Pokemon Pokemon Designs


Which pokemon do you think have a cool design? Which do you think got a horrible design? For both, why?
I think Lickilicky got a horrible design. The creators could of made something different and original, but Lickilicky isn't original at all. It's just a ball with a toungue and stripes.
I also don't like the idea for Vanilluxe. I mean, its theme is ice cream. That's totally cheesy.
You guys?
I really don't like garbador and trubbish. Really, trash bags? Come on, lets get more creative.
Obviously Mareep has the best design :p
The Eeveelution designs are great. The names are debatable.

Everything else is okay but not worth mentioning.
Bad is - Garbodor, Dunsparce (What is it?) Some of the main birds...
Good design - Virizion, Leafeon, Lumineon, Gallade, Kirlia.
I actually [kinda] like Lickilicky's design.
It's supposably a babie that drools and raspberrys a lot, the stripes being the bib.

I also like Chandelure's / Serperior's / Weavile's / Garbordor's design.
I like Beartic, but it seems a bit bland.

I don't really "dislike" any Pokemon, but I think some generation one pokemon were a bit uncreative.
EonEye99 said:
Which pokemon do you think have a cool design? Which do you think got a horrible design? For both, why?
I think Lickilicky got a horrible design. The creators could of made something different and original, but Lickilicky isn't original at all. It's just a ball with a toungue and stripes.
I also don't like the idea for Vanilluxe. I mean, its theme is ice cream. That's totally cheesy.
You guys?

Mareepman said:
I really don't like garbador and trubbish. Really, trash bags? Come on, lets get more creative.
Obviously Mareep has the best design :p

Hazz said:
Bad is - Garbodor, Dunsparce (What is it?) Some of the main birds...
Good design - Virizion, Leafeon, Lumineon, Gallade, Kirlia.


Anyway, I love a ton of the designs. Charizard, Mewtwo, Virizion, Chandelure, Gallade, and especially Garbodor. I'll change my avvy and banner if I have to just to show you I love him <3
I think Ekans is horrible. Really, a purple snake with yellow rings around its neck?

I'm a Totodile lover. Just look at my banner. :p
I really like the design of all ghost-types. I have always thought that a lot of creativity went into ghosts. It doesn't take too much to think up something like a pidgey, but a duskull or yamask? Very cool.
Generally speaking Gen I, II, and IV have pretty awesome designs. Gen III is garbage and Gen V is pretty mediocre too.

More specifically, Cubchoo right now is one of my favorites. He's incredibly cute (love the frozen booger hangin out of his nose) and he's one of the fewer new pokemon that still look like pokemon. All of the Genies, and to a lesser extent the Dragons, look like total nonsense. Seriously, Tornadus/Thunderus/Landorus don't even look remotely like they belong in the pokemon universe. They look much more like DBZ characters, with the fact that they ride on a Flying Nimbus rip-off doesn't help either. Genesect, though officially doesn't exist yet, looks quite horrid as well.
Minus a few exceptions in Gen V, (Serperior, Bisharp, Hydreigon, Haxorus, Zekrom), this was by far the worst of all five. Nothing beats the Kanto/Johto, Hoenn was a decent follow-up, Sinnoh was bearable, but when you have TRASH BAGS as Pokemon, you know something is wrong. When you have three Fire/Fighting starter evolutions in a row, you know something is wrong. When you find yourself copying Pokemon from the first generation, you know something is wrong.

Nearly everything is wrong with the B/W gen.
^True this. Gen 5 was the most unoriginal generation by a long shot. Pokemon Co. is running out of things to work with. Most of the fakes we've made are 100x better than Garbador and Vanilluxe.
Yeah I have to agree that many of Gen 5 could have been made a lot better
Serperior said:
Nearly everything is wrong with the B/W gen.
Say w-w-w-what?
Y'know I think they were trying to recreate a sense of ... I forgot the word [childhood memory?].
Although yeah a good percentage of designs were "ugly", but it was still actually original over...let's say an orange dragon.

[Also] I don't see the horror of a trash bag being a pokemon.
Yea because 2 pokeballs, a purple snake, a triple magnet and blob that turns into another blob are very creative.
Actually, i think every gen has its fair share of filler pokemon.
I think every Generation exept 5 is extremely original. IV is debatable because I hardly remember the Pokemon from it. I would know one if I saw one but nothing sticks in memory, but it wasn't trash. Gen V has its merits- namely Bisharp because I love him, Serperior because snakes are bawler, and Verizon because he's a beast. Kyruem has a pretty cool design, but he looks like he's had a bad day and is really grumpy. Everything else is kinda blah, and the only reason I bought the game is because to me it has kinda has a throwback feel, which is what they where going for. Although the Genies look too human to be pokemon. Its kinda disturbing.
Design wise, I like 5 the most and 1 the least. Second comes gen 2. The first generation Pokémon have pretty boring designs to be honest. Of course I like them still because of the nostalgia factor etc. We have known them for over 10 years, you get attached. I don't get the gen 5 haters, I just don't.
I think that Grimer and Muk are really unoriginal. A blob that turns into a bigger blob. I think that Bisharp has a great design, and incorporates both it's types together very well. I also think that Vanilluxe has a nice design, despite all the hating going towards it.
I like the Eevee family's designs, especially Umbreon and Espeon. :D And I do agree with you EonEye, Vanilluxe's design does stink.
I can't stand Emboar's design. I just dont like how it looks clunky and huge. I think Serperior is the only Gen 5. starter I enjoyed. Samurott was alright I guess, but he's a bit clunky like Emboar.