pokemon flint version.

do you think the project is going well?

  • it is great and should carry on!

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • errrr,not too bad...

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • no,the pokemon are horrible and you should quit now

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

fps:eek:k go ahead.we need help so,thanks
togepi:they are only rough drawings.also every time they evolve one head merges.yes as i said,if you want to change then tell me what should be different.i dont think we should do nidoran thing(off topic,nidorina and nidoqueen cant breed but 2 girl nidoran can,creepy).but togepi we will have rivals or should i say ,rieruus ahehehe.mookow and rieruu are rivals and i may show ROUGH drawings of them.i would like to see fps ideas and add to updated list:) and i am adding a DEVIL SNAKE POKEMON to the list.if we have any ideas then pleeaaaase post because sometimes i get lonely on this thread.i may edit this post for updated list soon.bye for now!

edity:i have decided to do some dex entrys so,well here we have them:):
chloroseed-virus plant pokemon-grass-2'0-10lbs-chloroseed was a rare species of plant injected with a mutant virus.its body is unstable and dosnt have a complete solid form yet(chloroseed was my old avatar:)).
chloroyal-incomplete pokemon-grass-2'11-50lbs-chloroyal waits until a gene inside it is activated.when it is,it triggers evolution.its hands have gained a solid form,similarm to when chloroseed uses tackle.
chloroking-overgrown pokemon-5'7-90lbs-chloroking's legs appear to be a trail of vines.if it stops hovering,and touches the ground,the vines become more of a gooey(dunno if i spelt right)substance.it can turn the healthiest trees sickly.
and rough pic of chloroseed(awww,it is soo cute:))
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

wow that is cute.I am only on the computer on days that I have no school.Except for friday because the day after friday,saturday means no school.vacation days like in the summer(unless I go to summer school)I can stay home and do whatever I feel like.so I can't always be on the computer.By the way,we could use both threads for posts.
(your serious about breeding 2 female nidorans?I thought you'd need an evolution male and female)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

thank you :).i will show you water starter VERY<VERY soon.alriss resevwiss and wellriss(in the wrong order<-).i will show rieruu also along with them.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

thanks for accepting me:) well I'm still makeing the drawings, and probably I'm scanning them in a few hours (I can't make sprites, i't's stressing) but the names are: Lizire-Combustaur-Dinoruption and I made some new attacks for them: Combustaur Lv. 27 learns (no named yet, previous name was pathetic) it first ups special attack and then attacks with 70 pwr, it's like a combustion power up and then flare. Then Dinoruption learns at Lv. 64 (no TM no egg move) Heat burst (suggest another name if you like), 250 pwr, 50% chances of burning foes (strikes both enemies) and leaves user (dinoruption) with a cuarter of total HP and every stat is reduced by 3 levels. the line is like a dragonite-tyranitar-salamenc-metagross-garchomp line. Hope you like it ¡¡¡¡
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

BRILLIANT!!i was thinking how i should make those but had no ideas.oh a rule.NO MORE(starts to cry)fire pokemon.there is enough already.heat surge?manic flare?one of the two.oh and here is a max to keep you occupied:

edit:could dinoruption be edited slightly(name)and it will be called manic flare it will have 300power and hurt dinoruption as well:)it may be fire/rock
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

huh? what's that max thing? well OK no more fire pokes, you know, I don't have FPS as my nick just because of nothing
edit: ok no problem about it's name, sugest one and I'll tell u (this doesn't go for charizard's friend only, the other helpers can post their ideas) but about the type... well when you see the pic you'll understand.
And about the attack's names, they sound good, except for manic flare, it sounds more like a card's attack.
Edit2 : here's the combustaur pic. (it was creepely edited with paint cause if I'd edited with more details, you'd have never see it)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

looks good it is a very good fake pokemon
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

i made manic flare because it sounds more powerful.furnace blast?i like that.i only do sprites and sugis,and sometimes lousy rough drawings.max is a rayquaza who trys to fish for birds than murders them and is a past scientist.yes he was MENT to look daft and stupid.
i will do updated list later.sorry but we REALLY need to change they're names.its that the legendary trio are alll dinosaurs:
plessiash(fire and water)
ankylo(steel and poison)
other legendaries so far:
kraytor(fire and dragon)
important legendaries(685 base stats)
they are ground/psychic.orlight affects rainbows and quakes(dosnt control but can change),and ordim affects the tides(same with orlight).go back a few posts to see the list of pokemon.ok here is data for orlight and ordim:
orlight-bright sun pokemon-20'11-1390lbs-ground/psychic-data:ORLIGHT's origin is unknown.According to legend,ARCEUS built the earth around it,sealing it away.

ordim-lunar pokemon-21'03-1537lbs-ground/psychic/-ORDIM's origin is unknown.according to legend,ARCEUS sealed it inside a falling meteorite.

and they remain there up to today.until you can change that:).off topic,in emerald i was joking around,and fainted regirock,and text said-"the wild regirock FLEW away".wow,they have remarkable talent.updating list now,by:)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

-OK I'll bring new ideas soon um where comes plessiash's name come from?
-furnace blast I like it
-thanks light manaphy
-the important legendaries have 680 base stats and they should control other things, since earthquakes and land in general are controlled by groudon and rainbows by ho-oh
-ah another idea, the water starter's line could be dolphins or ancient sea reptiles :)
- I've seen the list before I said I wanted to enter
-according to what you said orlim and orlight are bad pokemon correct?
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

the starters have been made already,and i dont think we want anymore dinosaurs.plessiash's name comes from ash and plessiasaur(an ancient see dinosaur:))
arceus has 720(yes he is god and has an excuse),but orlight and ordim were like,well,at earth before arceus reached it(no they were not born before arceus),and mabye we could make them stronger but give them a bad ability(yes lets try that now)
ability-craggy body/ancient body/weigh down-orlight loses a small amount(1/10) of hp each turn.
base stats-
sp attack:140
sp defence:145
moves-level up(not tms)
1-ancient power
10-sunny day
15-rain dance
55-solar revenge
65-solar decent
75-morning sun
90-manic burst/overpower

ability-craggy body/ancient body/weigh down-orlight loses a small amount(1/10) of hp each turn.
base stats-
sp attack:100
sp defence:100
moves-level up(not tms)
1-ancient power
10-rain dance
15-sunny day
30-water spout
55-lunar power
65-lunar gathering
90-manic burst/overpower

edit:please may i have no comments saying things like "they are way overpowered" or "they are far to powerfull" because they are meant to be.they will be hard to catch(we will have no event legendaries for obvious reasons) anyway,i mean really hard(if you decide to see them soon after you finish the game then i will give you a :p).mabye the ability could be an 8th,but i was worried they might die before they get a chance to build up power.:(i would draw them,if i could,i cant even do a rough drawing.they are 21 foot tall beasts with craters in they're back huge wings that still cant lift them(hence forth they are not flying) and well, i made myn point.i willl do them once i finished others.
edit2:they are not evil they just wanted arceus to stop building earth.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

-and.... what does overpower (I say overpower bcause I vote that name ;)) and the other attacks do?
- OK I said that thing about the water starters bcause I didn't know thwt they were ready... and the storyline more or less can you tell me? you see, I missed some things... PM me if necessary.
- one more thing: both orlight and the other one have the same stats, I mean, both have 145 HP 140 attk etc. Can you fix that? (or show me at least the creepiest pic you have and I'll do it) (th pic is to see more or less the attributes they have along with their moves and dex entries)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

and about the new ideas... ankylo could be toxylo or ankteel or ankymetal or something
edit: (I'll keep editing wenever I create a new name) kraytor could be furnagon or draheat
edit2:- terriptor can be rapterror and ordim can be ormoon or something. plessiash is a good name to me
- ah another thing, can someone make a combustaur sprite? thnks
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

waht about phsycic type we only got like 1
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

every version has a safari zone no? well I am designing one I will put it here when it is finished
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

perfect. have u got other pics? (I mean, other places)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

no kraytor is fine.i will expain names later
no orlight has more special stats than ordim.
i will do sprites and psychic new one.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

OK and her's lizire (you know, combustaur's prevo)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

cool.i shall sprite that.but it resembles POKEMON QUARTZ's embaby a little.i have an idea.since we are all making this game,could we make like wifi challenges for diamond and pearl.mabye the clan would be a bettter place to discuss this though.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

sorry but I don't know what's that CUARTZ's thing :s  maybe lizire's head is too big (my mistake It isn't that big), u can meake it smaller
and do u have a clan???? tell me which one's it so I'll join
last thing: can u add me to the helpers list?
EDIT: new line, show it later it was suposed to be fire but thanks to your rule, it'll be a dragon line (theyr like mistic-powered heroes, fox like)
quickly made them: no they aren't white, I dunno some colors. dex entry and all that tomorow  (you see, it's 8:42 PM in my country)
I only know the mid-one's name, it's herox.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

cool.i will sprite them.genicell or something the psychic could be?and i will have updated list soon.and sorry to dark charizard especcially,i still havnt done kitfires line.
edit:fps has a link to this in his sig.mabye we could all have one to get more workers(slaves) to work for us,mufufufu...now adding you to list fps:)
edit again:major updates.dark charizard and fire pokemon supporter has been added to list:)pokemon list has been updated(see first post for list of pokemon and types) and we have changed catitorch to nyarpuss,sicona is the new cute but powerful legendary for this region:)added dashund dashox and dragiola to the list:D(names for mystic foxes may change soon) and have added also,a new pokemon by the name of...MANTALORD...guess who he is....
edit number 2:we need a name for this region.and fast(dials random phone number"BLLAAAARRR").and also what must be done also:gym leaders,main characters elite4 and any other important people:)...

ok and our first gym leader:
velociclaw lvl 13
onix lvl 16
granice(new rock/ice) lvl 15
other info:there will be cheerleaders in the gym(because there is)
after beating her,she will leave her gym and go off on a training journey to hone her skills and will see later in game,has steel pokemon(evolves onix).

pokemon:persian lvl 45
rhyperior lvl 50(everyone gasps)
kangaskhan lvl 43
nidoking lvl 46
nidoqueen lvl 44
vulcrest lvl 40

name:darren(may change,archies son because archie dead)
sharpedo lvl 27
golbat lvl 25
mantalord lvl 30
poochyena lvl 20

name:maxie(very old)
camerupt lvl 28
golbat lvl 26
pyrock(magcargo evo) lvl 30

name(elite 4):scarlet
roalion lvl 54
ninetales lvl 53
roaliess lvl 55
scorpire lvl 57
arcanine lvl 52

until next time :)