saying that Amy’s options in battle would become broader.

Amy thinks about it using a new move, she turns to Druddigon saying that they should do their best, she asks if Druddigon agrees, whilst patting it, Druddigon smiles as it agrees. On the top of a nearby rocky cliff, of where the group are situated, a Mask is there, it goes upwards to reveal Yamask, Yamask grows a Shadow Ball in between it’s hands, when it is big enough, it chucks it at the group creating a huge black dust cloud. It comes down towards the group, Cilan wonders why it attacked without warning, it creates and throws another one with its left hand, Druddigon and Amy dodge it and the attack hits a cliff behind them. Amy understands that it wants to battle, she tells Druddigon to use Flamethrower, Druddigon takes a deep breath, fire gathers up in Druddigon’s mouth, a Woobat comes in, it’s wings glow light blue, it slashes the air using Gust, Druddigon after getting hit, stops its attack. The Gust blows the whole group, Cilan notices that there is now a Woobat. Ash wonders what is going on, the gust blows Axew off of Iris’s left shoulder, Iris tries to grab it, Axew knocks Pikachu off of Ash’s left shoulder, Ash tries to rescue Pikachu, but he fails as well. Two things are fired from cannons, the loops at the end of ropes, which were fired from the cannons, go around Pikachu and Axew, tying them up, the cannon on the right does the same and now Druddigon is tied up. Pikachu, Axew and Druddigon all get pulled in, except Pikachu and Axew are lying on the ground, Pikachu on his back and Axew on his stomach. Amy tells Druddigon to use Dragon Claw, Druddigon’s claws on it’s right hand glow light blue, it cuts Pikachu’s rope, Ash asks Pikachu, which is now sitting on the ground if Pikachu is alright, Druddigon and Axew struggle, Axew gets pulled up in front of the cliff side. The same happens to Druddigon, Axew and Druddigon get pulled up until they reach the machine with the cannons, a door opens and Axew’s rope throws it in, Druddigon sits on the bottom sliding door, put it eventually gets pulled in and the doors close.

Axew can be seen through a window in the machine, Druddigon can be seen behind another window on the left of Axew. Amy is scared, she wonders what they are going to do, Jessie and James escalate from the top of the machine, they recite their motto. The boosters on the sides of the machine light up at the bottom. The machine is Team Rocket’s, Meowth is still in the control room, Ash says that Team Rocket are just bad guys who suddenly appear and forcibly steal other peoples Pokemon, James says that suddenly isn’t true, they planned and strategized on how to get Druddigon, Meowth says that they will expand the plan by taking Axew as well. Jessie says that she didn’t expect Pikachu’s escape, but now Giovanni will be happier anyway, she is sure, Iris tells them to stop saying selfish things, she says that she wont hand over Axew and she says that she will take it back. Iris runs fast, she runs and jumps up the cliff, she pushes off, she almost grabs the machine that it is flying away, Iris falls down towards Ash and the others, Axew watches her falling, Iris goes to fall but she instead lands on her feet (Because that is believable). James has his arms crossed, he says that they will raise and evolve Axew, Jessie says that they will take control of Unova. Jessie tells Woobat to use Gust, Woobat uses and the attack hits the group below, James tells Yamask to use Shadow Ball, Yamask fires the attack, the group run outwards and the attack misses them but it hits the ground. Team Rocket say goodbye, Jessie and James go back into the machine, as two doors for Jessie and James on the top of the Machine descends, Yamask and Woobat follow and the doors close. The machine flies off, Amy says that they need to rescue Axew and Druddigon, Iris agrees. James and Jessie are in a bigger control room, Jessie on the right, James on the left, the control room is in the actual machine, one big glass window stretching from Jessie’s side, to the front and then to James’s side. James says that their is a table mountain ahead and that they are going to land there, Meowth comes down from the control room on the top of their mechanical machine. Meowth is in his own seat behind Jessie and James, Meowth mentions that they will inform Giovanni on today’s results. A banging nose is coming from inside the Machine, Meowth wonders what it is, Druddigon is scratching the inside of the machine using Dragon Claw, leaving behind scratch marks, it then punches it. Jessie says that Druddigon is rampaging, she asks James if it will be fine, James says that it is a foolish question, the Mecha is perfect.

Ash, Iris, Cilan and Amy are running through some nearby woods, Cilan tells them that they shouldn’t lose sight of Team Rocket, Amy says that Druddigon is her precious friend, she says that she will get it back for sure. Iris starts to think in her head that Axew is her precious friend, she says no, it is more than that, Iris flashes back to when she had Axew. The Village Elder and Iris are both standing facing each other, the Elder is standing in front of the Village’s Reshiram and Zekrom statues, Iris has Axew in her arms, the Elder tells Iris to listen, she says that when she travels with Axew, she will come across many Pokemon and Trainers. The interactions with them will become food for their growth. Iris agrees, the Elder says that lots of happenings, awaiting her ahead. There will be enjoyable ones, sad ones, happy ones and painful ones, when they overcome them, Iris’s road to becoming a Dragon Master will spread. Iris understands she says that she, she looks at Axew and Axew looks at her, she says that they will do their best. The Flashback ends and Iris promises that she will overcome them with her Axew whilst aiming to become a Dragon Master, Iris powers forwards and runs ahead of the group, the rest of the group try to catch up. Druddigon keeps punching the inside of the room that they are in, a blue light shines inside Axew’s stomach, its mouth is closed, it then opens, the blue orb from inside its stomach starts to come out of its mouth. Dragon Sneeze explodes inside the Machine’s room, which causes light blue beams to shoot from the room’s opening gaps. The Explosion causes the Control panel in front of Team Rocket, to electrocute, smoke comes out of the room where Axew and Druddigon are in, the flying machine goes crashing down. Ash and co. see it, and Ash says that they are crashing down, the machine crashes into the ground, in between two rocky mountains.

Jessie and James come out of two separate doors at the top of the machine, Meowth comes out of his seat at the top, but the glass around Meowth’s seat, has retracted. Meowth says that he thought that Axew couldn’t use Dragon Rage, James says that it is perfect for their team, a crash is heard, Druddigon breaks the doors off of the room that it was forced into, Druddigon walks out of it an Axew jumps on Druddigon’s back. Jessie says that they want to escape but it wont happen, Ash and co. are on a path, overlooking a big forest that surrounds the left, rocky mountain, of which the flying machine crashed near. Ash says that they have to hurry, Iris says wait, she climbs up a nearby tree, she stands on a branch, left hand planted on the tree, she closes her eyes. She can sense what is happening, Axew is happily on Druddigon’s head as Druddigon walks. Woobat flies down and goes in front of Druddigon’s face, Yamask comes in near Druddigon and Axew as well. Amy asks Iris, what she is doing, she says that if they don’t hurry something will happen to Druddigon and Axew, Iris cuts her off by opening her eyes, saying that she has it and she points to where Axew and Druddigon are. Iris jumps down, Amy asks where she is going, Cilan uses his right hand to point to his right, where a opening is and he says a shortcut is that way. Ash says that Iris sensed where Axew and Druddigon are, Cilan and Amy are shocked, Ash says that he trusts Iris, Ash tells Pikachu that they should go, Ash runs off with Pikachu on his left shoulder, Cilan and Amy follow Ash. Druddigon is running with Axew on it’s head, they run along a rocky path, Druddigon falls down and he falls on the ground, sending Axew falling on a rocky that has moss on top of it. Druddigon comes near Axew, Axew sits down, he feels happy, Woobat and Yamask come near the two Dragon Pokemon, Yamask on the left and Woobat on the right. Druddigon and Axew turn to see them, Team Rocket are behind their Pokemon, Jessie is on the right, Meowth in the middle and James on the left, with a big cliff behind them.

Jessie tells the Dragon Pokemon that it is to hard for them, James says that they can’t escape from Team Rocket, Meowth tells them to give up and to become apart of their team. Druddigon creates a Focus Blast, from in between it’s hands and it fires it, James and Meowth move to the left swiftly, Jessie moves to the right, the Focus Blast hits the cliff causing an explosion, Jessie loves their tough, strong and impudent side more and more. James says that the resistance ends here, he orders Yamask to use Shadow Ball, Yamask fires a Shadow Ball, using it’s right hand, Druddigon crosses it’s arms, it then pushes it with its arms, which destroys it. Jessie tells Woobat to use Gust, Woobat uses Gust, Druddigon is affected and Axew flies back. Meowth says that that Axew and Druddigon have the opportunity to join Team Rocket and to become their vanguard for the takeover of the Unova region. A voice is heard saying that the person wont let Team Rocket do that, no matter what, Team Rocket turn around to see Ash and co., Jessie notices that the twerps are here. It was Iris who said it, Iris tells Axew that she is here to save them, Amy notices that Druddigon is safe, Druddigon has Axew in it’s arms, Axew cheers in enjoyment and Druddigon turns to see the group and it is happy. James tells Yamask to use Shadow Ball, Yamask grows a Shadow Ball in between it’s hands, Ash tells Pikachu to use ThunderBolt, Pikachu zaps Woobat and Yamask, the Shadow Ball is destroyed, Cilan tells Druddigon and Axew that it is their chance, Druddigon walks towards the group, Axew jumps in Iris’s arms, Iris apologizes for being late. James tells Yamask to use Night Shade, Yamask opens it’s mouth, it’s eyes glow red and red circles pulse from Yamask’s mouth. Druddigon gets hurt, he hugs Amy, protecting her, Druddigon and Amy slide back, James tells Yamask to keep going, Druddigon is still being affected, they fly back and hit the ground not to far away. A dust cloud arises from the fall, Ash and co. walk over to them, Ash asks if they are fine and Amy says yes. Amy is sitting up, she looks at Druddigon, she says thanks to it for protecting herself so frantically. Druddigon stands up, a golden orb shines inside its stomach, it’s body is outlined in the same colour, everyone is shocked, Amy wonders what it is and Iris says that Druddigon has learnt, Draco Meteor. Amy doesn’t believe it but Iris reassures her, she says that in order to use it, it needs to charge its entire body with power and it then needs release it towards the sky. Amy tells Druddigon to fill it’s stomach up with even more power. Druddigon does so, Iris tells Amy for it to use it now, Amy tells Druddigon to release it towards the sky, Amy points towards the sky and Druddigon’s head turns towards the sky. The golden orb moves, it forms in between Druddigon’s mouth, it fires it towards the sky, it breaks, sending little golden orb meteors, to crash towards the ground.

They fall down near Team Rocket, one knocks Yamask out, Amy is shocked and Iris says that Amy has done it. James is impressed that it can use Draco Meteor, Jessie says that they will definitely get it now, Jessie tells Woobat to use Gust, so Woobat does, Ash tells Pikachu to use Electro Ball and Pikachu uses Electro Ball, it hits Woobat. Axew is on Iris’s left shoulder, Iris tells it to use Dragon Rage, Axew jumps on the ground, a blue orb shines from inside its body, it’s head sticks up in the air, it powers it up, the orb forms in it’s mouth, the orb shoots out and turns into a blue and black fame, it forms into a Dragon and Axew shoots it at Team Rocket. Team Rocket are scared and the attack causes a huge explosion, they are all happy, the dust clears in front of Axew, Team Rocket are in the sky, flying with their jet packs, James is annoyed that Ash and co. interfered with their plans at a crucial time. Jessie says that their strategy ended up failing, but they’ll succeed next time, Meowth says that for Giovanni, they will complete their mission, to gain control of Unova and they fly away into the distance. Iris is holding Axew, she says that Axew did it, she says that it can finally use Dragon Rage, they snuggle together, Iris says that Axew is happy as well and that it has tried to hard, but it has finally showed after all. Cilan says that after a long ripening process, it has created a powerful and soulful taste, Cilan closes his eyes, he puts his right hand on his chest and he says that it was an excellent Dragon Rage. Ash says that Druddigon’s Draco Meteor was cool too, Amy thanks Ash, she says that she has now decided to travel together with Druddigon, Druddigon is happy, it rubs it’s head with it’s eyes closes and acting happy. Amy pats Druddigon, Iris says that they also have to do their best, so that she can become a Dragon Master, Ash says that he wont lose either, he wants to become a Pokemon Master for sure.

Good points:

- Druddigon looked nice.

- Axew perfecting Dragon Rage.

- Team Rocket being sort of strong.

- Tepig acting different after losing

Bad Points:

- Boring plot

- Iris centered Episode.


The UFO causes a big gust overhead, Ash and Co. track it down, the small UFO and Elgyem are on the ground, Elgyem's unconscious. Elgyem communicates with it's fingers, Ash and co. fly with Imori in his own UFO, Team Rocket on Jet packs.cTranquill versus Yamask, Axew uses a powerful, but different looking Dragon Rage, it hurts Yamask. Ash and co. fly down a cliff in the big UFO, Elgyem's on Imori's shoulder.

I like that Scraggy is getting more attention, but it seems like Cilan has a big involvement, yet he didn't narrate the preview for this episode.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Finally got around to watching BW032, it was OK I guess. Energy ball looks spiffy. That's pretty much all I have to say about this one.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

2 new episode titles.

BW037: Dangoro! Let's Fire the Luster Cannon(Flash Cannon)!!

BW038: Dento Sommelier-Detetctive! Tabunne Disappearance Case!!


BW037: Ash and his friends encounter the "Mantle Pokémon" Roggenrola rampaging in the forest. Wanting to catch it, Ash challenges Roggenrola to a battle but is defeated. He ends up heading to the Pokémon Center to have his Pokémon treated

BW038: Ash and his friends get lost in a forest. On their way, they see a figure of (what they think is) a human and approach it to ask for directions, but the figure turns out to be the "Healing Pokémon", Audino...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Hmm I wonder if Ash gets that Roggenrola. It would be pretty cool to see him with a Gigalith.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Probably, new merchandise has came out.

These are among other Pokemon on the main cast. If you want to check it out, copy the image address for the image, you should be able to find it from there.


Images from the next episode, from the Pokemon Smash preview.














Another advertisement image, Foongus and Audino could be on the main team, we'll see.


Pokemon: Black and White Episode 31: The Missing Hotachi! Mijumaru’s Biggest Crisis Ever!!

The episode starts off with Ash and co. on a dirt patch surrounded by a grass field, a guy is on the other end of the dirt patch. He says that his name is Kenyan, he says that he is fully motivated, even though he only started his journey recently. He tells Ash that they should have a battle, Ash says that he accepts and finishes by saying the guys name, Kenyan. Kenyan is surprised he puts on a disappointed face, he rubs the back of his head with his left hand whilst having his eyes closed. He tells Ash that he isn’t pronouncing his name right, but it doesn’t matter, he pulls out a Pokeball saying that Blitzle should come out, he throws the Pokeball, Blitzle comes out of the Pokeball. Ash wonders what it is, so he brings out his Pokedex, it scans Blitzle, it shows an image of Bliztle at different rotation angles going clockwise, it says, “Blitzle, the Electrified Pokemon. It catches lighting with its mane, it stores electricity. When it discharges it, its mane glows.”. Iris says that with an electric type as his opponent, a grass type like Snivy or another electric like Pikachu would be a good choice and Cilan says that Blitzle can learn lots of different moves, so Ash has to be cautious. Ash tells Pikachu to battle, Pikachu jumps forward on the ground, it then sparks electricity out of it’s cheeks, Oshawott comes out of its Pokeball, it’s in front of Pikachu, Ash and Pikachu are surprised and then Oshawott after resting its hands on its hips and closing its eyes, acting smug, happily pushes Pikachu near Ash. It then happily skips to its spot from before, Ash asks if Oshawott wants to battle, Oshawott jumps and turns around to face Ash, it bangs its right hand on its Scalchop, it looks lose, Ash says that Oshawott said that it will be alright because of its Scalchop, Oshawott happily nods its head as it has its eyes closed. Ash says that he chooses Oshawott to battle and Oshawott jumps up in front of Ash.


Ash and Kenyan prepare for the battle, Oshawott against Blitzle, Kenyan talks to himself, saying that Ash sent out a water type, even though he knows that he is facing an electric type. He wonders if Ash is understanding him, he tells Ash that he will beat Ash and he will crush him to a pulp in this spicy battle. Kenyan tells Blitzle to use Shock Wave, Blitzle gathers electricity, it’s main glows yellow as it stores electricity, it fires electricity from its mane. Oshawott grabs its Scalchop and it holds it out in front with both hands, the electricity gets blocked by the Scalchop, Oshawott holds it’s Scalchop to the right with its right hand while having its eyes closed and Blitzle is surprised. Kenyan wonders how it repelled Shock Wave, Kenyan is also shocked by Oshawott reflecting it, Iris says that it defends itself completely from the electricity, using its Scalchop, Cilan says that as always, it is a ripened Scalchop user. Ash gives Oshawott praise by saying that it did a good job and that it should keep it up. Kenyan says that Shock Wave might not work now, but it has other attacks, he tells it to use Flame Charge, Blitzle gets up on it’s back feet, it stomps its front feet on the ground together, creating a dust cloud around it and it shoots out of the dust cloud, covered in fire. Ash tells Oshawott to counter it with Aqua Jet, Oshawott gathers energy by closing its eyes and tensing its arms, it surrounds itself in water and it shoots through the air, it misses Blitzle. Ash asks where Oshawott is going, Blitzle slides along the ground, it stops its Flame Charge. Oshawott is still using Aqua Jet and it keeps flying above the field in random directions, Ash yells at Oshawott to aim at Blitzle, Oshawott flies toward a big brown boulder, it hits its head as it crashes into the rocky boulder sideways. Oshawott slides down the rocky boulder and crashes to the ground below, Ash says that it is another failure, Ash and Pikachu both slouch in disappointment, Oshawott walks around spinning in a dizzy fashion along the ground. Iris says that it has lots of power, but its control isn’t that good, Cilan says that as always it has a weird taste. Kenyan rubs the back of his head with his left hand, he wonders what that was, Blitzle is also confused.

Ash tells Oshawott to use Razor Shell, Oshawott pulls its Scalchop off of its body with his right hand, it glows yellow and it turns into the shape off a light blue, spherical, triangular blade shape like it has used before. It goes to hit Blitzle, Kenyan tells Blitzle to use Double Kick, Blitzle brings its front legs into the air, it lands and then it kicks its back legs in the air towards Oshawott. It kicks Oshawott knocking its Scalchop away from Oshawott, its Scalchop flies through the air until it lands into a forest area, with mountains in the distance. Oshawott puts its hands on its face as it expresses a huge shocked face, it runs along the ground, it runs past Ash and Pikachu. Ash asks where Oshawott is going as Oshawott runs past, Oshawott is running towards it Scalchop. Kenyan asks Ash if it is a match forfeit, Ash stresses out, he calls a time out, Ash says that he will go and get it now, so Kenyan should wait and Ash runs after Oshawott as Pikachu follows Ash. Ash is surprised that the trainer ran off as well, Kenyan slouches down holding his head low, with his eyes closed. Cilan comes in and says that it is an unusual case, but it is true that the Scalchop is a part of Oshawott’s body, Kenyan opens his eyes and he looks at Cilan, Cilan says that he can’t call if a match forfeit just because it went off to look for it. Kenyan moves his arms about, asking in an angry tone, when they can battle, Iris says that they will be back eventually, as Axew rests on Iris’s left shoulder. Ash calls out for Oshawott in the distance, Axew turns his head to see where the voice is coming from and Iris says that she doesn’t know when they will be back. Kenyan puts on a tired face, he says that he has other things to do, Cilan suggests that he should start from scratch with a new battle tomorrow. Kenyan goes back to being excited, he swings his right arm saying that he will have a rematch tomorrow and that he will be camping nearby. Kenyan walks away, Oshawott is near a big grass patch, with a dirt cross through the middle, making them into 4 grass patches, Oshawott walks through them, trying to search for his shell. Oshawott sees a sparkle on the dirt part in between the patches, he rushes to it and picks it up with his right hand, he sees that it is a bottle-cap, so he becomes annoyed and he chucks it at the ground, Oshawott hangs his head low in disappointment. A gust blows through the tall grass patches, Oshawott brings its head up, he then hears Ash and Pikachu calling out for it, Oshawott becomes surprised and he turns his body around to see Ash and Pikachu running towards it.

Ash asks Oshawott if it has found its Scalchop yet, Oshawott hangs its head low again, Ash tells it that they will look for it together and Pikachu reassures Oshawott. Oshawott looks up and it puts a smile on its face(Scalchop transition), Ash, Pikachu and Oshawott are looking all over the grass patches for the Scalchop, Ash is standing on the dirt ground and he sees two blue sparkles from the edge, of the inside of one of the tall grass patches, he wonders if it is the Scalchop, Oshawott and Pikachu turn towards Ash in happiness, Oshawott runs over to where Ash thinks he found it. Pikachu jumps in Joy and Oshawott leans inside the grass that Ash saw the shining. Oshawott comes out with a Pokemon on its stomach, its a Joltik, Joltik sparks electricity from its body, Oshawott opens its eyes, it looks down towards Joltik after closing its eyes and having its hands on its hips in a proud manner. Joltik electrocutes Oshawott and Oshawott runs along the dirt, Ash tells Pikachu to use slap it off with Iron Tail, Pikachu’s tail glows metallic and it slaps it off with Iron Tail. Oshawott and Ash are happy that Joltik is off, Joltik lands on the ground and sparks, Ash looks it up on his Pokedex, it says, “Joltik the attaching Pokemon. By attaching itself to large Pokemon, it absorbs their static electricity and collects it inside an electric storage pouch.”. Ash now knows that its name is Joltik, Joltik jumps whilst turning and it jumps away, Oshawott lowers its head in disappointment. Ash kneels down on his right knee and pats Oshawott on the back with his right hand telling it to cheer up, he tells Oshawott that they should continue the search. Oshawott smiles, Cilan and Iris run towards Ash along the dirt path, Cilan asks Ash if he has found the missing Scalchop. They stop when they come to Ash, Ash says no and Cilan is surprised, Ash asks where Kenyan is, Iris says that he went back, saying that they will have a rematch tomorrow morning, Cilan says that if they don’t find it, Oshawott will have to battle without it. Oshawott lowers its head in sadness, Iris has her eyes closed, she opens them and happily says that they should leave it to her. She tells them to wait and she runs off, Ash asks what Iris is trying to do, Oshawott is still sad but Ash turns towards it telling it, that it shouldn’t worry, Iris has an idea, Iris calls out for Oshawott’s attention, the others look towards Iris, Ash reassures Oshawott, which makes Oshawott happy, Iris holds out an Scraggy Berry, wondering if it will do the trick. Iris tell Oshawott to use it because she is sure that it will work, Oshawott moves the berry around, acting like it is its Scalchop. Ash asks what Oshawott thinks and if Oshawott wants to use it again Pikachu’s Thunderbolt(Scalchop Transition).

Ash is battling Oshawott on a dirt field, with Pikachu as Ash’s battling Pokemon, Pikachu’s cheeks spark as Ash asks if Oshawott is ready, Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt zaps Oshawott, making it look burnt and the berry is split in half, one half in Oshawott’s right hand and the other in Oshawott’s left hand. The berry is also burnt. Iris is holding a big part of her half of the burnt berry, Axew is holding a smaller bit and Cilan is holding a big piece as well. Iris says that she thought that it was a good idea, Cilan says that the Scraggy berry wasn’t strong enough, they take a bite out of their pieces, Iris says that it is aromic and quite good. Cilan says that it might have a sour taste when raw, but when you cook it, it gains a round taste and it becomes nice. Ash is standing behind them, with Oshawott on Ash’s right, Ash tells them to stop eating and to think seriously, Oshawott lowers its head, Cilan says that it cant be helped, Cilan says that he will give Ash his own choice. Cilan holds out his Cloche in front of Oshawott, Cilan says that it is a quality product that he has polished with all of his heart, he says that Oshawott will be fine with it. Ash says that Oshawott should try it. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, Oshawott has the cloche out in front, holding it with his hands, with the top facing Ash and Pikachu, the Thunderbolt hits the Cloche but Oshawott still gets electrocuted badly. Oshawott drops the Cloche, Ash calls if another failure, Iris say that it is metal after all, Oshawott falls over backwards. Cilan is holding his burnt Cloche, tears coming from his eyes, he says that his precious Cloche is burnt black and he polished it with so much care, Iris says that he should just polish it again, Ash is behind Iris and Cilan, he tells them to think seriously and Iris and Cilan turn to see Ash. Cilan throws up a Pokeball in the air, telling Dwebble to come out, Dwebble comes out of its Pokeball, Cilan tells Dwebble to make a shield for Oshawott, out of a rock. Dwebble carves a nearby rock with its claws, Oshawott looks happy and the rock turns into a big Scalchop shaped rock.

Oshawott goes up to it, with an uncertain look, Cilan tells Oshawott that the Scraggy Berry and the cloche were weak to electricity but the shield that Dwebble made should be fine. Ash tells Oshawott that is could work, he asks Oshawott if he agrees, so Oshawott does(Scalchop transition). Ash is on the dirt ground with Pikachu in front of him and Oshawott on the other side of the dirt patch, with the Rock Scalchop being held up by Oshawott. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, Oshawott tries to lift up the Rock Scalchop, his face turns red in exhaustion, the Thunderbolt reflects off of the Scalchop, Ash tells Oshawott to keep it up and then Oshawott falls over backwards because of the wait of the Scalchop shaped Rock. Oshawott is seen on the ground after a dust cloud from the fall clears, the Rock is on Oshawott’s body and it’s legs, Oshawott is knocked out from the eight of the Rock. Oshawott is lying underneath the shade of the tree that Iris and Cilan were standing near when Ash was doing the practice battle with Oshawott and Pikachu. The Rock Scalchop is on the dirt patch, Pikachu is underneath the tree’s shade as well as he fans a hurt Oshawott with a big leaf. Ash says that it is probably nothing but its own Scalchop will work, after all, Iris thinks about what Ash said and she thinks that it doesn’t work because it relied on its Scalchop too much. Ash tells Iris that she shouldn’t talk like that and Oshawott sits up, Ash says that besides Oshawott’s life, its Scalchop is its most important thing. Oshawott hangs his head in disappointment, Cilan says that Ash should raise Oshawott’s offensive taste instead of its defensive taste. Ash doesn’t understand, Cilan says that people usually say that “The best defense is a good offense”, Ash thinks as he looks to the ground, zoning out, Iris goes to Ash’s height level and she says that if it the case that he needs to raise Oshawott’s speed. Ash says that they wont make in time for the next day, he says that the only thing to do is to use the Rock as a Scalchop replacement. Ash says that there is no use thinking about it, Ash picks Oshawott up, he says that it is time for special training, Ash says that Oshawott will master using the rock just as well as it uses its Scalchop. He tells Oshawott that he can do it, Oshawott goes from a sad face to a low hanging head with another disappointed face and Iris wonders if it will be fine in this condition.

Ash walks up a hill with a rocky boulder on his back and Pikachu on top of the rock, Ash is carrying it with with two hands, Oshawott is on Ash’s right carrying the Rock Scalchop up the hill as well. Ash and Oshawott do Sit-ups on opposite sides of the Rock Scalchop, they have their feet planted on the Rock. Pikachu cheers them on, Ash does Pushups and Oshawott is on the left of Ash doing Pushups with the Rock Scalchop on its back. Ash is doing more practicing on the same field from before, they’re practicing with Oshawott using the Rock Scalchop as a blocking tool, Pikachu, who is in front of Ash fires a Thunderbolt, it goes towards Oshawott. Oshawott raises the Rock up to block it, it sends Oshawott rolling backwards, Oshawott runs forward to the Rock, Oshawott rolls back along the ground again and it runs back towards the Rock, Oshawott grabs the Rock Scalchop, Cilan on the sidelines on the grass says that the battle is hot and it is on fire and he says that he can taste the sweat and tears. Iris says that Oshawott is working quite hard, Cilan and Iris are shocked that Oshawott was sent flying whilst practicing, they move their heads down watching Oshawott falling. Oshawott is sent flying and landing again, Oshawott is lying under the tree with Pikachu fanning him with a leaf again. Iris, Cilan and Ash are standing in front of the tree, Iris thinks Oshawott has released its limit, Oshawott gets up and Ash tells it that it shouldn’t worry and that it can definitely do it, so Oshawott puts a determined face on.

It’s night time, Oshawott is sitting on the grass of the edge of a pond, Oshawott looks sad, Oshawott imagines it in another battle with Blitlze at daytime, he imagines that Blitzle shoots an electric zap from its mane, then as Oshawott holds its Scalchop out in front, the Scalchop fades away, Oshawott runs around in circles but then the electric attack zaps Oshawott. The thought disappears, Oshawott doesn’t like the thought so he shakes his head hard, Oshawott looks in the pond and a reflection of the moon looks like that it is Oshawott’s Scalchop. Oshawott becomes happy, it notices that it is a reflection of the Moon so Oshawott looks down in disappointment. Oshawott remembers Ash saying that Oshawott can definitely do it, Oshawott looks confident again. Ash is in a clearing calling out for Oshawott, and Pikachu is doing the same thing, Ash asks Pikachu where it could have gone without it eating its meal, Pikachu’s ears stand tall as they twitch. Ash asks Pikachu, what the problem is and Pikachu runs off, Ash runs and stops near a bush with Pikachu on his left shoulder. Ash and Pikachu are watching Oshawott training, Oshawott is doing Pushups with the Rock Scalchop is on his back, Oshawott appears to be struggling a bit, Ash asks Pikachu if they should keep Oshawott company, Ash calls out for Oshawott, Oshawott turns his head to his left in the middle of a Pushup and he sees Ash, Oshawott collapses with the Rock on its back. Ash runs over to Oshawott, he asks if it is alright. He picks Oshawott up and he says that they should do special training together. Ash walks up a hill with a rocky boulder on his back and Pikachu on top of the rock, Ash is carrying it with with two hands, Oshawott is on Ash’s right carrying the Rock Scalchop up the hill, like Ash is. Ash and Oshawott do Sit-ups on opposite sides of the Rock Scalchop, they have their feet planted on the Rock. Pikachu cheers them on, Ash does Pushups and Oshawott is on the left of Ash doing Pushups with the Rock Scalchop on its back. Pikachu fires Thunderbolt attacks at Oshawott’s Rock Scalchop and Oshawott keeps deflecting them, Ash tells Oshawott that he did it and that it should keep it up. Oshawott pops its head from behind the right side of the Scalchop, looking happy.

It’s morning time, Ash is on the dirt patch, Pikachu is standing to the left of Ash, Oshawott is standing in front of Ash, the Stone Scalchop is on Oshawott’s back, with ropes holding it there because it is tied by going around the front of it’s body as well in an “X” fashion. Oshawott is crossing his arms in confidence, Iris and Cilan are at the same tree nearby, underneath the tree’s shade. Oshawott fears as he almost falls over, he regains balance and goes back into the same confident pose. Iris ask Ash if Oshawott will be fine, Ash says yes because they did everything that they could, he asks Oshawott for reassurance and Oshawott nods as it agrees. Cilan says that Kenyan seem to be late, but either way he said that he should be camping near the area(Yet another Scalchop transition). Ash and co., plus Oshawott are walking down a path, they all stop, they have shocked looks on their faces, Oshawott puts his right hand to his wide opened mouth, in utter shock. Kenyan is cycling on what looks to an exercise bike, there is a tent on Kenyan’s left side and Blitzle is on Kenyan’s right. There is a screen at the front of the bike, showing meters which seem to be changing constantly as Kenyan pedals and there is a keyboard pad underneath the meters. Two rods are sticking up from a box in front of the bike, and electricity sparks from them, as Kenyan pedals hard, the electricity increases and it shoots from the rods to Blitzle’s mane. Its mane shines yellow and sparkles burst from the mane after the zap, Ash and Oshawott wonder what is going on. Kenyan gets off of the bike and he asks Ash if it is time already, Ash asks Kenyan what he is doing, Ash says Kenyan’s name at the end of his sentence and Kenyan tells Ash that he still not pronouncing his name right, but he doesn’t care that much. Kenyan says that is his own power generating equipment he created to inject power into Blitzle.

Cilan understands, Blitzle brushes the ground with its front left foot, Cilan says that Blitzle powers up by using its mane to absorb the electricity from the machine. Iris says that it feels like it is fully prepared for the rematch, Kenyan says that Bliztle’s power if perfect and that he prepared to go after its power injection is finished, but Ash saved Kenyan the trouble by coming here his self. Kenyan and Ash get close to each other as they look at each other, with Oshawott on Ash’s left and Blitzle on Kenyan’s right. Kenyan says that they should continue yesterdays battle here, Ash says that he will settle the battle this time, Blitzle stares at Oshawott intimidatingly and Oshawott is scared from the intimidation. Ash turns to Oshawott telling it that it can do it and that they should make use of yesterdays special training and that it should do its best. Oshawott looks at Ash, looking happy, which goes to a confident expression, Ash and Kenyan stand on another dirt patch, with Iris and Cilan on the sidelines and Blitzle in front of Kenyan and Oshawott in front of Ash. Ash tells Oshawott that it is time, Oshawott is holding up the stone Scalchop by using its right hand and the stone is on Oshawott’s right. Kenyan tells Blitzle to show them, their powered up moves, he tells Blitzle to use Shock Wave, Blitzle’s mane sparks and glows yellow, it shoots the attack from its mane. Shock Wave hits the big Stone Scalchop, the electricity is powerful, but if eventually reflects off of the Stone. Ash tells Oshawott to keep it up and Kenyan is shocked by what Oshawott did. Cilan says that Oshawott has mastered the Rock Scalchop, Kenyan knows that they have powered up as well, but they’re different from yesterday too, so Kenyan tells Blitzle to use Shock Wave at full power. Blitzle fires the attack from its mane, as it glows yellow and the attack hits the Rock, Oshawott is finding it hard. Iris says that it has amazing power, Cilan says that it is stronger than the first Shock Wave, Ash tells Oshawott that it shouldn’t give up, Pikachu agrees and the Shock Wave eventually stops, but the attack leaves a crack in the stone. Kenyan tells Blitzle to charge, so Blitzle does, Kenyan tells Blitzle to use Double Kick, Blitzle stands on its back to legs, it lands its front feet down, it kicks up its back lefts and it kicks the Stone Scalchop, smashing it into pieces.

Cilan is surprised that Dwebble’s stone that it carved, broke, Iris says that it is bad and it will be worse if an electric attack is used. Oshawott falls on the ground with rocks from the Stone Scalchop in front of it, Kenyan tells Blitzle to use Shock Wave, Blitzle fires the attack, Oshawott picks up a small piece from the broken Stone Scalchop. Oshawott uses it as a shield but it is no use, Oshawott falls back on its stomach near Ash, Blitzle’s mane sparks, Kenyan laughs, Kenyan says that the piece of rock was too small to take the the powerful Shock Wave and Oshawott struggles to get up. Ash tries to think of an idea, he remembers Cilan saying that “The best defense is a good offense.”, Ash has an idea, Kenyan says that he will finish it off, so he tells Blitzle to use Shock Wave, Ash tells Oshawott to use Tackle. Blitzle’s mane glows yellow and it zaps electricity from its mane, using Shock Wave, Oshawott charges forward, Oshawott charges down the field, going from left to right constantly. Oshawott is dodging the Shock Wave attack and Iris wonders where Oshawott gained its speed. Oshawott uses Tackle and it hits Blitzle in the neck, sending Blitzle to slide backwards as dust from the slide goes into the air before disappearing. Ash tells Oshawott that it did well, Oshawott looks on its stomach, acting shocked, to notice that its speedier without its Scalchop. Cilan says that the training didn’t just cause Oshawott’s power to increase, Ash tells Oshawott to keep attacking it, Oshawott keeps using Tackle on Blitzle, Oshawott eventually misses as Blitzle dodges. Ash thinks to himself that he would finish it off with Razor Shell now, but it doesn’t have its Scalchop and Aqua Jet is still strange, Oshawott is in the air as it will attack soon. Blitzle stands on its back to legs, it lands its front feet down, it kicks up its back lefts and it goes to kick Oshawott, Ash tells Oshawott to dodge it, so it does, Kenyan says that it is Blitzle’s turn, he tells Blitzle to use Flame Charge repeatedly. Blitzle bring its front legs up, it hits them on the ground sending dust clouds to rise from the ground, he shoots out of the dust cloud covered in fire. Flame Charge keeps going all over the field, but Oshawott is dodging them, Cilan says that it is bad because Blitzle’s speed is increasing because of Flame Charge. Iris says that Blitzle will catch up at this rate eventually, Oshawott is running scared from Blitzle’s Flame Charge, Oshawott is backed into a tree and Blitzle’s Flame Charge goes away as it stops.

Ash is worried and Kenyan says that there is no escape, Kenyan tells Blitzle to finish it off with Flame Charge. Blitzle bring its front legs up, it stomps them on the ground sending dust clouds to rise from the ground, Ash tells Oshawott that it is do or die, he tells Oshawott to use Aqua Jet. Blitzle shoots out of the dust cloud covered in fire, Oshawott covers itself in water and it goes towards Blitzle, Iris says that Aqua Jets speed has increased too, Oshawott goes off course. Cilan says that it still went off of its target, Kenyan tells Blitzle to follow Oshawott, Blitzle charge down the field side to side, they keep banging against each other, Ash tells Oshawott to do its best and Kenyan tells Blitzle that it shouldn’t give up. The two attacks keep banging until they fuse and a white aura surrounds the two, they smash into a big grey rock. They fly until they land near their trainers, Blitzle is knocked out and Kenyan tells Blitzle to hang in there, Oshawott stands up, breathing heavily, Cilan says that Blitzle it unable to battle, Iris is happy that Ash won, Ash picks up Oshawott. He praises it telling Oshawott that it was good, Oshawott smiles happily, Kenyan returns Blitzle to its Pokeball. Kenyan thanks it and tells it to take a long rest, he walks over to Ash saying that Ash battled well Ash says that Kenyan did well, he also mentions Kenyan’s name again. Kenyan sayz that his name is “Kenyan” and that Ash’s pronunciation is wrong, but it doesn’t matter that much, he tells Ash that Ash is strong, but he will become stronger and when the time comes, Ash should battle him again. Ash agrees and they hold onto each others hands, Axew walks out of a bush happily as he holds Oshawott’s Scalchop in his right hand, Ash and Kenyan aren’t holding hands anymore, Cilan turns around and asks what the problem is. Iris asks if it is Oshawott’s Scalchop, Ash lets go of Oshawott, Oshawott jumps down and goes to Axew, Ash says that Axew must have searched for it, whilst Axew gives the Scalchop to Oshawott. Ash asks Oshawott if it is great, that its Scalchop has been found, Oshawott flips it and puts it on his stomach, Oshawott has a joyful face on, it then sways in exhaustion. Ash picks Oshawott up, holding Oshawott in his arms, Iris says that it was a fierce battle after all, Cilan says that for Oshawott, today was its best performance, where it used its power to the limit. Ash says that as expected, it can do it, if it just tries, Oshawott lays with its eyes closed, in Ash’s arms and it then smiles as it rubs its Scalchop with his arms.

Good Points

- Oshawott getting attention.

- Blitzle

- The Animation

- Ash and Oshawott doing training together.

Bad Points

- Generic training episode, got boring after a bit.

- Oshawott failing through most of the training.

- It didn’t master Aqua Jet.


- Swadloon and Emolga are with the rest of the group, except for Excadrill, a bunch of Foongus paraylize them.
- Fisherman Cilan returns, he battles Palpitoad and uses his Fishing Rod.
- Stunfisk and Paplitoad fight Oshawott.
- Oshawott masters Aqua Jet. It uses Aqua Jet on Paplitoad, Palpitoad's scared.

Tympole also debuts, Palpitoad and Stunfisk are probably friends. Ash tries to open Oshawott's eyes underwater, Paplitoad uses Echo Voice I think, or Hyper Voice.