Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Yeah I think Garitter made that one. He was our main spriter for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

No, that was toille... And it wasn't that much writing. Sorry I haven't added a new part in a while. Been very busy. And a TCG set would be pretty cool. It's not like Garitter couldn't make art for it. He is probably the most talented fakemon artist I know.

Umm so we abandoned my forums?... I don't mind. Just wish you would have told me...
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Well I just didn't have much time to actually head down to the forums. I've spent mostly the whole day trying to get the programming done. We seriously need more people to help out with all this. A lot of people said in the previous posts that they were interested in spriting, but it seems like they haven't replied.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Programming again! Is it with GM8???? If so.... let me help!!!!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Sure you can help out. If there are others who want to help out with the programming then you can. Also charidude I am trying to get RPG Maker XP to work, but I am getting an Ntitle Server error. So I am right now using GM8 as well.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Hey, I don't, but maybe these tilesets might help you out: http://picasaweb.google.com/Wolfman774/PokemonTilesetsForGamemaker?feat=directlink#

Also, did you end up using that battle system I gave you?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I tried. But it came up with many error messages for me. I will see what I can do to improve it.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Chiraami said:
Oh yeah, Fire Arceus is helping with names, not sprites.
>.< We kinda have a person who makes the names and we right now have many names. Are you sure he can't sprite?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Apparently he could try, but he is also not absolute amazing. Which pokémon do you want him to sprite? Say including a link please.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*


He can try doing Glastar.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Okay and sure you can use a staff userbar if you want.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

This is another small small storyline. I will add onto this in a bit but here it is so far. I was thinking about making the two of them, (Man and Woman) the admins. And we could even have more, making this a bigger and more challenging game? Because if the game is too easy then it will be just like the other games....

After Officer Jenny says that she leaves she turns around remembering you two are sill up here.
Officer Jenny-“Oh right, we’re stuck up here, the ice froze the elevator and the stairs are too slippery for anyone to use.”
Just then a (strong psychic pokemon that can teleport) and Endora appear on the rooftop.
Endora-“You’re lucky I happened to be here when this snowstorm hit Officer Jenny, or you’d be stuck up here.”
Rival-“But that’s just it, it wasn’t a snowstorm.”
Endora-“What? Didn’t you see the blizzard all around us?”
Rival-“We can talk more on the ground.”
Endora-“(psychic pokemon’s name.), Teleport!”
They all get teleported down to the base level.

Endora-“Ah, so a man named Silver was behind it. I’m glad (Player) stopped him. Maybe I’ll see you if you ever get to (4th town).”
Endora leaves.
Rival-“I’m off to go challenge Brad the gym leader. You should go too (Player)!”

Normal type Gym:
1st trainer:
1 pokemon lv 11

2nd trainer
2 pokemon lv 10

Gym Leader Brad:
Brad- “Ah, so you’re the one who stopped the blizzard. Let me see how strong you are!”

1 pokemon lv 10
1 pokemon lv 12
1 pokemon lv 16

When you win:
Brad- “You truly are strong. I can see why you stopped that blizzard. Here, take the (normal badge), it’s proof of your strength and victory in the (normal gym). Also it allows pokemon under (level) to obey you, even if it’s from a trade.
You hear a phone ringing.
Brad- “My phone!”
Brad- “Hello? Oh hi there!... WHHHHAAAAATTT!!!! Really? Something similar happened here. I’ll send someone right over!”
Brad hangs up.
Brad- “This is bad… A sinister snowstorm has started to envelop (3rd town). Fronz, the gym leader there told me that they have no idea what is causing this. I was thinking maybe you could go and help out over there. But first you’ll need to go through (2nd town.) I’m pretty sure that’s where Tide is… perhaps (he/she) can help you as well. Anyway, go investigate, and hurry too!”

After that you leave the gym. You turn and start to head toward (second town).
Before you can leave you’re stopped by the assistant.
Assistant- “(Player)! I’m glad I caught up to you. In all this snow it took forever to get here. Prof. (blank) wanted to know if you’ve found anything.
You tell him what happened.
Assistant- “So they made this blizzard?”
The assistant turns around.
Assistant – <murmurs> “This takes things to a whole new level…”
Assistant-“Oh what (Player)! No it’s nothing, just me and my creative imagination… Anyway, I’ll be going!”
Assistant turns and leaves.

(Rival) comes into screen.
Rival- “Hey (Player)! What was that about?”
Rival- “Oh just checking up on you, okay. So I heard you beat Brad, that’s awesome! According to my handbook the next gym leader should be…. Tide. She specializes in water type! I’m going to get a grass pokemon! That should work!”
Rival runs off.

You can then head on to the next route.

As you walk through the route you are stopped by various trainers along the way.

Youngster Jeff:
Jayby lv 8
Grock lv 10

Challenge Phrase: “Hey, do you have a gym badge?”

Losing Phrase: “Man, you’re pretty good. Do you have a gym badge? … Maybe that’s why you beat me…”

Schoolgirl Patricia:
Broot lv 13

Challenge Phrase: “My Pokemon will teach you a lesson!”

Losing Phrase: “And that class is how you win a pokemon battle…”

Lass Gabby:
Malax lv 7
Transook lv 9

Challenge Phrase: “Beyond me is the side of the mountain.”

Losing Phrase: “Why do you want to go t the mountain anyway?”

After fighting through the three of them you then reach a mountain. It’s a rock wall and impossible to move through with no entrances. Once you get close enough and event will trigger.
The side of the wall will crumble and out will step a woman and a man dressed quite fancy. After them two large goons will walk out.
Woman-“Well at least we made it through that awful tunnel…”
Man-“Yes, but did we have to go blasting right through it?”
Woman-“Of course, walking all the way through that maze would take much too long and besides, I can’t be scrambling around caves in this outfit.”
Grunt1-“Umm excuse me.”
Woman-“What is it?!”
Grunt1-“Is it just me…. Or is it chilly out here.”
Woman-“Ah, it is. Smart observation… I guess Silver has actually done his ob for once. And here I was thinking he’d be in jail.”
Man-“Come, we should head forward to the meeting or we shall be in for a scolding when we’re late.”
The four of them walk around you back to (First City).

You then can head into the cave on your way to the next gym.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I will add this part to the big storyline post thing.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

alright. I am VERY sorry I was gone so long. I finally got my laptop back and my photoshop is working just fine on it. =)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

We've all been slow. But that won't stop us. If only I had pc... I could have the first 2 towns porgrammed by now with RPG MAker XP!!!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Garitter: Nice to have you back.

@charidude: Yeah things have been going slow, but I really want this game to work out and all. GM8 is not working for me. I have a old laptop and it hates GM8 so I can't really workout the game with it. I am hoping that I find a way to actually fix GM8 or get another program to work. I wanted to use RPG Maker XP, though it keeps coming up with a nTitle Server error message, so it cannot run.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I was hoping this could be one of the main legendary Pokemon? I was thinking either an Ice/Dragon or Ice/Poison type.

Name: Serpentice
Classification: Imperial Frost Pokemon
Type: ???
Height: 15' 0"
Weight: 1430 lbs
Ability: Frostbite - may induce freezing a Pokemon upon touching

Pokedex entry: It burrows itself deep into mountains to sleep. Its snoring and burrowing often causes large avalanches that destroy small cities. Its body is tough enough to penetrate even solid steel.