Pokemon Center (HB 51/52)

Rusty Sticks

♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Translation: Each player heals 10 damage from each of his or her Benched Pokémon at the end of his or her turn.

It is currently unknown what set this card will be in, so for now, discuss!



New Translation: Once during his or her turn, each player may choose 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon and restore its HP by 20.

You can only play 1 Stadium next to your Active Pokemon during your turn. If a Stadium with a different name comes into play, discard this card.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

This could work well with reiniculus and tank decks like Steelix or Donphan
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

hyerm...i thought this was originally announced when they announced in BW in japan...
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

Awesome, first stadium from black and white.. I think. Well this adds another tool to Serperior/Reuniclus deck. Also will make Donphan prime an even more viable play. I would think this is in red collection? Or possibly might make sense in the Victini Formation deck.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

Note to self, add lunatone + solrock to mandibuzz/kingdra deck
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

I can not wait for this card!! My donphans say hello lol
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

This card was originally in a rule book for a set it wasn't released in. Now, it's been in the B/W book. I don't think it will get an official release, though.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

This is actually a counter to Donphan/Machamp somewhat. That kinda sucks. _-_

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

dmaster said:
This is actually a counter to Donphan/Machamp somewhat. That kinda sucks. _-_

dmaster out.

yeah donchamp would be destroyed by this. could be good in a reuniclus/zekrom deck. it's biggest trouble is donchamp and now they can't do that 150 damage, and reuniclus will heal everything haha.

serperior/reuniclus would be nice too
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

Yeah, this is just basically saying play tank/heal decks and screw decks that spread around damage and/or need it to attack like Machamp Prime/Tyranitar Prime which honestly blows. I wonder what set it will be coming out...hopefully enough time so those decks actually have a time to shine because they deserve to be Tier 1.

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

dmaster said:
Yeah, this is just basically saying play tank/heal decks and screw decks that spread around damage and/or need it to attack like Machamp Prime/Tyranitar Prime which honestly blows. I wonder what set it will be coming out...hopefully enough time so those decks actually have a time to shine because they deserve to be Tier 1.

dmaster out.

agreed. I've been working on a spread/snipe deck based around mandibuzz, but that would be completely useless if this card goes out. it would make reshiboar even more popular, bringing us back to the days of only 3 decks or so in nationals top cuts.

although this card could be cool, it would just ruin as many decks as it would help.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

Reversal becomes more popular because people are going to want to kill benched pokemon that were retreated to the bench in order to heal.

Spread will die out because damage will be constantly removed.

Tank decks will become more popular because they can have a card like steelix in the active use Shaymin's power to move all the energy to a benched steelix and switch him to the bench so he can heal. This shaymin strategy may not work due to reversal being able to kill your shaymins and make you burn switches on your heavy retreaters which would take away from your strategy.

Due to tank decks becoming more popular decks that can do a lot of damage if they have "X" such as samurott will become more popular due to potentially being able to one shot these big tankers.

I also think Donphan who is already predicted to be mazing in HGSS -on will be even better because this will remove all the earthquake damage. He is also very fast so he could get an edge on the tank decks and with reversal flips, could win the game.

Due to reversal I think decks with heavy retreat bench sitters will not be good due to reversal going up in popularity. Things like emboar(4 retreat - energy accelerator should never be attacking unless in trouble against steelix tank), feraligatr prime (3 retreat - energy accelerator and should never be attacking except when against donphan) and magnezone prime (3 retreat - draw engine but could be main attacker), They will either die out or people will play good amount of switch and junk arm.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

Catcher > Reversal in every way possible.

I wish we kinda knew which set this came in tbh. Either way, Catcher is very likely to come in the next set, so Reversal will barely be used when there's a card you don't need to flip.

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

Heh heh. Reversal XD

I heard that Catcher wasn't put in our set because the picture was felt to be too "violent" for American children (it's a gun :3).
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

This will probably increase the use of Solrock & Lunatone, counter stadiums in general, and maybe the Alph Lithograph that returns Stadiums to the hand (that is if you have a way of getting rid of cards in your opponent's hand the same turn.) Steelix can also FALCOWN PAWNCH this if it displeases him... But Steelix could also use it to its own advantage....
RE: Pokemon Center (?/?)

And we thought healing 10 HP ruined Donchamp...

Bumping this since the card is being release, and had a text change.

EDIT: realized that it is now optional to heal or not.
I dunno, this doesn't seem like a huge deal anymore. Now that it's 20/turn, I don't think it's even worth running in anything. Maybe there's some obvious combination I'm missing. I guess it could work with Reuniclus, but it also helps your opponent and takes up deck space...