Pokemon Ice Version

So sorry I haven't been active,I'm running out of ideas.Well I made a Fire type.They have no name.Here it is!
http://tinypic.com/r/21nih6w/7 It evolves into: http://tinypic.com/r/2zqblvp/7
Tell me your thoughts!
Hmmm....I dont know if that would satisfy Full Moon, Mogogomo. It seems like all you did was give it a color change.
@mogogomo: I would ask Full Moon first about using his artwork as your avatar. He gave us his artwork for the game, but didn't say whether or not others can use it.

At the moment I have lots of things going on and probably won't have time for a couple days to post screenshots or make lots of progress with the game, but will try making as much progress as I can.
I think it is pretty cool, though if you don't really like it we don't exactly need to use it.
Ice Arceus said:
@mogogomo: I would ask Full Moon first about using his artwork as your avatar. He gave us his artwork for the game, but didn't say whether or not others can use it.

At the moment I have lots of things going on and probably won't have time for a couple days to post screenshots or make lots of progress with the game, but will try making as much progress as I can.

Full Moon says it is alright. But that "evolution" is not quite exceptable
Cofagrigus is right. Punchilla and it's evolution are closely related together and won't look nice for the game if they have too many similarities.
If you want to re-do it or just scrap that design it is up to you. I think it will fit in nicely within the game.
The necklace does somewhat represent a Chikorita, but that is the only similarity that is present. Probably instead of the necklace some leaves could be added.
Then I will change the "necklace" part and add something else.


Anyway, I made another fakemon named Crandure; Crane+ Verdure. It's a flying/grass type.
Umbreon/Espeon: Thanks!
Ice Arceus: I am planning to update it with new features AKA (tail).

New version on my avatar with few new parts.
Photobucket seems to be down temporarily, so i uploaded the pics to my deviantart.
Sorry if it's bad quality. I lost my tablet pen, so i've been using crayons and my phone to take pictures :(
Here is the lineart version