Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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Zephyr, using the same tactic he used with the Beedrill lit up a fire fang, ran stone edge through it and launched it at the Shiftry and Nuzleaf.
Silver uses Calm Mind (n00b), then uses Psycho Cut. Hoping to hit more than two enemies, Silver aims it horizontaly.
OOC: I'm sorry guys, I have too much on my plate now that the school is about to start, I won't be able to write for another 5 days, sorry..
When Blade punched Barry, Barry stumbled forward, shook his head and charged the Shiftry, sshouting a thanks over his shoulder. He hit one with a Fire Punch, flinging it back. The others attacked with Beat Up, calling over a Nuzleaf in the process, then attacking him with punches and kicks. Barry used Close Combat and spun furiously, deflecting attacks from 3 directions, but he was quickly tiring. Meanwhile, Blade had successfully blocked the Nuzleaf's attack, injuring the Nuzleaf. The Nuzleaf growled and used Seed Bomb, chucking a bunch of explosive seeds at Blade. The final Nuzleaf were hit consecutively with the branch that fell onto them thanks to Kaalia and Silver's Psycho Cut. The Psycho Cut hadn't done much to the Nuzleaf due to theeir dark typing but it had distracted them and now they were trapped under the branch, struggling. Zephyr's attack struck the Shiftry and Nuzleaf attacking Barry and dealt a large amount of damage as well as knocking them away from Barry. Barry turned and nodded thanks to Zephyr.
The Seed Bomb hit Blade, and he was shot back into Kaalia, he got up quickly, helped Kaalia up, and shot himself at the Nuzleaf while using Rapid Spin.

OOC: Go Sonic Spin Dash!
Zephyr encased his swords with stone edge then sent them at the Shiftry. He then mentally pushed on the stones to make the swords go faster.
Glade waits until the Stones hit the Nuzleaf, then he jumps towards him. Trying to make him flinch. He quickly grabs a small twig and throws it at the nose of the Nuzleaf.
Freeze finally locates the rest of the group as she returns from her solo mission, as silent as ever. She turns, sees the Nuzleaf, and does what she always does when she sees enemies: Summons snow and hail all around her.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Silver's Shadow Ball hit the Nuzleaf and did a bit of damage to them. However, they managed to get out from under the branch and charge at Silver using Faint Attack. Blade's Rapid Spin slams the Nuzleaf into the tree and severely damages it. The Nuzleaf is pinned but reaches up and snaps a branch off the tree above him and jabs it at Blade. Meanwhile, Zephyr's stones and swords reach the Shiftry and heavily damage them, then pin them to the ground. The Nuzleaf reaches up and grabs the twig, snapping it in mid-air. It charges Glade but halfway there it notices a sudden drop in temperature. It turns and finds itself emcompassed in the snowstorm that Freeze created. Barry is suddenly hit by a Razor Wind from the third Shiftry. He is flung backwards and takes severe damage. He struggles up and launches a Fire Spin at the Shiftry, but the Shiftry dodges it.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Freeze quickly pulls out her scope and scouts the surrounding area. She spots the Nuzleaf. She then uses a trick only the band of assassins she belonged to knew. She aims the scope with precision accuracy and launches a confuse ray through it at the Nuzleaf.

P.S. If everyone else wants to know the backstory behind Freeze check out the first page and it's the last spoiler thing on the first post.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

The jab from the Nuzleaf hit Blade, but the stick was just knockmed away by Rapid Spin (you can change this if you want, this is sort of god-moddy). He kept on Rapid Spinning the Nuzleaf deeper into the tree.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Glade runs over to help Barry, smashing into the Shiftry, sending them both flying onto the ground, with an angry grunt, and a loud thud, Glade says" Thanks Bro, Oh, Barry," He rushes over to help Barry up.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Seeing that the Shiftry was pined down he jumped at at, flew up, then smashed down with dragon claw.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

When the confuse ray hits the Nuzleaf it gets a blank look on its face then runs over to a tree. It snaps a branch off and draws a smiley face in the dirt. It then looks up at Freeze and smiles. Blade drives the Nuzleaf he was attacking into the tree and the Nuzleaf gasps for breath. It reaches out a hand and materializes a Seed Bomb in it, which it throws at Blade. The resulting explosion knocks Blade back but deals heavy damage to the Buzleaf and causes it to fall over gasping for breath. Glade knocks over the Shiftry but when he goes to help Barry up the Shiftry uses Grass Knot, causing a vine to shoot up from the ground and trip Glade. Barry grabbed Glade and helped him up then used Acrobatics, flipping over Glade above the Shiftry and kicking it in the face. However, the Shiftry uses Dark Pulse to create a force field of darkness, repelling Barry's attack. Zephyr hits one of the pinned Shiftry and does good damage to it but both Shiftry use Dark Pulse, shattering the stones around them and hitting Zephyr with dark energy. The Shiftry get up and charge at Zephyr using Beat Up.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Alright, that pie I just ate was delicious I'm kind of confused. Does the Nuzleaf that I confused now have it's face in a tree because of Blade or was that a different Nuzleaf? Also you can ignore this next comment but the point of Freeze is that she isn't seen when she is doing assassination maneuvers so the Nuzleaf shouldn't have seen her.

Edit: Also, (Sorry if I'm writing or suggesting to much) you might want to incorporate move descriptions in with the results. For example, I think the description of dark pulse is that the Pokemon send out an aura of scary thoughts. Maybe when something gets hit by it it would become scared or shiver or something. It might be kind of cool considering they never incorporate it very much in the actual Pokemon games.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: The ne you are facing and the one Blade are facing is different, I just updated my post to hopefully make it clearer. Maybe I should call them Nuzleaf A, Nuzleaf B, etc. As for your suggestion, its a good one and I'll try to incorporate it.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Ok, I just ate another pie and it was even more delicious than the first thank you.

IC: Freeze looks at the Nuzleaf smiling at her and thinks about assassinating it the normal way. However, she decides that would be too easy. She concentrates and then launches the most ominous/scary wind she can muster at the Nuzleaf, hoping that with a snowstorm combined with confusion combined with a ridiculously frightening wind that she can make the Nuzleaf go insane from fright. She hopes maybe it will even commit suicide. That would be a fittingly horrible death for a primal Pokemon, she thinks.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

IC: Zephyr thought about using his "finisher" but decided against it. He would need to save it for later. It used to much energy. Instead he flew up and sent stones at the Shiftry.

OOC: No, the finisher is not outrage. Its a combo of my other moves.
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