Pokemon Ice Version

@silazu: Did you make sprites for the grass starters?

Also tomorrow I will have a list of Pokemon from the previous generations that will be found in the game.
@garitter, thanks

@Ice Arceus, I'm still working on the sprites but I should have them up later today some time


Finished one.
Thanks for the sprites silazu. I will add it to the database. Since I am currently working on the introduction, I will be working with the sprites and see if they end up working when the character picks them.

The intro script is mainly done, but just have to add a couple more things to it before I can post it. Another thing is that I wanted to know if you guys would prefer all the 1-493 Pokemon in the game. I have all the sprites and they do work.
Sure, anyone is welcome anytime. Though we will need to see some artwork before I can add you to the jobs list and give credit to you in the game.
I am thinking it would be good if it had one more evolution. We need more Pokemon for the safari region and thought that this Pokemon would fit in nicely.
I was actually thinking something like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/Sympetrum_flaveolum_-_side_%28aka%29.jpg/800px-Sympetrum_flaveolum_-_side_%28aka%29.jpg
ok, can i have it in tommorow or late tonight?

EDIT: Done!


Its not perfectly clear, but this is my take on the picture you gave me. I took a bit from the evo of the first drawing i made and applyed it to this one. The evo is a fighting type, i thought it would be a good combonation. This is a sloppy copy BTW.
To be honest we need have a clearer copy with much more details. Though I do like the concept.

Going to be posting about one or two screenshot(s) today about the map view feature in the game.
@Ice Arceus, how soon do you need the back sprites for all the starters and their evolutions. Also I think it would be cool to have 493 pokemon in the game.
Well there isn't a specific time that I need the back sprites by; it can be anytime, there's no rush since they will be worked with near the end of making all the towns.

The attachment below contains the perspective version of area 3 (town that came made with Pokemon Essentials).