Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Well the drawings have to be pretty good since they will be featured in the game. Though if you aren't the best artist around then we will get other people to fix your drawings up a bit.
Also what awesome picture are you talking about?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

What region would you do it?

Anyways, I like the game play and how did u create games. I'd really want to learn more from you about this kind of thing.

Maybe you can.

Make all the badges like based on Ice
Make a evil team similar to Team Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galatic etc. - Their plan to use the Ice
Maybe u can make Pokemon League like Ice statues inside for decorations
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Ice Arceus: IcyChezburger means your avatar.

Ceram here and more drafts coming.

Here's the final evolution, Ceraic. It turned out pretty well (for my art skills) I thought.

Ouch... Met was hard to draw. It wasn't exactly perfect, but here's a draft.


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  • Met Draft 1.png
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RE: Pokemon Ice Version

well i have used roms (do not recommend cause its just illegal)... but the text editor doesn't work anymore and also i used it, its prettu simple but i got bored if you'd like to try go here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IDKgeZt-oA and continue watching the rest of the parts

i don't recommend this though cause i think its illegal.

I made a battle animation, and Serpentice's attack is kind of...overkill...
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

@CatreBird: I don't quite understand what you are trying to ask when you are saying "What region you would do it?" To create this game I am using RPG Maker XP since this program is widely used by many game creators and is simple to use once you get used to where some things are located and also how to work with them. Also I am not too sure that I am going to be making everything based on ice. It is a nice idea and I like it, but I think it would be an overload in the game....

@MotorRotom: I will have to wait until somebody else could translate those artworks a bit better with more detail so I could get a better idea, but am liking the whole concept so far.

@Gr8Ampharos: I have checked that website out. That website has numerous tools which are very helpful if you are trying to hack a game. This game isn't a hack, it is a fresh new game created only by the tiles, scripting, and the program. Though thanks for suggesting that, I appreciate the help. As for the animation it is great, but was wondering are you familiar with creating a battle system with the game? Or are you familiar with RUBY?

@IcyChezburger: If you are talking about the cool avatar that I have right now then you should be able to find it here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=87934
The creator of the thread is Xous and you will be able to use the avatars provided on the thread.... But be sure to read the rules of the thread.

Still looking for a scripter to help me out with the programming....
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

well not exactly because the only experience i ever had at coding something was with a program called microworlds and i can't code complex games like Pokemon... sorry that i couldn't help but good luck... i do have rpgmaker though and maybe on YouTube there are some tutorials you can find using that....

for the battle system, no but if your talking about Pokemon ruby yeah, if thats a program no but i could check it out..
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Some videos on Youtube are pretty helpful. I might do more research on how to program with RUBY more.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Do you by any chance might know someone possibly with a strong knowledge of scripting Pokemon games?

Going to update front post most likely tomorrow or the next day.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Icy: Post a full reply. Then, in the bottom left below the text box is a place you can attach files. You better have it saved though!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Hello i have a picture for you guys :)

it didn't work

hello again here are some pictures!


:( i am sad

I just do not get it.

let me try again i hope it works:

i do not see the attatch file
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Go like this (New Reply) and scroll down. There will be a paper clip with "new attachment" next to it. Click Browse. Then, double-click the file you want. Try it!

This attachment is meaningless, just to show it works.


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RE: Pokemon Ice Version

hello again again...
i am here to give you some pictures!
Here they are:

Here is another one!

and another one

and this is what evolves them

and something else that evolves them


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  • Water Stone.png
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RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Since I seem to be sort of a freelance worker here (artist, namer, anything) I have a new job idea. It is a small job that comes late in the stage of game-making, but it will be necessary.
We've started to make fakemon that evolve, right? I could (as an additional job) think up ideas for the level or process (water stone, reaper cloak, etc.) required to evolve. Suggestions?

As a side note, nice drawings IcyChezburger.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

@MotorRotom: That would actually be a good idea. Since I need the information as when the Pokemon evolve and by what method would be great if it is completed/helped by more people. I like the idea and if you are up to it then go right ahead.

@Artists: It seems like that we are getting some fakemon/items that seemed to be rushed on (sorry to sound mean), but am serious, some of the artworks seemed to be rushed on. If you aren't a great artists then PM one of the good artists who are helpers with the game and send them your art work so they can add details and more features. It wouldn't look nice if we had bunch of Pokemon that look different.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

I am not a particularly good artist (that's an understatement) but have lots of ideas. Are there any artists that i can send ideas to and have the pokemon cleaned up?
I will gladly make evolution levels. In total, I have spent at least 20 hours of car trips when i was younger looking at a pokedex book and learning all the stats and evolutions and whatnot.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Nice to now that you are familiar with stats. Garitter is one of our main artists for the game and Shaymin6.6 is our main spritist for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

hi do you mind if i could make up attacks?
Because, as i said in one of my first posts i am not good drawer