Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Blade was knocked back by the Fire Blast, and felt the singing pain hold fast to his spines. He was burnt. "Aaaaaah!" he yelled as the pain ripped up his spine. He started to Rapid Spin involuntarily, a reaction from his body to try a null the pain. He had no control over himself.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Silver saw Blade going out of control. He was using Rapid Spin like he was confused or something. Silver grinned as an idea popped into his head. Silver used Psychic on Blade, making him Rapid Spin in place. Silver then slammed Blade into the Houndoom.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Glade went flying and landed softly, he couldnt get up, so he just waited.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Blade felt himself being picked up, and he was hurled towards the Houndoom. He felt the collision, then was slammed against a tree. Everything blacked out...
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

The Houndoom doesn't expect the out-of-control Sandslash to go flying into it and is knocked over. It roars at the Primal Houndour and the Houndour nods. The Houndoom creates a giant ball of fire and the Houndour shoots a Flamethrower at it, making the ball off fire even larger. The Houndoom then launches the fire at everyone, and it bursts into a massive star of fire. Barry is jolted awake by the intense heat and takes off running toward the clearing.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Glade quickly got up, and followed barry, cussing under his breath.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

Zephyr decides to try something. His birth mark glows and he, instead of bringing stone edge to him he brings it right out of the ground under the Houndoom and Houndoom.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *3 spots left* We have started!

OOC: hello everyone :) you can check out my info after Dark Void puts it:) also, can someone tell me what OOC and IC stands for, I am using because I saw from you guys :)


Hakky woke up because of the heat. Puzzled, he slithered to the source of the heat, to see a fierce battle going on. He shouted, "What is that all about!? Is that Houndoom a Primal Pokemon?" He soon found out the answer himself; he had never seen a Houndoom like...that before. He noticed a Gallade and an Infernape running from the fire that is roaring upon them, and Hakky, then, decided to help.
OOC: OOC stands for out-of-character, you would put it if you are going to write something that is not roleplaying. IC means in-character, you would put it in front of where you are roleplaying so people know it isn't OOC. If you don't put either it generally means it's IC. You did it right, anyway.
OOC: tehehe, we need to do something about it :)

IC: Hakky glared at the site again, and shocked to see a Sandslash knocked unconscious beneath a tree. He quickly used Aqua Tail toward the flames that were rushing to the poor Pokemon.
OOC: Thanks :p

IC: Blade saw the scene flashing before him. Woozy, he got up and saw the flames that were rushing towards him extinguished. A Dragonair saved him. Blade gave a grateful nod, and started hobbling towards the others.
As the duo raced towards Glade and Barry, Hakky wanted to make sure that the evil fire in those Houndour and Houndour are extinguished. He used Aqua Tail again, toward the pack of Primal dogs.
Kaalia, however, had been distracted, and didn't see the ball of flame. The wave of fire hit her, and although she resisted fire attacks, this was too much. She swore as she crumpled to the ground under the intensity of the attack. She managed to put up a minor magical shield up, but it only partially stopped the onslaught of fire.

"A little help," she yelled. "Would be appreciated!"
OOC: Here's the Pokedex entry of Dragonair from Soul Silver: "Its crystalline orbs appear to give this Pokémon the power to freely control the weather." It's not my ability to pour rain down like Kyogre (Drizzle), but still, Dark Void can evaluate.

IC: Hakky turned back once more. His orb at his neck started to glow, and gray clouds appeared in the sky; signaling a rainstorm. The rain started to pour down, deliberately onto the Primal Pokémon. Hakky crossed this not-given-by-artists eyebrows, and unleashed a Thunder. With the rain and the clouds, the Thunder crashed down on he Primal pack, powered up by the weather.

OOC: See, I broke the 4th wall too :)
OOC: I understand Dragonair's Pokedex entry, but even so you shouldn't create a weather condition unless you know the appropriate move (Rain Dance, Sunny Day, etc.). However, I'm letting it slide this time without a warning. Just know for future reference that if there is a move for what you are doing but your character doesn't know that move, you shouldn't do it.

IC:The Houndoom and Houndour had used most of their remaining stength creating the Fire Blast and the Thunder attack hit hard, flinging them backwards. As the Stone Edge hits the Primal Pokemon slam into the ground with a thud, knocked out. The fire slowly dies down, allowing everyone to move forward. "Good job, guys!" Barry shouts. "We've got 4 Primal Pokemon knocked out. Mission complete!" Barry unceremonially dumped the Primal Pokemon in a heap with the Houndoom at top and put one hand on them. "Everyone, make sure you're holding onto one of the Primal Pokemon. And Blade, you should come back with us. We intend to save lots of Pokemon from Primal Pokemon and we could use your help." When everyone was touching a Primal Pokemon, Barry pulled out a bright blue Escape Orb in his other hand that glinted in the sun. He crushed the orb in his fist, releasing a surge of energy that teleported everyone back to the guild.

An hour later, the three Alakazam arrived. The first one pulled out a few tranquilizer darts and stuck one in each of the Primal Pokemon's necks, explaining that it was so the Primal Pokemon wouldn't wake up and attack. The Alakazam levitated the Primal Pokemon in the air with their Psychic powers and headed away. Barry turned to the guild. "We did a good job and hopefully we'll get some knowledge on Primal Pokemon and if the process can be reversed thanks to this. Hopefully the Pokemon in the Burning Jungle can sleep easier now. Anyway, I suggest you rest up. We'll probably have another mission to do tomorrow."

Game Freeze: Nobody Post. I'll update this post with the next mission when I've got it written up.
I hope the mods don't mind that I'm double-posting to bump/unfreeze my rp.

The next day there were three missions waiting for the guild. The first detailed a Primal Pokemon terrorizing everyone on Mount Travail. Another talked about a Primal Pokemon attacking people who ventured too close to the Abandoned Factory. However, the mission that caught everyone's eye was one that told of Primal Pokemon swarming Treeshroud Forest. Since a Time Gear was located in Treeshroud Forest, the world would be in jeopardy if the Primal pokemon did something to it. After a bit of discussion the guild decided to split up. Rocker (thefleeee) would go to Mount Travail to deal with the Primal Pokemon there. Alan (AllInAPackage) decided to go to the Abandoned Factory. (AIAP and thefleeee, that was your warning) Everyone else would go to Treeshroud Forest. However, when they arrived, they were quickly disorientated by the thick tree cover. The made it to a clearing to rest, when suddenly they were attacked by a Primal Butterfree and a Primal Beedrill! Begin battle!
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