Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

IC:Zephyr flew up at high speeds, charged his dragon claw and flew down at Shiftry B.

OOC: anything can fail.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Blah237 said:
OOC: Wow, sheesh, spasms once.... Kind of greusome.

OOC: Says the guy who considered stabbing its eyes out and impaling it not a horrible death. What did that Nuzleaf ever do to you other than draw smiley faces at you! In all seriousness, waiting for a couple more posts before moving on.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OoC: You set me up, DV.

"Beat Up? Huh, too easy..." Blade waited for the Nuzleafs to surrou8nd him. As the first punches and kicks were thrown, Blade used Dig in a flash. He then used Rapid Spin, creating a Sand Tomb that began to suck in all the Nuzleafs.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Glade quickly got to his feet, used future sight, his new wonder move, and sprinted off, to knock the shiftry off his own two feet. He had actually enjoyed beating upon primals, he had no problem with it, unless they were ghost, or dark, then he would just run.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Ok, a few things. One, @MrGatr BLADE did not get to his feet, GLADE did. Second, @Dark Void Freeze is kind of ruthless against primal Pokemon.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Blade is a psychic type y'all XD
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: wow, what a spelling horror... *FAIL*
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Lol when I first looked at it I thought you were legitimately godmodding.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: I think Chillarmy needs to change his name, It is too confusing...
I would never god-mod... Again at least.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Silver was startled at how fast the Nuzleaf move. It always seemed to. Silver used Shadow Ball on a Shiftry. Silver also noticed that the sun was burning on his back. Not burning him, but just enough to get him a sunburn.
Ooc: im trying so hard to post
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: I'm so sorry for taking forever to continue this. I've been extremely busy irl.

IC: Freeze's Blizzard flies at the Nuzleaf, slowing them down and damaging them heavily. They turn towards Freeze but are trapped in Blade's sand tomb. Unable to move, a thin layer of ice soon coats them, trapping them further. As Zephyr leaps in the air he dodges most of the Solarbeam and only takes a little damage. He then slams into Shiftry B, pinning it to the ground. In an attempt to escape, Shfitry B uses Solarbeam at point blank range, hoping to send Zephyr flying away from it. Meanwhile, Shiftry C was struggling with the intense heat of the nearby Fire Spin and his Solarbeam weakens enough to prevent it from staying in the air, so it falls down through the FIre Spin, getting burnt and sustaining a large amount of damage. As it lands in front of him, Barry uses Fire Punch on it, flinging it back and dealing even more damage. It struggle to its feet and launches an Extrasensory, holding Barry back. However, Silver's Shadow Ball hits Shiftry C, and it falls over. It struggles to get up again but is having a very hard time of it. Glade then slams into Shiftry C and it collapses, unable to get up.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

"Yah!" Silver yelled in accomplishment. He then used Shadow Ball on a Nuzleaf
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Freeze, wasting no time, seeing that the Nuzleaf were stuck, threw both her knives so that they were spinning sideways. She hoped to hit the first two Nuzleaf and then for the knife to keep going and hit the other two. She then jumped over the nuzleaf, landing on the other side to prepare to catch the knives. In midair, she launches a weak blizzard downward at the sand tomb to try to make the trap freezing cold, hurting the nuzleaf.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Dark Void said:
IC: Freeze's Blizzard flies at the Nuzleaf, slowing them down and damaging them heavily. They turn towards Freeze but are trapped in Blade's sand tomb. Unable to move, a thin layer of ice soon coats them, trapping them further.

OOC: There you go. I didn't provide as much description because I wanted to continue this quickly.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner.

IC: In responce to the Shiftry B charging (his lazor) his solar beam, Zephyr Impales Shiftry B with multiple stones, jumps backwards flipping over, then using rough skin, kicks Shiftry B in the face.

OOC: Again anything can fail.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: ...Is anyone going to post?
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: I would have prefered 1 or 2 more posts, but I don't want this to die so I will continue it now.

IC: Apparently, Freeze's Blizzard had been more effective than she thought. The Shadow Ball hit one of the Nuzleaf and it's icey body shattered. Freeze then launches her knives, but they only hit 2 of the Nuzleaf. Still, those two shattered as well. Blade's Rapid Spin then sucked the final Nuzleaf downwards and it shattered on his spikes. As Zephyr fires his Stone Edge, it collides with the Solarbeam and both are canceled out. However, it creates a large explosion that damages both Pokemon. As Zephyr goes to kick the final SHiftry in the face Barry uses Acrobatics. He jumps high and does a somersault, landing behind the Shiftry and kicking it in the face just as Zephyr did. The two kicks hit at the same time and a crack is heard. Barry and Zephyr step away from the Shiftry,k but it doesn't move. "We did it guys." Barry said. "We finally beat them."

Just then, the entire guild hears a voice in their heads. Establishing connection. Testing, one, two, three...gotcha. Hello, members of Barry Ho's exploration guild. I'm one of the Alakazam who you gave the Primal Pokemon to so we coudl study it. I'm communicating with you telepathetically because the news is urgent, and meeting you in person would take too long. Please don't be offended. Now, we have gotten some results in our studies. First off, we have discovered that the Primal Pokemon have some sort of anomaly in their DNA. We have confirmed that all Primal Pokemon have this, and no non-Primal Pokemon do, so its safe to say that it is either a cause of effect of becoming a Primal Pokemon. However, since DNA self-replicates and is so incredibly small, it would be impossible to fix this. Therefore...there is no chance that any Primal Pokemon can return to their former state, as far as we can tell. Wait, there is more bad news. We are fairly certain that whatever turns a Pokemon Primal is not contagious. However, we have been discovering more Pokemon turning Primal. This can only mean one thing: there is something or someone out there bent on turning Pokemon Primal. What their intentions may be, we have no clue. But it seems to the only way to save this world would be to stop that individual, or possibly individuals. After that we can deal with the Primal Pokemon themselves. I hate to be the bearer of such bad news, and there is nothign positive to tell you. Breaking connection, zzzzzt.

Barry turned to the rest of the guild and based on the looks on their faces surmised that they had just heard the same things he had. Wanting to get right to the point, je said, "So....does anyone have any clue what could be turning Pokemon Primal? Or what could turn them back? I'm stumped."
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

"I remember from my clan". "Legends that told of a Pokemon that could heal any aliment"
"Possibly even the primal Pokemon" "My clan elder would know more" "My clan is on top of mount thorn" "I should warn you though its a hard climb"
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