Pokemon Pokemon Designs

ShadowDark said:
I can't stand Emboar's design. I just don't like how it looks clunky and huge. I think Serperior is the only Gen 5. starter I enjoyed. Samurott was alright I guess, but he's a bit clunky like Emboar.
I liked Samurott a lot actually, he's not that clunky. But, Emboar and Pignite seem too clunky.
I guess the reason I liked Generations 1, 2, and 3 more than 4 and 5 was because I really got into Pokemon video games around the time of the 3rd generation and then swithched to TCG later
Broken Pokemon EX said:
Generally speaking Gen I, II, and IV have pretty awesome designs. Gen III is garbage and Gen V is pretty mediocre too.


III is the best, no doubt. I mean please, compare Salamence to Dragonite. No explanation needed.

venasour x said:
Although the Genies look too human to be pokemon.

I think Geodude has one of the most horrible designs in pokemon. A Rock with arms? Wow... Really nintendo? On the other hand Tropious had a very nice design! It's a Dinosaur with bananas on its chin! And it can fly! Genius!
I personally LOVE all Generation 1 pokemon. They are amazing, creative, and to you who don't like Ekans (Snake backwords, pretty crative), Magneton (Only Pokemon that ever changed into a new type), and Grimer+Muk (on my current team, and extremely valuble in most pokemon games along with tentacruel), are all great, and so, to you people who hate them, as alomost much as I cannot stand the cutness of Carvanha, i will murder you in the game! No, seriously, you can download me as a mysery gift and I will knife you in your game

I think the designs would make sense if people actually looked up the origins.
How hard is it to look up why ninetales has 9 tales or why tropius looks like it does.
Also, 3rd is best. It has such a tropical feel to it all.
GoobieDoob said:
They are amazing, creative, and to you who don't like Ekans (Snake backwords, pretty crative)

I didn't say I didn't like Ekans. I just thought its design was horrible. I like snakes, but this design is a bit simple. Sorry. :(

Here is a translation of what all the Gen 5 haters are trying to say...

It's a new generation and I hate it because I am not used to it. I also live in a world where if it isn't the original 150, I hate it. Also I forget about Mew and try to act like I'm so boss by hating on this generation. In reality, I have no clue what I'm talking about because I cannot see the hidden references, jokes, and inspirations behind half of these new Pokemon. I mainly hate it because they stand out, and use simple looking Pokemon as an example. I honestly don't have a very valid opinion because I am quite biased. Instead of being a true fan to support this game, I will hate on it for generations to come, and say how terrible it is and question why people still play it. Though when Gen 6 comes out I'll suddenly love the 5th gen Pokemon and hate the 6th Generation. This is because I can't give them a chance, and only voice what others think, rather than think for myself.

Had to say it, not intended to flame, just saying this is what I tend to make out of every kind of Gen 5 bashing.
^ I found some 5th generations pretty cool, like Haxorus, Hydriegon, Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem ectra. I also noticed the kind of American stereotypes in the pokemon, like scrafty with his mohawk sagging and the gothic girl Gothitelle (even a My Little Pony Keldeo?!). Some pokemon I feel as if I'll never get used to like Vanilluxe though. Most Gen. 5 haters hate it because it's new. We'll get used to change eventually.
Starboard Driger said:
III is the best, no doubt. I mean please, compare Salamence to Dragonite. No explanation needed.
Gen III Pokemon quite honestly impacted me alot less than Gen IV. They had some nice originality such as Absol, Claydol, and a few others, but several other were just too mundane or not really memorable, such as Delcatty, Sceptile, Mightyena, Maneletric, etc.

Gen V was hit and miss for quite a few. I can understand the hate on Emboar, but Samurott is a well thought-out sea lion-ish design. Some of the designs were a bit complex that might have been unnecessary, but despite being inconsistent by its complexity, it at least had some gems that Gen III lacked.
I dont like garbadge (i think thats how its spelled) really its a trash bag..

I really like Arcanine`s design...look at the username lol
My favourite generation's pokemon has to be Gen II.
With the likes of Tyranitar, Steelix, Scizor, Umbreon, Skarmory etc, they do lead to a good image.
I don't have a generation that I have liked the least. They all seem to have shockers :l
Gen 1: Voltorb line, Grimer line
Gen 2: Dunsparce, Smoochum
Gen 3: Solrock and Lunatone, Lileep line
Gen 4: Probopass, Lickilicky, Tangrowth
Gen 5: Trubbish line, Ice cream line, Stunfisk

With the generation's aside, my favourite pokemon design's have to be Nidoking, Arcanine, Tyranitar, Scyther, Hydreigon and Entei :3
EonEye99 said:
^ I found some 5th generations pretty cool, like Haxorus, Hydriegon, Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem ectra. I also noticed the kind of American stereotypes in the pokemon, like scrafty with his mohawk sagging and the gothic girl Gothitelle (even a My Little Pony Keldeo?!). Some pokemon I feel as if I'll never get used to like Vanilluxe though. Most Gen. 5 haters hate it because it's new. We'll get used to change eventually.


Oddly enough, I like Vanilluxe~
NidoJosh said:
My favourite generation's pokemon has to be Gen II.
With the likes of Tyranitar, Steelix, Scizor, Umbreon, Skarmory etc, they do lead to a good image.
I don't have a generation that I have liked the least. They all seem to have shockers :l
Gen 1: Voltorb line, Grimer line
Gen 2: Dunsparce, Smoochum
Gen 3: Solrock and Lunatone, Lileep line
Gen 4: Probopass, Lickilicky, Tangrowth
Gen 5: Trubbish line, Ice cream line, Stunfisk
1: Mr. Mime, Jynx, Magmar, Exeggcute, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Weepinbell, Gasty, Voltorb, Electrode, Diglett, Dugtrio, Ditto, Jigglypuff, Grimer, Muk, Hitmonchan, Geodude (19)
2: Igglybuff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Smoochum, Dunsparce, Corsola, Pineco, Wobbuffet (8)
3: Meditite, Medicham, Gulpin, Swalot, Shuppet, Castform (<-wtf), Glalie, Luvdisc, Lunatone, Nosepass, Hariyama, Ludicolo (12)
4: Cherubi, Magmortar, Lickilicky, Probopass, Glameow, Purugly, Porygon-Z (7)
5: Pignite, Watchog, Timburr, Gurdurr, Palpitoad, Troh, Sawk, Bisharp (Digimon!), Cryogonal, Stunfisk <3, Garbodor <33 (11) + (kami trio)

Suddenly, gen 5 doesn't look that bad anymore.
Wow. Gen 4 won.
You should also note that almost all listed gen five Pokémon are DERPY, not unimaginative or ugly. Derpy is good.
Seriously, I hate people that only like 1 or 2 gens... Sure, I also have my personal favorite gen and all but I like any pokémon even the pokémon that don't look so appealing to me...
Yes, most gen 1 pokes are a bit simpler but that doesn't mean they look bad. And most gen 5 pokes look good too, especially, I must say, the Bug-types. Okay, some could have been done in a different way (Klinklang), but overall, they're good.

(@Heart: Charizard unnoriginal? Seriously dude, you don't know what you're talking about...)
Teal said:
Bisharp (Digimon!)


> Kamen Rider
> Mega Man

Where did you get Digimon out of Bisharp?... I don't see billions of belts buckled obnoxiously over it, or Digimon eyes, or even obnoxious veins.
Sure, too. And Digimon. It's not as ridiculously overdesigned but the design overall is pretty digimonish:

I can't believe that Metalizard thinks that Charizard is original. Oh, wait. Metalizard. Never mind! :>
Actually Bisharp doesn't have an ounce of Digimon on him is what I'm tryin to say, kinda confused as to what makes ya think that. LOL
Teal said:
1: Mr. Mime, Jynx, Magmar, Exeggcute, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Weepinbell, Gasty, Voltorb, Electrode, Diglett, Dugtrio, Ditto, Jigglypuff, Grimer, Muk, Hitmonchan, Geodude (19)
2: Igglybuff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Smoochum, Dunsparce, Corsola, Pineco, Wobbuffet (8)
3: Meditite, Medicham, Gulpin, Swalot, Shuppet, Castform (<-huh?), Glalie, Luvdisc, Lunatone, Nosepass, Hariyama, Ludicolo (12)
4: Cherubi, Magmortar, Lickilicky, Probopass, Glameow, Purugly, Porygon-Z (7)
5: Pignite, Watchog, Timburr, Gurdurr, Palpitoad, Troh, Sawk, Bisharp (Digimon!), Cryogonal, Stunfisk <3, Garbodor <33 (11) + (kami trio)

Suddenly, gen 5 doesn't look that bad anymore.
Wow. Gen 4 won.
You should also note that almost all listed gen five Pokémon are DERPY, not unimaginative or ugly. Derpy is good.

I can't see a thing wrong with more half the Pokemon you just listed. Seriously, whats wrong with the Machop line? And oh God, moles digging in the dirt. Too crazy Nintendo, too crazy. By the way, Castform's just a cloud. He's based on weather. And also, derpy is not not good, it means stupid.
Some Pokemon like "Derp": Dugtrio, Stunfisk, Spinda, Slowpoke/bro. Not all of them are bad, imo. They're like derp because they are stupid. Not thier designs, just thier character.