pokemon diamond and pearl unseen treasures

kyogre flash

Don't try this at home!
I need spolier makers this is all i have had time to do(more holos)
you may start on some if you wish(pleases leave the lv-x pokemon for now e.t do not do them please-more will be done soon)
card list:
rare(sometimes holo aswell): --- -------------------------- lv-x:
1:infernape(r)(f) ----------------------rhyperior lv-x(f)
2:empoleon(m)(w) --------------------dusknoir lv-x(d)(p)
3:torterra(g)(f)------------------------regigigas lv-x(n)
20:crainordos(f)(spellt wrong if you know how please correct it)
31:crainiados(f) ----------------------------if there are any cards like lucario that have there deevolution or stage 1 you may do them if they are not on this list
I'll help and i'll start with Empoleon!

Empoleon Lv.50 Water/Metal 100HP
(W)(W)Aqua Jet-40-Flip a coin.If heads next turn reduce damage done to empoleon by the defneding pokemon by 20.
(W)(W)(W)(W)Hydro Wave-80-Discard 1 (w) energy attached to empoleon or this attacks damage is 0
It can swim up to speeds as fast as a jet boat.The edges of its wings are sharp like the tip of a blade.
Weakness-(E)+30 Resistance-None Retreat Cost-(*)(*)
yes!you can join well done with empoleon i like it everyone makes them like amazing but you semm to be able to balance there power!

infenapelv49 hp 90(f)(r)

pokebody: swift feet as long as infernape has any energy cards attached to it,infernapes retreat cost is 0

(f)(r)light punch 50 flip a coin if tails this attack does nothing

(r)(r)(c)(c)flame blitz 100
if the defending pokemon has more hp than infernape this attack does 50 damage instead
some people say infernape can even outrun a train
weak:(w)(p)+30 rest:none retreat:(*)
I'll make the cards!
(As I'm on DA & I'll ask around if I can use their art works)
yay another member!yes you can help and it would be great if you could get some art work!
I seem to rember you fromm ages ago hypertechs set.

gastrodon(east) 90 hp (w)

(w)(c)aqau lines
choose one of your opponents pokemon,this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon.

(w)(w)(c)water presure
this attack does 20 damage to all of your opponents bench pokemon that already have damage on them.gastrodon may not use this attack next turn

weak none rest none reatreat(*)(*)
I don't have the duel-type's only the normal one's....so can we just use one or the other types plz.
Like this.

Ill help, if you help on my TCG set...

Rampardos lv 53(F) HP: 120
Pokebody: Hard head: If a pokemon does damage to Rampardos, your opponent flips a coin, if tails that attack does -20 damage.
Spinning turn: (F)(C): 40 You may switch Rampardos with one of your benched pokemon.
Head smash: (F)(F)(C): 60 You may put 2 damge counters on Rampardos, if you do this attacks base damage is 80.
Weakness: (W) +40
Resistance: None
Retreat cost: (C)(C)
hypertech said:
Ill help, if you help on my TCG set...

Rampardos lv 53(F) HP: 120
Pokebody: Hard head: If a pokemon does damage to Rampardos, your opponent flips a coin, if tails that attack does -20 damage.
Spinning turn: (F)(C): 40 You may switch Rampardos with one of your benched pokemon.
Head smash: (F)(F)(C): 60 You may put 2 damge counters on Rampardos, if you do this attacks base damage is 80.
Weakness: (W) +40
Resistance: None
Retreat cost: (C)(C)
You're one was a bit over-powered/broken, So I fixed it up.

ok ill help u on your forum,and you cam join and light venasaur ok one type decicion is yours(i know what they are but i cant tell the diffrence to be hounest)
I guess i'll dp gardevoir now.

Gardevoir Lv.58 (P) 110 HP
Poke-Body: Psychic Reading Once during your turn before you attack you may either look at 1 card in your opponents hand or look at the top card of their deck.Gardevoir can't can't use this poke-body if it is effected by a special conditon.
(*)Hypnosis The defending pokemon is now asllep.
(P)(P)(P)(P)Psy Burst 70
It will sacrifice its life to save it's trainer.
Weakness: (D)+20 Resistance:None Retraet Cost;(*)(*)(*)
Hope you like it i'll probably do another spioler in a min.
Time for Roserade!
Roserade LV.47 Grass HP:90
Poke-Body-Sweet Aroma Before you attack you may look at the top 3 cards of your deck.Choose 1 and add it to your hand.Discard the other two.
(G)Poison Tip 20 The defending pokemon is now poisoned.
(G)(G)(G)Rose Blade 60 Discard the top 2 ards of your deck otherwise this attack does nothing.
It lures pray with its sweet aroma then strikes with poison thorn whips.
Weakness: (F)+30 Resistance:None Retraet Cost(*)(*)
I'll try to get 1 more in before i'm done today.

Since you didn't update about what spiolers have been made and what cards are done i'll do that then another spoiler.
5.Rampardos: Done
10.Gastrodon East:Spioler
All others have no spoilers or finished cards.
Now for another spoiler
thankyou umbreon owns if you wish i will put you incharge of updating what has been done and hassent thankyou,and all of you may invite other members!
hypertech can u give me the name of your set
Ok thanks!I'll take that job until we're done.I'll probabla do another spioler after i get back from going to dinner.Thanks for letting me have that job!
You need to put a Regigigas so that Regigigas Lv.X can level up.
Here are some spoilers:

Pokepower: Artic Fellowship
Regice's attacks do 10 more damage for each Regirock, Registeel, Regigigas, and Regigigas Lv.X in play.

[w] Ice Shards
This attack does 10 damage to each of the defending pokemon.

[w][w][c] Super Freeze 100
If your opponent discards three cards from there hand, this attack's base damage is 10.

RS: -
RC: cc


Boulder Fellowship:
Regirock's Attacks do 10 more damage for each Regirock, Registeel, Regigigas, and Regigigas Lv.X in play.

[f][f][f] Cave In 50
The defending pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

RC: ccc


Metallic Fellowship:
Refisteel's Attacks do 10 more damage for each Regirock, Registeel, Regigigas, and Regigigas Lv.X in play.

[.] Iron Defence
Any damage done to Registeel next turn is reduced by 20. If Registeel doesn't have any [m] energies attached to it, this attack does nothing.

[m][m] Legendary Ascent 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the number of Regice, Registeel, and Regirock in play.

RC: ccc

Heres a card....

Krickitune-grass-90hp-holofoil rare

poke-body[unicen concert]
Krickitunes attacks to 10 more damage for each krickitune and krickitot you have in play

[g][g][c]lullaby melodie 30
The defending pokemon is now asleep.

[.] Silver wind
any damage done to the defending pokemon on your next has It`s base damage increased by 30.

weakness[fire+10]resistance[none]retreat cost[cc]
Can I help I can help by telling you the name and attacks .
Torterra LV 58
PokeBody: Hard Shell all attacks that make physical contact with Torterra lose 10 HP points.
Leaf Storm
Frenzy Plant
dusknoir lv x hp 150

pokebody- otherwordly antennae

if dusknoir recieves 30 or more damage from a pokemon attack, do ten damage to each defending pokemon

pp shadow punch 50

ppc extremely hard feelings 70
place 3 damage counters on all of your opponenets pokemon
Srry i haven't posted in a while,but anyway heres them new list!

Gastrodon East
Regirock,ice and steel
Dusknoir Lv.X
Here's a spoiler:

Toxicroak Lv.29 Fighting 90HP
Evolves form croagunk
Poke-Body: Poison Armor If 40 or more damage is done to toxicroak the attacking pokemon is now poisoned.
(F)(F)(F) Poison Smash 40 Flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is now poisoned if tails you're poisoned
(F)(F)(F)(C)(C)60 All of you're and your opponents benched poekmon are now poisoned
It strikes prey with it's poisonis claws.The poison is so strong it could take down anything in a flash.
Weakness: Psychic+30 ResistanceN/A Retraet Cost(c)(c)(c)
Hope you like it:D