Welcome to + Bold Ascension. This is a text based set featuring my custom Pokemon+, all 18 types, 280 cards, 12 Pokemon+, and 4 Secret Shining cards! Enjoy:
Grass: [G] 32CD32
Water: [W] 1E90FF Gyarados +, Mega Gyarados +, Shining Gyarados
Fire: [F] FF0000
Electric: [L] FFD700
Psychic: [P] 9400D3 Slowbro +, Mega Slowbro +, Shining Metagross
Fighting: [T] 8B4513 Shining Gallade
Dark: [D] 000000 Tyranitar+, Mega Tyranitar +
Steel: [M] 708090 Scizor +, Mega Scizor +, Steelix +
Fairy: [Y] FF69B5
Ground: [O] 8B4513 Donphan +
Rock: [R] FFA5000
Flying: 87CEFA
Ice: 87CEEB
Bug: [K] 808000
Ghost: [H] 800080
Poison: DDA0DD
Dragon: [N] FFA500 Shining Goodra
Colorless [C] A9A9A9 Blissey +, Raticate +
(Note, if there is an error, I will only change the OP)
Grass: [G] 32CD32
Water: [W] 1E90FF Gyarados +, Mega Gyarados +, Shining Gyarados
Fire: [F] FF0000
Electric: [L] FFD700
Psychic: [P] 9400D3 Slowbro +, Mega Slowbro +, Shining Metagross
Fighting: [T] 8B4513 Shining Gallade
Dark: [D] 000000 Tyranitar+, Mega Tyranitar +
Steel: [M] 708090 Scizor +, Mega Scizor +, Steelix +
Fairy: [Y] FF69B5
Ground: [O] 8B4513 Donphan +
Rock: [R] FFA5000
Flying: 87CEFA
Ice: 87CEEB
Bug: [K] 808000
Ghost: [H] 800080
Colorless [C] A9A9A9 Blissey +, Raticate +
(Note, if there is an error, I will only change the OP)
[Basic] Tangela HP70 - Grass
NO. 114, Vine Pokemon, Height: 3'03", Weight: 77.2 lbs.[Ability] Constrict
Once during your turn (before your attack.) if Tangela is on your Bench you may put 1 damage counter on your opponent's Active Pokemon. If you do put 1 damage counter on Tangela.
[C] Pound 10
Weakness: [F] +10
Retreat: [C]
001/280 Common
[Stage 1] Tangrowth HP120 - Grass
NO. 465, Vine Pokemon, Height: 6'07", Weight: 283.5 lbs.[Ability] Constrict
Once during your turn (before your attack.) if Tangrowth is on your Bench you may put 2 damage counter on your opponent's Active Pokemon. If you do put 2 damage counter on Tangrowth.
[G][C] Ever-Lasting Squeeze 40
The Defending Pokemon may not retreat during your opponent's next turn.
Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat: [C][C]
002/280 Rare
[Baby] Budew HP40 - Grass
NO. 406, Bud Pokemon, Height: 0'08", Weight: 2.6 lbs.Baby Evolution Rule
If this Baby Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and your opponent tries to attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything else required in order to use that attack). If tails, your opponent's turn ends without an attack.
[G][C] Deceiving Look
Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. Discard all Energy attached to Budew.
Weakness: [F] +10
Retreat: [C]
003/280 Common
[Basic] Roselia HP70 - Grass
NO. 315, Thorn Pokemon, Height: 1'00", Weight: 4.4 lbs.[C][C] Double Blade 10+
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more for each heads. If there isn't a Baby Pokemon anywhere under this card, this attack does nothing.
Weakness: [F] +20
Retreat: [C]
004/280 Common
[Stage 1] Roserade HP90 - Grass/Poison
NO. 497, Bouquet Pokemon, Height: 2'11", Weight: 32 lbs.[G] Power Exeliration
During your next turn, if you use Double Blade, flip 7 coins instead of 2.
[C][C] Double Blade 20+
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more fore each heads. If there isn't a Baby Pokemon anywhere under this card, this attack does nothing.
Weakness: [F] +30
Resistance: [T] -20
Retreat: [C]
005/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Cacnea HP60 - Grass
NO. 331, Cactus Pokemon, Height: 1'04", Weight: 113.1 lbs.[C] Shadow Veil 10+
If Cacnea has any [D] Energy attached to it, this attack does 10 damage 20 more.
Weakness: [F] +20
Retreat: [C][C]
006/280 Common
[Stage 1] Cacturne HP90 - Grass/Dark
NO. 332, Scarcrow Pokemon, Height: 4'06", Weight: 170.3 lbs.[G][G] Miracle Missile 80
Discard all Energy attached to Cancturne.
[G][G][G][C] Strength 80
Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [P] -30
Retreat: [C][C]
007/280 Rare
[Basic] Cherubi HP40 - Grass
NO. 420, Cherry Pokemon, Height: 1'04", Weight: 7.4 lbs.[Ability] Mirror Damage
Whenever Cherubi is damaged by attacks from your opponent's Pokemon, that Pokemon does 20 damage to itself.
[G] Nature's Way
Search your deck for a card that evolves from Cherubi and put it onto Cherubi. (This counts as evolving Cherubi.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
Retreat: [C]
008/280 Common
[Stage 1] Cherrim HP90 - Grass
NO. 421, Blossom Pokemon, Height: 1'08", Weight: 20.5 lbs.[Ability] Absortion
If Cherrim has any [F] Energy attached to it, Cherrim's type is now [G] and [F].
[C] Rapid Spin 20x
Flip a coin for each Energy attached to Cherrim. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Weakness: [F] +20
Retreat: [C][C]
009/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Shaymin HP80 - Grass
NO. 492, Graditude Pokemon, Height: 0'08", Weight: 4.6 lbs.[Ability] Land Glide
Once during your turn (before your attack) if there is a Stadium card called Sky Block in play, you may switch your Active Pokemon with one of your Benched Pokemon.
[G] Leaf Blade
This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [W] -20
010/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Shaymin HP90 - Grass
NO. 492, Gratitude Pokemon, Height: 1'04", Weight: 11.5 lbs.[G][C] Roost
Heal 50 damage from Shaymin.
[G][G][C][C] Sleep Powder 60
The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [W] -30
Retreat: [C]
011/280 Rare
[Basic] Deerling HP60 - Grass
NO. 585, Season Pokemon, Height: 2'00", Weight: 43 lbs.[G][G] Quick Attack 10+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.
Weakness: [F] +20
Retreat: [C]
012/280 Common
[Stage 1] Sawsbuck HP100 - Grass
NO. 586, Season Pokemon, Height: 6'03", Weight: 203.9 lbs.Cold Flare 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Frozen.
[G][C] Sharpened Leaf Blade 20x
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage times the number of Energy attached to Sawsbuck. You may not use Sharpened Leaf Blade during your next turn if these affects are applied.
Weakness: [F] +30
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat: [C][C]
013/280 Rare
[Basic] Foongus HP40 - Grass
NO. 590, Mushroom Pokemon, Height: 0'08", Weight: 2.2 lbs.[G] Gas Attack Backfire 30
Flip a coin. If tails Foongus is now Poisoned.
Weakness: [F] +10
014/280 Common
[Stage 1] Amoonguss HP80 - Grass
NO. 591, Mushroom Pokemon, Height: 2'01", Weight: 23.1 lbs.
[C] Light Jab 20
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[G][G][G][C] Strength 60
Weakness: [F] +20
Retreat: [C]
015/280 Uncommon
[Stage 1] Amoonguss HP90 - Grass/- Poison
NO. 591, Mushroom Pokemon, Height: 2'01", Weight: 23.1 lbs.[Ability] Reconstructing Nature
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a [G] Energy from your discard pile to your Active Pokemon.
[G][C] Jump Scare 60
Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
Weakness: [F] +30
Resistance: [T] -20
Retreat: [C]
016/280 Rare
[Basic] Skiddo HP70 - Grass
NO. 672, Mount Pokemon, Height: 2'11", Weight: 68.3 lbs.[C] Elegant Roar
Discard an Energy attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon.
[G][G] Clash 40
Skiddo does 20 damage to itself.
Weakness: [F] +20
Retreat: [C]
017/280 Common
[Stage 1] Gogoat HP100 - Grass
NO. 674, Mount Pokemon, Height: 5'07", Weight: 200.6 lbs.[Ability] Hyper-Healing
If Gogoat has any Hyper Energy attached to it, you may use this Ability. Whenever you attach a Basic Energy to Gogoat, heal 10 damage from Gogoat.
[G][G][C][C] Swarm 100
If you don't have 2 or more Gogoats on your Bench, this attack does nothing.
Weakness: [F] +30
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat: [C][C]
018/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Slugma HP60 - Fire
NO. 218, Lava Pokemon, Height: 2'04", Weight: 77.2 lbs.
[F] Lava Screech 10
Flip a coin. If heads, any damage done to Slugma by attacks during your opponent's next turn is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
Weakness: [W] +20
Retreat: [C][C]
019/280 Common
[Stage 1] Magcargo HP100 - Fire/- Rock
NO. 219, Lava Pokemon, Height: 2'07", Weight: 121.3 lbs.[Ability] Burnt Stone
All [R] Energy attached to Magcargo are [F] Energy instead of their usual type.
[F][C] Special Scorch 40
If the Defending Pokemon has any Special Energy attached to it, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned.
Weakness: [W] +30
Resistance: -30
Retreat: [C][C][C]
020/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Houndour HP50 -Fire
NO. 228, Dark Pokemon, Height: 2'00", Weight: 23.8 lbs.[F][F] Drag Down Under 30
[F][F][C] Bone Snap 30
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. If tails, discard the top card of your opponent's deck.
Weakness: [W] +20
Retreat: [C]
021/280 Common
[Stage 1] Houndoom HP100 -Fire/- Dark
NO. 229, Dark Pokemon, Height: 4'07", Weight: 77.2 lbs.[Ability] Energy Transfer
If Houndoom is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack, flip a coin for each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. For each heads, attach a Basic Energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
[F][C] Heating Sea 30
Discard a [W] Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[F][F][F][F] Wrath of Flames 120
Discard the top 3 cards of your deck.
Weakness: [W] +30
Resistance: [P] -30
Retreat: [C]
022/280 Rare
[Basic] Numel HP80 -Fire
NO. 322, Numb Pokemon, Height: 2'04", Weight: 52.9 lbs.[C][C] Light Nudge 20
Weakness: [W] +10
Retreat: [C][C]
023/280 Common
[Stage 1] Camerupt HP110 - Fire/- Ground
NO. 323, Eruption Pokemon, Height: 6'03", Weight: 485 lbs.[C] Pit Fall
Discard the top card of your opponent's deck for each [O] Energy attached to Camerupt.
[F][F][C][C] Lava Overflow 90
This attack does 20 damage to each of your Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
Weakness: [W] +20
Resistance: -20
Retreat: [C][C]
024/280 Rare
[Basic] Torkoal HP80 - Fire
NO. 324, Coal Pokemon, Height: 1'07", Weight: 177.2 lbs.[F] Smokescreen 20
If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.
Weakness: [W] +20
Retreat: [C][C]
025/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Torkoal HP90 - Fire
NO. 324, Coal Pokemon, Height: 1'07", Weight: 177.2 lbs.[Ability] Hot Steam Release Signal
Once during your turn, (before your attack), when you play Torkoal from your hand you may discard a [F] Energy attached to 1 of your Pokemon. If you do, search your deck for a Pokemon with Torkoal in it's name and put it in your hand.
[F] Metal Mealting 20+
Discard a [M] Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. If the Defending Pokemon is a [M] Pokemon, this attack does 20 more damage.
Weakness: [W] +20
Resistance: [G] -20
Retreat: [C][C]
026/280 Rare
[Basic] Litwick HP50 -Fire/- Ghost
NO. 607, Candle Pokemon, Height: 1'00", Weight: 6.8 lbs.[F] Team Spirit 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the number of Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure you have in play.
Weakness: [W] +10
027/280 Common
[Stage 1] Lampent HP70 -Fire/- Ghost
NO. 608, Lamp Pokemon, Height: 2'00", Weight: 28.7 lbs.[H] Under Cover
Switch Lampent with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
[F][C] Team Spirit 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure you have in play.
Weakness: [W] +20
Resistance: [T] -20
028/280 Uncommon
[Stage 2] Chandelure HP100 -Fire/- Ghost
NO. 609, Luring Pokemon, Height: 3'00", Weight: 75.6 lbs.[F] Team Spirit 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure you have in play.
[H][H] Hex 30+
If the Defending Pokemon is affected by any Special Condition, this attack does 30 more damage.
Weakness: [W] +30
Resistance: [T] -30
Retreat: [C]
029/280 Rare
[Basic] Heatmor HP80 - Fire
NO. 631, Anteater Pokemon, Height: 4'07", Weight: 127.9 lbs.[Ability] Hyper Scorching
If Heatmor has any Hyper Energy attached to it, you may use this Ability. Once during your turn (before your attack) you may discard a [F] Energy attached to 1 of your Pokemon. If you do, search your deck for Trainer card and put it in you hand. Shuffle you deck afterwards.
[F][C] Rising Temperatures 40
If the Defending Pokemon isn't burnt, this attack does nothing
Weakness: [W] +20
Retreat: [C][C]
030/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Larvesta HP50 - Fire
NO. 636, Torch Pokemon, Height: 3'07", Weight: 63.5 lbs.[Ability] Bug Battle
If you have any [K] Pokemon on your Bench, each of Larvesta's attacks do 10 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
[F][C][C] Flame Ball 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of Basic Energy attached to Larvesta.
Weakness: [W] +10
Retreat: [C]
031/280 Common
[Stage 1] Volcarona HP90 - Fire/- Bug
NO. 637 , Sun Pokemon, Height: 5'03", Weight: 101.4 lbs.[Ability] Bug Battle
If you have any [K] Pokemon on your Bench, each of Volcarona's attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
[F][F][C][C] Solar Flare Heat-Up 50
This attack does 20 damage 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon for each [K] Energy attached to Volcarona.
Weakness: [W] +20
Resistance: [T] -20
Retreat: [C]
032/280 Rare
[Basic] Victini HP60 - Fire/- Psychic
NO. 494, Victory Pokemon, Height: 1'04", Weight: 8.8 lbs.[P][C] Confuse Ray
The Defending Pokemon is now Confused.
[F][F][F][F] Surge Force 50
Discard 3 [F] Energy attached to Victini. Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 50 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
Weakness: [W] +30
Resistance: [G] -20
Retreat: [C]
033/280 Rare
[Basic] Psyduck HP50 - Water
NO. 54, Duck Pokemon, Height: 2'07", Weight: 43.2 lbs.[P][C] Psychic Soak 10+
If Psyduck has any [W] Energy attached to it, this attack does 20 more damage.
Weakness: [G] +10
Retreat: [C]
34/280 Common
[Stage 1] Golduck HP90 - Water
NO. 55, Duck Pokemon, Height: 5'07", Weight: 168.9 lbs.[Ability] Target Switch
Once during your turn (Before your attack) if Golduck is your Active Pokemon you may switch your opponent's Active Pokemon with 1 of their Benched Pokemon.
[P][P][W][W] Psychic Pump 100
Discard 2 [W] Energy and 2 [P] Energy attached to Golduck.
Weakness: [G] +20
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat: [C]
35/280 Rare
[Basic] Seel HP70 - Water
NO. 86, Sea Lion Pokemon, Height: 3'07", Weight: 198.4 lbs.[W] Slippery Ice Hazard 10
Flip a coin. If heads, switch Seel with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. If tails, your opponent switches his or her Active Pokemon with 1 of their Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: [G] +10
Retreat: [C][C]
36/280 Common
[Stage 1] Dewgong HP100 - Water/- Ice
NO. 87, Sea Lion Pokemon, Height: 5'07", Weight: 246.6 lbs.[Ability] Dewgong Boost
Once during your turn, (before your attack), if you have 2 or more Dewgong in play, you may draw 2 cards.
[W][W] Incoming Avalanche
Choose 2 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to those Pokemon.
Weakness: [G] +20
Resistance: -20
Retreat: [C][C][C]
37/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Staryu HP60 - Water
NO. 120, Star Shape Pokemon, Height: 2'07", Weight: 76.1 lbs.[W][W] Swift 20
This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon.
Weakness: [L] +10
Retreat: [C][C]
38/280 Common
[Stage 1] Starmie HP90 - Water- Psychic
NO. 121, Mysterious Pokemon, Height: 3'07", Weight: 176.4 lbs.[P] Hypnotic Gaze
The Defending Pokemon is now Confused.
[W][W] Spinning Ocean
This attack does 10 damage to each Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponent's) (excluding [W] Pokemon). (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Weakness: [L] +20
Resistance: [T] -20
Retreat: [C][C]
39/280 Rare
[Basic] Magikarp HP40 - Water
NO. 129, Fish Pokémon, Height: 2'11", Weight: 22 lbs.[W][C] Dorsal Fin Slap 10x
Flip a coin for each [W] Pokemon on your Bench. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads flipped.
Weakness: [G] +30
Retreat: [C][C][C]
40/280 Common
[Stage 1] Gyarados HP110 - Water- Flying
NO. 130, Atrocious Pokémon, Height: 21'04", Weight: 518.1 lbs.[W][W][C] Ray Spin 60
The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
[W][W][C] Victory Fanfare 100
Gyarados does 30 damage to itself.
Weakness: [L] +30
Resistance: [M] -30
Retreat: [C][C]
41/280 Rare
[Stage +] Gyarados + HP140 - Water- Flying
NO. 130, Atrocious Pokémon, Height: 21'04", Weight: 518.1 lbs.[W] Gigantic Disruption 30
Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[W][W][W][C] Frustration
Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 120 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) You may not use Frustration during your next turn.
Weakness: [L] +40
Resistance: [M] -40
Retreat: [C][C]
42/280 Ultra Rare
[Mega] Mega Gyarados + HP160 - Water- Dark
[Ability] Same-Type-Advantage-Bonus
Whenever you attach a [W] Energy to Mega Gyarados, put 2 damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon any way you like.
[W][D] Dark Storm 80
Flip a coin. If tails, Mega Gyarados + does 20 damage to itself.
[W][D][C][C][C] Mega Beam 200
Flip 2 coins. If any of them are heads Mega Gyarados does 30 damage to itself.
Weakness: [Y] +40
Resistance: [P] -40
Retreat: [C][C][C]
43/280 Ultra Rare
[Basic] Wailmer HP100 - Water
NO. 320, Ball Whale Pokemon, Height: 6'07", Weight: 286.6 lbs.[W][W] Lazy Roll 20
Switch Wailmer with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: [L] +30
Retreat: [C][C][C]
45/280 Uncommon
[Stage 1] Wailord HP180 - Water
NO. 321, Float Whale Pokemon, Height: 47'07", Weight: 877.4 lbs.[Ability] Hyper-Recovery
If Wailord has less than 40 HP left, heal 20 damage from Wailord in between turns.
[W][W][W][W] Major Wave
This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: [L] +30
Resistance: [M] -20
Retreat: [C][C][C][C]
46/280 Rare
[Basic] Feebas HP40 - Water
NO. 349, Fish Pokemon, Height: 2'00", Weight: 16.3 lbs.[C] Flow Downstream
Switch Feebas with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
[W] Pollute
Flip a coin. If heads both Active Pokemon are now Poisoned.
Weakness: [G] +30
Retreat: [C][C][C]
47/280 Common
[Stage 1] Milotic HP110
NO. 350, Tender Pokemon, Height: 20'04", Weight: 357.1 lbs.[Ability] Hyper Beauty
If Milotic has any Hyper Energy attached to it, you may use this Ability. As many times during your turn as you'd like you may attach a [Y] Energy from your discard pile onto Milotic.
[W] Water Arise 30
[C][C][C] Fairy Source 30+
Discard all [Y] Energy attached to Milotic. This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more for each [Y] Energy discarded.
Weakness: [G] +20
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat: [C]
48/280 Rare
Slowbro +
M Slowbro +
Slowbro +
M Slowbro +
[Special Energy] Hex Energy
Hex Energy counts as a [C] Energy.
When you attach Hex Energy to 1 of your Pokemon, choose 1 of the following:
-All damage done to the Pokemon Hex Energy is attached to is reduced by 20. (before applying Weakness and Resistance.) After 1 of your opponent's Pokemon attacks the Pokemon Hex Energy is attached to, this effect may no longer be applied.
-All damage done by the Pokemon Hex Energy is attached to is increased by 20. (before applying Weakness and Resistance.) After you attack 1 of your opponent's Pokemon, this effect may no longer be applied.
279/280 Uncommon
[Special Energy] Hyper Energy
Hyper Energy counts as a [C] Energy.
Attach Hyper Energy to 1 of your Pokemon that has an Ability with Hyper in it's name, that Pokemon may now use that Ability.
279/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Shining Gallade HP80 - Fighting
NO. 475, Blade Pokemon, Height: 5'03", Weight: 114.6 lbs.You can't have more than 1 Shining Gallade in your deck.
[C] Rip Up 30
[T][C][C] Trample 40+
If Shining Gallade has any damage counters put on it, this attack does 40 more damage. You may not use Trample during your next turn if these effects are applied.
Weakness: [P] +30
Retreat: [C]
283/280 Secret
[Basic] Shining Goodra HP90 - Dragon
NO. 706, Dragon Pokemon, Height: 6'07", Weight: 331.8 lbs.You can't have more than 1 Shining Goodra in your deck.
[Ability] Hyper-Goo
If Shining Goodra has any Hyper Energy attached to it, Shining Goodra's Base HP is now 120.
[W][Y] Strong Whip 70
If the Defending Pokemon's Weight is less than 250lbs., this attack does nothing.
Weakness: [N] x2
Retreat: [C][C]
284/280 Secret
[Basic] Missingno. HP50 - Colorless
NO. 000, Missing Pokemon, Height: 80'00", Length: 6099 lbs.[Ability] Number Games
When you play Missingno. from your hand, you may choose to count the number of damage counters on your Active Pokemon, then attach that much Energy from your discard pile onto Missingno.
[C][C] Sky Dive
This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.
Almost nothing is known about this Pokemon. It only appears once every 100,000 years and is known to duplicate objects.
PL1 (Promo)
[Stage +] Missingno. + HP110- Colorless
NO. 000, Missing Pokemon, Height: 80'00", Weight: 6099 lbs.[C] Razor Shock 20
The Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[C][C] Energy Shot 20+
This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more for each Energy attached to Missingno. +.
[C][C][C][C] Psychic Whip 100
Retreat: [C]
Almost nothing is known about this Pokemon. It only appears every 100,000 years and is known to duplicate objects.
PL2 (Promo)
[Basic] Entei HP100 - Fire
NO. 224, Volcano Pokémon, Height: 6'11", Weight: 436.5 lbs.[F][C] Warning Flare 20
This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
[F][F][C][C] Burning Fuel 10
During your next turn Entei's Burning Fuel does 90 more damage. Discard 3 Energy attached to Entei if these effects are applied.
Weakness: [W] x2
Retreat: [C][C]
Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Unable to restrain its extreme power, it races headlong around the land. PL3 (Promo)
[Stage +] Entei + HP130 - Fire
NO. 224, Volcano Pokémon, Height: 6'11", Weight: 436.5 lbs.[Ability] Swift Flames
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a [F] Energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
[F] Plasma Burn 20
Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[F][C] Heavy Collision 50
Entei + does 20 damage to itself.
[F][F][C] Shattering Scream 50
This attack does 20 damage to all Benched Pokemon. (Both yours and your opponent's.)
Weakness: [W] x2
Retreat: [C][C]
Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Unable to restrain its extreme power, it races headlong around the land. PL4 (Promo)
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