Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

pimaster265 said:
IC: Zephyr thought about using his "finisher" but decided against it. He would need to save it for later. It used to much energy. Instead he flew up and sent stones at the Shiftry.

OOC: No, the finisher is not outrage. Its a combo of my other moves.

OOC: Lol we both decided not to use our "ultra" moves.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OoC: uhm,... sorry for being caught up in school...
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

SlashinZangoose said:
OoC: uhm,... sorry for being caught up in school...

OOC: I really need to stop eating pies know how you feel. I hate when teachers just decide to toss hundreds of hours of work on to you for no apparent reason.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: I think we're still waiting for Chillarmy or MrGatr.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Probably.
By the way, normally you shouldn't double post.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: *gulp* Oops, I forgot. I'm somewhat new.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

The resulting explosion knocks Blade back but deals heavy damage to the Buzleaf and causes it to fall over gasping for breath.

Blade slowly got up from the explosion, made sure that he was in one piece, and ran over to the Buzleaf. Seeing it was rendered harmless, he jumps up and follows up the Stone Edge by curling into a ball and hurtling at Biftry.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Sorry, guys, no internet all weekend. I will post...:p

Glade follows Blade, to make sure that the attack hits, if not he was gonna hit hard.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

MrGatr said:
OOC: Sorry, guys, no internet all weekend. I will post...:p

Glade follows Blade, to make sure that the attack hits, if not he was gonna hit hard.

OOC: Lol I guess you saw my ban game post.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Yup.. Thanks for the reminder...
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Fail I mistyped. B and N are right next to each other...sorry for not continuing this sooner, I have a bunch of homework now too.

IC:The Ominous Wind conbined with the confusion did drive Nuzleaf A (easier identification in the future, hopefully it will work) insane, although he didn't quite commit suicide. He gets up and strums a wicked air guitar for a little while before running to a tree and snapping two twigs off it. He uses the twigs to hit the tree, and it looks like a Pokemon at a rock concert slamming on those drums. Then he gets up and shakes the twigs like maraccas before sitting down, panting. Apparently, he wasn't hurt that much. The sharps stones Zephyr launched dealt a chunk of damage to Shiftry A and B but the two retaliated. Shiftry A used Sunny Day and the sun began beating down on the battlefield. Freeze's hail also began to evaporate. Shiftry B used Solarbeam, firing a laser of light energy from his mouth at Zephyr. However, at that moment, Blade hurtles into Shiftry B, sending him flying, cutting off the Solarbeam attack. However, Shiftry C turns and sends his own Solarbeam flying at Blade. However, Barry jumps in front of the Solarbeam and tries to deflect it with a kick from Close Combat, although he takes a but of damage in the process. He lands in front of Shiftry C and punches it in the stomach. It doubles over and he launches a crescent kick at it, making the side of his foot slam into the Shiftry's jaw. He then kicks with the other foot straight upwards, hitting the Shiftry in the chin and flipping it backwards. Finally, he charged up a Fire Punch intensified by the sun's rays and punched Shiftry C in the face with all his might, making the Primal Pokemon fly backwards, burnt and knocked out.

OOC again: I'm trying not to involve the other Nuzleaf in the fight yet since Kaalia and SlashinZangoose were fighting them but haven't responded.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Freeze looks at the Nuzleaf and rolls her eyes. The target always does something new in this situation, she thinks. She decides because that air guitar was really wicked awesome that she'll give the Nuzleaf a somewhat less horrible death than earlier planned but still quite horrible. She pulls out her assassination blades, twirls one of them twice in between her fingers and then throws it with precision accuracy at the Nuzleaf's leg, hoping to pin it to the ground. She then grabs the twigs the Nuzleaf was using and jumps high in the air. She jabs the twigs into the Nuzleaf's eyes and then leans in close and screams the most frightening sound she can muster. She then grabs the Nuzleaf, tosses it up in the air and holds up her second assassination blade up for the Nuzleaf to land and spear itself on.

OOC: @Dark Void you can say anything you want to failed during this process. I'm simply listing the list of events she is attempting so you can determine the outcome.

Also, you said "although he takes a but of damage in the process." Is buts an actual measurement?
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Yeah same in this post.

IC: Zephyr created a sphere of stones,lit it on fire, then sent it at Shiftry A. When the stones hit Shiftry the sphere exploded, the stones that flew out then flew back at the Shiftry.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Blade braced for the impact of Solarbeam, but saw Barry had deflected it. "Thanks!" he muttered, and turned to Shiftry B. He charges and jumped up in the air. He desends, a blur of spines and claws. He scratches at his eyes, hoping to blind him.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Is anyone going to post!!
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: I'm waiting for 1-2 more people to post before I respond with the enemies actions. I'm trying not to advance just 3-4 people and leave the others behind. Since people have school I may ahve to wait for the weekend though.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Sorry, school is killing me.

Glade followed through with the hit, and then ran off, to help Barry.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Alright, I was hoping for a couple more responses first, but I don't want to let this die so I'll continue it now.

IC: The knife strikes Primal Nuzleaf A's leg, snapping it back to reality. It falls over screaming and yanks the knife out of its leg, dropping the twigs in the process. Freeze grabbs the twigs and jabs them toward the Nuzleaf's eyes but the Primal Pokemon's eyes flash red and it slashes with the knife, cutting the twigs to pieces. However, Freeze's stuns the Nuzleaf long enough to grab it and throw it in the air. As it falls Freeze spears it with her knife and it spasms once before becoming still. The stones Zephyr sent at Shiftry B hit it right in the stomach before exploding, hurtling Shiftry B backwards. Some stones also hit Shiftry C, damaging it a bit. However, Shiftry B retaliated by sending a Solarbeam at Zephry while Shiftry C charges Barry. Barry raises his arms to defend himself but the Shiftry leaps over him and fires a Solarbeam. Barry counters with a Fire Spin and the attacks collide. However, the Soalrbeam is stronger and slowly pushes back the Fire Spin. At that moment a Future Sight Glade used a while ago strikes the Shiftry, weakening it enough for the Fire Spin to push the Solarbeam back. Meanwhile, Blade attacks Shiftry B and it falls to the ground, raising its hands above its head to prevent the spikes and claws from damaging it's face. Kaalia and Silver seem to be paralysed and aren't moving, so Nuzleaf B, C, D, and E run towards Blade, ready to use Beat Up on him.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Wow, sheesh, spasms once.... Kind of greusome.

IC: Freeze pick up her knives and sheathes them quickly. She then turns and sees Blade, oblivious to the fact 4 angry Nuzleaf were charging. She realizes she has to act quickly and launches Blizzard at the 4 Nuzleaf.
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