Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Silver decided to go for the big one. He used Psychic on the Houndoom.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Kaalia's arrow flies straight and true towards the Houndour, but it uses Protect and stops the arrow mid-flight. The Houndoor then roars and uses fires a Flamethrower at Kaalia. The Primal Houndour Zephyr attacked used Iron Tail to deflect the stones, although some do land, hitting for decent damage. Enraged, the Houndour charges in and bares its fangs, ready to launch a Crunch once it gets closer. The Primal Houndour that Blade attacks counters every Slash with a Shadow Claw of its own, then uses Flamethrower at close range. The Psychic has little effect on the Primal Houndoom, but even so it leaps in the air, prepared to use Crunch on Silver. Barry uses Acrobatics to flip through the aair and grab the Primal Houndoom. He struggles to hold it on the ground as it blasts him in the face with repeated Flamethrowers. "A little help, here!" He yells.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Glade quickly jumps up, and runs at the houndor attacking Barry, stabbing it repeatedly, he then used future sight, and continued stabbing.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Kaalia frowned, and stepped aside, and the Flamethrower blasted past her and hit the back of the other Houndour.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Blade quickly jumped back, and used Rapid Spin to repel most of the Flamethrower. However, he still took damage. "Hm," Blade smiled, and dug into the ground. He came up right in front of the Houndour he was facing, and upper-cutted with a boosted Slash.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Glade got up and said"he is yours barry."
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Silver uses Shadow Ball on the Houndoom, being careful of where to aim.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

The Flamethrower Kaalia dodged went into the mouth of the Houndour attacking Zephyr as it used Heat Wave, resonating and turning it into a massive wave of fire that swept toward Kaalia and Zephyr. As Blade attacks, the Houndour jumps back, although Blade's claw does lightly swipe his muzzle, creating a cut. In anger, it shoots more Flamethrowers at Blade. Glade and Silver's attacks hit the Houndoom, stunning it long enough to allow Barry to hit it with a Close Combat, inflicting heavy damage. The Primal Houndoom, enraged, uses Flame Charge, slamming into Barry and sending him flying. It then turns and charges at Glade with another Flame Charge.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Silver used Psychic on the Houndoom, sending him flying and hitting the nearest tree. Then Silver began to use Calm Mind.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Glade just jumps high, but the houndoom's Flame Charge just barely grazed him, sending him flying into a tree. Glade quickly gathered to his feet, and went over to help Barry to his feet.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Zephyr springs upwards and and sends stones and creates a shield out of stone to stop the heat wave.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

OOC: Does Psychic even affect Houndour?

IN: Blade tried to rapid Spin again, but got hit full-on in the back. He quickly recovered, and used Dig once again. This time, he settled under the Houndoom and used Dig, and then Rapid Spin. This created a slippery sand trap with a spinning spiny doom at the bottom.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

The Primal Houndoom shrugged off the attack without any apparent difficulty. The Houndoom, now quite quick due to the Flame Charges, charged at Silver with another Flame Charge. The Houndour that used Heat Wave then charged in with Iron Tail, shattering the wall of stones, while the other Houndour used Flamethrower on Zephyr. However, Blade's tactic did seem to be working-despite its struggles, the final Primal Houndour is slowly beng pulled down towards the Sandslash. It attempts to fire a Flamethrower but its aim is skewed by the spinning and it misses. The Primal Pokemon sceams in agony as the spines begin scraping its belly.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Zephyr clips his swords to his arms and swings them in a dragon claw.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Kaalia was hit by the intense Heat Wave, but it didn't do much damage, due to her being a fire type. She countered by whacking the Houndour on the side of the head with her staff.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Silver decided to risk it. He used Calm Mind instead of dodging the attack from the Houndoom. But, with Silvers Psychic powers boosted, a Psycho Cut should finish the job. Silver used Psycho Cut on Houndoom
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

OOC: Woot, amazing sand trap of doom!

IN: Blade stopped spinning, and the sand slowly became level again. Blade rushed behind the Houndour, pinned it to the ground, and used Rapid Spin right on its chest.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

The Primal Houndour Zephyr attacked attempted to jump back to dodge, but was a bit too slow and was flung onto the ground. Kaalia's staff connects with a staggering blow to the head, knocking it out and probably giving it a concussion. The Primal Houndour Blade attacked moans from the pain and passes out as well. The final Primal Houndour charges with an all-out Double Edge on Kaalia (horrible movepools for the win.) The Psyhco Cut bounces off the Primal Houndoom with no effect at all despite the Calm Minds. (stop using psychic moves on a dark type all ready, geez :p). Barry uses Acrobatics to attempt to grab the Primal Houndoom, but the Houndoom just dodges with ease due to its built-up energy. It slams into Silver then spins around and attacks Barry as well. By now its speed has increased dramatically.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Just to make sure the Houndour stay down, Zephyr binds both of the downed Houndour. Then he spins around and sends stone edge at the Houndoom.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Blade jumped up, and came at Houndoom in full force with another Rapid Spin.
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