pokemon.com BIG problems

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
does anyone have a link to customer service`s email? edit I`m making a new account to merge with my old one what`s a oraganzied play pin?
customerservice@pokemon.com is their email. Since this forum has html disabled, I can't link it for you. A Pin is a unique identifier code that is found on the player IDs.~Mark
I am also having a problem with pokemon.com, I got a POP ID before they changed anything but I was to lazy to set up an account, now I want to but I need a PIN number that didn't come with the old IDs, what do I do to make a new account without a PIN number?
If you go to a league or tournament, as soon as it gets reported, you shouldn't need a PIN if you have the old POP IDs. I don't have extra Player IDs just hanging around and I can't order them so I can't issue you a new one. Try emailing customerservice with the following info:
POP ID/Player ID:
PIN: if you have one
desired username:
desired password:
I have a pokemon trainer club account but it wants my pin number for the OP box and i got my player ID before they started the pin number thing and if i just leave it blank it says something like the following:
Please make sure you have entered the correct pin number and player ID and excepted the terms of use.
I excepted the terms of use and I entered the correct player ID. I really need help because i have to send in my winners checklist for winning regional championships by may 16 and i need to do this in order to get my travel award.
I really would appreciate ALL help.
Check with your PTO to ensure that the tournament has been submitted to TPCI. If a tournament is submitted a player with an old ID that doesn't have a pin should work. If not, you will have to send customerservice@pokemon.com an email. If league reporting was open at this time I could just add you to my roster for this season to get your id uploaded.~Mark
Has anybody else noticed that their Roserade costume is titled "Roselia Costume"? There is a bit of a flaw there.
I have been to multiple tournaments. It wants my pin number, no matter what i do even though i do not have one and that is the problem i need help with.
You will need to send customer service an email then. Include:
Your name:
Your Pop ID:
Your Birthdate:

If you are under 13 you will need to send your parent's name and birthdate as well. I think that is the minimum information they need iirc. I don't think they need your address, but if they do, they will likely ask for it.~Mark
Be careful though because they seem to not like to reply to any emails at all. Still no reply here for my girlfriend. Either they hate replying to anyone now or their email server's messed up. We've done everything short of registering her a new account. But that's sketchy since they're not answering emails, can't get them to merge it. I don't know what to do.
as a suggestion (to most of the problem's listed), you can get a replacement popID from the league (if you tell the organizer the issue they're more then likely to help out) or get an additional account from the pokemon tcg website using an alternate e-mail adress, at that point there more likely to talk to you with an account then without one. a few friends have had these similar issue's, incidentally enough these method's worked out well in the end. cya
@Shadelon:I assure you they do not hate replying to emails. Ever since the website moved they have been way backed up. I know it seems like it takes a long time to hear back from them, but you just have to be patient. If you received the automated email from them, they received your email and will get to it as soon as they can.~Mark
They FINALLY responded just this morning and she got back into her account finally. Thank you. :)
I told you they would eventually reply when they got to the request since requests are taken in the order they are sent. Your welcome.~Mark
oh does the pokemon site love to mess with me. I have just emailed them yesterday I do believe it was, for the 3rd issue I've had. And most have been results of transferring from Go-Pokemon. I took the professors exam for the first time and failed close to a month ago, I go to take the exam again, it denies me. I have no idea why, so I went and checked out all my info on my profile....Thats when I also found out that my "Participate in Player Rewards?" had been switched from yes (on Go-Pokemon) to 'No' with no way to change it. I was sitting here wondering why I had never received the holo energies, but now I do. This site and the people running it are the equivalent to chickens with their heads chopped off. I've never once had so much issue with a single site before.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
still don`t have account back yey emailed them with all info twice still said I had no enough info
lol, that is messed up, I was thinking of signing up there, but then I decided to sign-up later. I think that they still have to improve how people should be able to receive they're forgotten password.
Pheoyonx, It was advertised quite heavily both here and on the 'Gym about having to re-opt in to player rewards. Your inability to setup your profile is no one's fault but your own.

Ice Arceus and Lucario_aura_wielder, It sounds like this issue is much more than a password recovery issue. If you do not have enough info, ask them what info they need.

The website transition really wasn't that big of a deal for 90% of the people using it. It was advertised at every pokemon website and every league I went to that settings needed to be updated to receive player rewards. Those of you having issues seem to be lacking of a very important life skill: Patience. Understand that you are dealing with human beings, the people at TPCi want nothing more than to help you participate in their program.