Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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SlashinZangoose said:
OoC: oh, no. Silver used psychic to hold the ursarang. Silver wasnt holding the tree

OoC: Oh, alright. You said something about how if you let them go the tree would fall, which confused me. Btw, I'm waiting for another person or two to post before I continue the story.
OOC: I think that person is me... Ooops

IC: Glade jumped from the tree house, landing on the Urasarings foot. He started to chuckle, and then quickly stabbed both of his feet.
Zephyr, seeing that the tree was about to fall formed his stone edge in to pillars to hold up the tree.
Kaalia was grateful for the stone pillars, but they would only hold for so long. Kaalia reached the wooden shack at the top of the tree, and grabbed the three Audino. Her hands no longer free, she looked down at the ground, hesitating. She spat out some words, hoping she would be able to channel the power without her staff. A pile of hay appeared underneath the tree, and she jumped. The Audino screamed for a few seconds, and then abruptly stopped as Kaalia landed in the hay on her back.
Zephyr's wave of stones hits the two conscious Ursaring just as Silver releases them from his psychic grasp. The stones slam into the Ursaring and pin them to the ground. Glade jumps down from the treehouse and begins stabbing one of the Ursaring, causing that Ursaring to roar in pain. The other manages to break the stones pinning him and gets up, ready to attack Glade. Barry sees this out of the corner of his eyes and uses Acrobatics, leaping over the Ursaring then launching a Fire Spin downwards. The Ursaring is trapped within the wall of fire and roars in fury. The Audino turned and thanked Kaalia then raised their hands a chanted a couple of things, using Reflect and Light Screen. Everyone was surrounded with a faint glow that would weaken attacks launched at them.
Blade jumped up and dived down, digging into the ground. He appeared at an Uraring's side, upper-cutting him with sharpened claws. Then, while still in midair, he kicked at the other one's face with his hind legs.
Silver saw the faint glow of Reflect and Light Screen. "I need to learn one of these." Silver used Psycho Cut on one of the Ursarangs, hoping to knock them out of the tree.
"Thanks Barry" Glade said, after climbing to his feet. That was the first time that he talked to any one in the group. Glade quickly used future sight, on all of the Ursarings, and then just started stabbing them randomly, hopping to hit one right were it would count.
Kaalia groaned, and the hay slowly disappeared. She spat some of the remaining hay out of her mouth and then staggered to her feet, glad that the Audino had put up their shields.

"Stupid... bears..." She muttered.
As Blade dug up through the ground, Barry let the Fire Spin die and fell down towards the Ursaring, readying Close Combat. Blade's uppercut hit the Ursaring just as Barry hit it with a gravity-boosted kick to the forehead, resulting in huge damage. Barry leapt off the Ursaring then elbowed it in the face while kicking it in the stomach. The ursaring was sent flying backwards and landed on the ground unmoving. As this happened, Blade kicked the final ursaring right at Silver, who hit it with a Psycho Cut. The Ursaring moans and falls backward right into a fury of slashes from Glade. The Ursaring groans and falls backwards, defeated. Glade sees no one left in the treehouse. The Audino rush over to the treehouse and support it with some spare branches. When Zephyr releases the stones supporting the treehouse it still stands. The Audino thank the guild for defending them and the guild continues on its way.

Treeshroud Forest has changed since Barry was last there and he no longer knows a way around. However, after an hour or two of walking, everyone sees a light through the trees. They run through the trees and find a clearing. A few dozen yards away they see the Time Gear, unharmed. However, there's a rustling in the trees and several Primal Pokemon emerge. 3 Primal Shiftry and 5 Primal Nuzleaf to be exact. Boss fight 2 has now begun!
OOC: This is kinda getting monotonous - I hope you have some sort of plot that will take place soon.

IC: Kaalia took a deep breath and fired a flamethrower at the group of Nuzleaf's, then jumped up to a higher branch on a tree about 30 feet off the ground. She pulled out her bow and started firing arrows with pinpoint accuracy at the Primal Pokemon.
OOC: Yeah, I'm planning on adding in more plot after this boss fight.

IC:The Nuzleaf spread out and the Flamethrower misses most of them. However, the arrows hit the Nuzleaf. The Primal Pokemon screeched and three of the Nuzleaf charged towards Kaalia. Barry raced forward and used Fire Punch on one of them, knocking it out of the way. He then turned to face the other two. However, a Nuzleaf had used Faint Attack to sneak around Kaalia. It leaps from the tree behind her and tries to punch her. Suddenly, Barry kneels over from a mental attack. He looks up to see the three Shiftry leering at him, using Extrasensory (yes, they can learn that). He moans as his mind is slashed by the Shiftry.
OOC: Ditto-ing what nabby said.

IN: Blade curled his claws, and punched Barry in the back; hoping to make him come back to his senses. He then jumps behind Kaalia and used his spines to block the Nuzleaf's attack.
Glade just took a moment to catch his breath, and then he jumped, off a tree, and landed onto a Nuzleaf, trying to pin it.
Kaalia whirled around, too late to stop the Nuzleaf's, then saw Blade repelling them. "Thanks!" She yelled, and then pulled out her staff. She barked out a word and a thick branch above the Nuzleaf's snapped off, and then fell towards them.
Glade gives a nod, and then continues to repel the Nuzleaf, who by now if fighting as hard as he possibly can to get Glade off of him.
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