Pokemon Pokemon is expensive!

Zyflair said:

And it's probably going to stay that way for a while. That doesn't mean I'm not a Pokemon fan. It just means I'm not a fan of the merchandise. =D

There are many things that can be done to save money however. The two most important things you can do are sell bulk and sell on eBay.

Instead of just keeping or giving away leftover cards, Troll and Toad will buy bulk UC/C, along with many other players. Selling leftover cards to them after buying a box get get you a lot of money back.

Another thing you can do it sell cards on eBay. My general time for eBay profit is right after a prerelease. I put up some listings afterwards and not only payed for my entire prerelease, but got a $25 dollar profit, but I still kept the cards I needed, leaving with a playset of N and Eviolite.
I only buy booster packs here and there and sometimes blisters. Whan I got on youtube and see the videos of people opening 2-3 boxes of the latest set just burns me up because I know I can never experience what the rich guy is experiancing in the video.
i've been playing since march this year and i've already spent about $300, and i'm only 15 with no job. I started selling videos games and stuff to fuel my addiction. Now that i have a girlfriend, my spending limit went down drastically. I've only spent about 30 bucks on pokemon in the last 2 months
I spend around $500 on myself which covers booster boxes, pre-releases, etc, and then maybe $100 on any gifts for friends and my girlfriend who are into the TCG. But I sell my bulk cards online to make back a lot of my money.
I don't know... But I have spent a lot of money on Pokemon Games! I am buying such games since I was 4 so... a lot xD
I would probably spend thousands of dollars on pokemon stuff, but i only spend about 300 dollars or so a year but you know being 13 its sort of hard to get money since i am to young to have a job that pays good and my parents limit me on the stuff i get. (if only they played):I am a plush,card,figure,and anything that is unique collector. I have over 80 plushies that have probably costed well over 500. I probably get another $200 of pokemon memoribilia through relatives during special events.
I honestly fail to see how people can call pokemon expensive. In all honesty, pokemon is far cheeper then MTG or yugioh. Pokemon events are free with the exception of prereleases. Yugioh and magic, even their weekly things cost to get into. anything higher up in yugioh is $20. Once you have a collection, you shouldn't have to buy cards. Also, if you are smart with what you do, its easy to make $$ on this game, not loose it. all you should have to pay for is transportation to an event, and really that shouldn't be that big of a deal. Any hobby costs $$, many of them a lot more then pokemon does.
phenom98 said:
I would probably spend thousands of dollars on pokemon stuff, but i only spend about 300 dollars or so a year but you know being 13 its sort of hard to get money since i am to young to have a job that pays good and my parents limit me on the stuff i get. (if only they played):I am a plush,card,figure,and anything that is unique collector. I have over 80 plushies that have probably costed well over 500. I probably get another $200 of pokemon memoribilia through relatives during special events.

Yeah, I'm also 13 and my allowance is very low so I don't spend TOO MUCH money on Pokemon Stuff... But for a Pokemon Game I would give up to 60 euros =/
konter_j8902 said:
I honestly fail to see how people can call pokemon expensive. In all honesty, pokemon is far cheeper then MTG or yugioh. Pokemon events are free with the exception of prereleases. Yugioh and magic, even their weekly things cost to get into. anything higher up in yugioh is $20. Once you have a collection, you shouldn't have to buy cards. Also, if you are smart with what you do, its easy to make $$ on this game, not loose it. all you should have to pay for is transportation to an event, and really that shouldn't be that big of a deal. Any hobby costs $$, many of them a lot more then pokemon does.
Seriously, the higher tournaments in YGO cost money as well? I'm aware that weekly tourneys cost a bit of money each time, but even the higher-up ones have entry fees as well? I thought after a certain point it cut off.

(I'm very well aware of how expensive YGO and MTG can be, but I'm not savvy with the tournament scene of either. Seriously, I'm happy that Pokemon is so inexpensive, especially when I judge since I get pretty much anything for free, card-wise.)
konter_j8902 said:
I honestly fail to see how people can call pokemon expensive. In all honesty, pokemon is far cheeper then MTG or yugioh. Pokemon events are free with the exception of prereleases. Yugioh and magic, even their weekly things cost to get into. anything higher up in yugioh is $20. Once you have a collection, you shouldn't have to buy cards. Also, if you are smart with what you do, its easy to make $$ on this game, not loose it. all you should have to pay for is transportation to an event, and really that shouldn't be that big of a deal. Any hobby costs $$, many of them a lot more then pokemon does.

What if I consider Pokémon TCG as expensive and Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! as even more expensive? In other words, they're ALL expensive. (I did point out earlier that those two have ludicrous prices compared to Pokémon, but that doesn't mean Pokémon can't still be expensive.)

And if transportation is not a big deal for you, then I have to say that you have a lot of time and money.
I think that the people who keep on saying that they only buy boosters and never the full box should listen to this: if you didn't but all of those boosters then you could save up for a box, which saves you around $50. Then you sell the extras in bulk. For example, the next set, Next Destinies, already has a card going for $60. Say you buy a box and pull the EX and FA of that card. You can sell them if you don't plan to play a deck and with that money you can buy more! Also, if you buy the box then you are guaranteed holos and FAs.
I used to buy a pack a day at work and that's 4 bucks each. And I work 5 days a week. And I've been doing that since February. So 220 bucks in just packs since february. Then I bought the games, and the tins. That's about 350 in the last month or so, and that's a low low estimate. I've also bought many singles and many pokemon related things too recently and I guess that's about $100+ each month. Then I'm going to go to a prerelease and also buy a booster box so there's 125 extra dollars next month. Hmmmmm. I think I should slow down a bit.
I typically buy a booster box for each new English set, and 2 booster boxes for each new Japanese set (1 of each if it's a double set, or 2 of the main if it's a full regular set). I'll often by multi-pack blisters and tins for promos if I like the boosters and/or specials included. A new game when those come out. Sometimes TCG accessories (like the new Keldeo sleeves and deckbox that just came out in Japan, because <3 Keldeo), but rarely. Occasionally I'll have to get new binder and sheets to keep everything nice and sorted.

I don't really consider it to be that expensive, but then again, Pokémon is really the only hobby I have that I spend money on, aside from buying books. I have a decent job and not many expenses, so it's not really a drain on my resources.
Currently, around $70 a year to get both versions of released games. If I were a TCG guy, you could probably add $180, not including gas to and from events.
I used to get about a pack a week when I was younger for a couple of books when they were cheap. Now, I rarely spend money on packs (unless it's singles) because I am NOT paying $4.19 for packs.
By the way, are some people also putting in the price of hotel rooms and whatnot if they go to a tournament that's particularly far away? That's the main deterrent for me: I'm not going to pay $80+ to play the card game with a bunch of people for one more day. (And, of course, getting up at 3 AM to go drive there, then drive back is out of the question.)