Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Noticing Ash is catching so many pokemons very early tells me he wont be using his old pokes in the unova league
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

BW041 - Everyone Gathering! Don Battle!!

So it seems like Ash will be training his Pokemon for the gym battle and I think this is where Ash brings Palpitoad back for the gym battle.

Lots of information about some upcoming episodes.


Episode 39:

1) An ancient Pokémon awakens after 100,000,000 years of sleeping! A Pokémon from ancient times has shown itself before everyone. But apparently, it has trouble living in the modern era. Will it be all right?!

2) - Short descriptions of the professors. Nothing new -

3) Trouble has come up
Shocked by the unfamiliar world!? Archen rampages!
For Archen, this is an entirely different and unfamiliar world. Shocked by the Pokémon and humans that didn't exist 100,000,000 years ago, it's no wonder that it becomes wary.

Ash tries his best to calm Archen, telling it that he wants to be friends.

It doesn't fly, even though it's a bird Pokémon?
Tranquill and Emolga coach Archen, who constantly flaps its wings, in flying. But as it doesn't have the ability to fly, Archen struggles.

Emolga's Attract is ineffective. It turns out that Archen is female!

4) A certain incident enables it to fly!
Coincidentally, Archen eats a berry from ancient plants that have been restored at the same time and becomes much more energetic! It evolves into Archeops and gains more abilities!

5) - Little picture showing Ash and Co. and Prof. Juniper -
Ash and his friends are excited that they'll be able to meet an ancient Pokémon.

6) The ancestor of all bird Pokémon has awakened in the modern era
Professor Juniper and Doctor Fennel try to revive the ancestor of all bird Pokémon, Archen, from a 100,000,000-year-old fossil. In order to witness the moment of truth, Ash and his friends visit the laboratory and watch as the experiment begins. With the help of Fossil Reviving Device, which uses Musharna's dream energy, they manage to revive Archen. However, upon awakening, Archen is bewildered by the change in its environment and starts rampaging.

Ash and Pikachu try to befriend Archen by proving that they have no malicious intentions. It calms down, but it appears unable to adapt to modern life as it spits out Pokémon food.

Meanwhile, Jessie and co. have invaded the network of the laboratory by command of Team Rocket's scientist, Professor Seger. They plan to steal the data of the Fossil Reviving Device as well as Archen.

It also says that there will be a funny scene between Stunfisk and Archen. Maybe since Archen can't fly and Stunfisk doesn't do that well on land, something funny will come from that.


"Zorua the Movie! Legend of the Pokémon Knight!!"
At a theater, Ash and his friends meet the "Tricky Fox Pokémon" Zorua. Trainer Luke, making a film starring Zorua, who loves disguising itself as a movie heroine, invites Ash and his friends to become involved with the production as well.


"Everyone Gathers! Don Battle!!"
In order to partake in the "Don Battle" hosted by Don George, Ash and his friends have come to Nimbasa Town (yes, it says town) together with Luke. In the hall/stadium, not only Trip, but many other Trainers they met on their journey so far are assembled.

Cilan, Iris and Luke decide to participate as well. A motivated Ash faces off against...

So episode in episode 39, they revive a fossil and they uses Emolga and Tranquill to help it to fly, it eventually evolves and Team Rocket want to capture the Archen. Episode 40, they meet Luke who puts on a Film with Zorua and he invites Ash and co. to join in. Episode 41, Trip, Ash, Iris, Cilan and Luke participate along with other trainers in a Don George battle tournament thing.

People that will battle in episode 41, Trip, Luke, Ash, Iris, Cilan, Bianca, Cabernet and Kenyan, confirmed.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

jaren said:
Noticing Ash is catching so many pokemons very early tells me he wont be using his old pokes in the unova league

Who knows what will happen in the Unova League. I agree with you.

Shouldn't Ash's Oshowatt evolve by now, because in the game once Oshowatt learns razor shell it evolves. I'm I wrong?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Flightless birds exist, you know. Ostriches, emus, penguins. And, ya know, DODRIO...

Oshawott learnt Razor Shell because the writers said so. Levels and evolution in the anime have no bearing on the games. Also, we know Oshawott, Snivy and Tepig won't evolve until after Movie14.

Saw today's episode, it was pretty dull, no idea what they were all blathering on about. OHNOES TR IS POSESSING TEH POOR ICKLE AUDINO! There were a few good points though. Roggenrola used an alternate version of sandstorm, where it leapt into the air, spun, and attacked. This contrasts last week where it simply flipped up, headstand (or earstand, I guess) into the ground, causing the sandstorm thus. Also, the multiple Audino using all the different attacks was pretty cool.

And of course, by far the best moment... IT'S DETECTIVE TIME! Cilan rocks my socks.

Next week looks to be interesting, if only for the evolution music and visual effects. Instrumental version of the OP FTW.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Any chance that Ash capture Archen/Archeops?? With two more captures,then he's tied the amount of Pokemon captured in Kanto (the first season, the most captures he's had in a single region, not including radicate and haunter).
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Actually if Ash catches one more Pokemon then he's tied with Kanto.

Kanto reserves - Krabby/Kingler, Primeape, Muk, Tauros.

Unova Reserves - Sewaddle/Swadloon, Palpitoad, Roggenrola and Archeops would make it a tie, but I don't think Ash will get it.

Ash also got two more pokemon in the Orange Islands, Snorlax and Lapras.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i dont really want ash to catch Archeops but maybe Cilan since ash and iris both have a flying type and cilan dosn't have one
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Ash still may catch it. Ash has 2 Grass types (Snivy and Swadloon) and two Water types (Oshawott and Palpitoad). And I don't think the anime writers really care about how much of one type one trainer has.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Archeops would be beast and is a perfect fit for a trainer like Ash
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

(\ /)
( . .)♥
c(”) It would be awesome if he catches Archeops.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I don't think he's getting it.

And to add to that theory, before Ash captured Roggenrola something came out that told us what happen in the upcoming episodes. It said the following.

"Iris gets a rival, Ash gets a new Pokémon, and then a Pokémon is revived from fossil."

Ash already got Roggenrola, it probably would've said Ash gets 2 new Pokemon or that a fossil is revived and Ash gets it, so I don't think Ash will get Archeops.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Still, if Ash got Archeops, it would be cool. I also think that there is a possibility that one of them catch Sandile along with Ash also catcing the Contonee that he helped.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

he wouldn't catch the contonee cuz it left with his mate
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

You never know, the pair could return as Whimsicotts and Scraggy could be desperate to stay with it.