Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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OOC: D'awwwww, cute little Primal Butterfree

IN: Blade moaned. "Why can't these Primal Pokemon lay off?!" Still being weakened by the burn, Blade coiled into a ball to deflect any attacks.
Zephyr, annoyed that they didnt have time to rest started burning fire fang. He then ran stone stones through it causing them to light on fire. He sent those stones at the Primal Butterfree and Primal Beedrill.
OOC: aren't burned anymore. Its like a day later :)

IC:When Hakky's Flamethrower hit the Primal Beedrill it became angry and charged at Hakky. It was about to hit when Zephyr's flurry of stones slammed into it and the Butterfree, slamming them both into a tree and pinning them there while causing massive damage due to their weaknesses. Suddenly, the Beedrill turned blood red and a malicious aura could be seen rising from its pores. Right before Zephyr hit it, it had used Rage, so the Stone Edge caused it's attack to skyrocket. The aura spread outward and all of the stones exploded. The Beedrill then charged forward and attacked Zephyr with an extremely powerful Poison Jab. The Butterfree turned and used Sleep Powder, sending the spores at everyone in the guild.
OoC: ah... Silver and his berries.
Silver shoveled a Chesto berry into his mouth. Just as the Sleep Powder hit Silver, he swallowed the berry. And his timing couldnt be more perfect. The effects of sleep wore of faster than they came.
Kaalia intercepted the Poison Jab with Blaze Kick, and then spun to kick the Beedrill in the face, the fire still igniting her leg. The Sleep Powder approached her afterwards, and she drowsily stumbles away from the spores. Luckily, she didn't fall asleep, but nonetheless lost balance and fell down. She shook her head to clear it of the poison, and then leapt back into the fight.
The Primal Beedrill raises its right spear into the sky and it glints in the sun. The red aura begins flowing out of him above the spear, creating a sphere of energy. Soon the sphere of energy has become so huge that it blots out the sun. Because of the spores from Sleep Powder, everyone but Silver is too tired to get out of the way. Then Beedrill lowers his spear, causing the massive orb of energy to slam into the ground, causing an enormous explosion. The Beedrill and Butterfree are incinerated in the blast as well as any trees and plants within a half a mile. For some reason the entire guild survives the blast, although they are all knocked out.

When the guild wakes up they find themselves in a room made out of branches surrounded by three Audino. "Thank goodness you're all awake." One of the Audino says. "When we say the ball of energy we went to check it out. We saw you so we threw up Light Screen and Reflect to protect you and Protect to save ourselves. After the attack we brought you to our treehouse and used Heal Pulse on you until you woke up. You should all be fully healed now." Suddenly, the room begins to shake. Barry looks out the door and sees 3 Primal Ursaring attacking the treehouse. "We've got to defeat them everyone!" he yells. He leaps out of the treehosue and uses Fire Punch on an Ursaring and this happens the Ursaring is pushed back. It roars and charges him.
Blade, feeling better, jumped out of the treehouse, rolls into a ball. He anticipated a physical attack, and braced himself. His sharp spines were ready.
Kaalia stretched and looked around, noting the Ursaring. She rolled her shoulders and then grabbed her bow and three arrows. She nocked them all and released, and they each flew at one of the Ursaring's.
Silver awoke a little late. He was a bit woozy. He came to quickly ,though, and saw the Pimal Ursarangs attacking! Silver used Calm Mind.
OoC: Feel free to punch Silver in the face
OOC : sorry, couldn't check in for a day, I would've used Shed Skin to wake up...

IC: Hakky slithered away from the room and saw the Ursaring. Hakky was angry because of the big sphere of Sleep Powder energy, and his Shed Skin didn't do the job. He was questioning his powers for a moment, an act which made him angrier. "That's it!" He yelled at the Ursaring. "You are going down, big time!" Hakky's orb started to glow, and Hakky unleashed a massive Draco Meteor to the sky, and a big sphere of energy bolted to the sky. In the middle of its flight, the ball divided in to 3 balls, and rushed back on earth, on the Ursaring's heads.
OOC: Yeah, but Shed Skin doesn't always work anyway, so it could've just been that or something. Anyway,

IC: The Ursaring raised their arms to block their face from the arrows and stones, but they still sustain decent damage and get a few cuts on their arms. Hakky's Draco Meteor comes down and deals impressive damage to all of the Ursaring, but two of them are able to charge forward and use Giga Impact. They decide to ignore Blade for now and run around him, them slam into the treehouse from opposite directions. Everyone can hear branches snapping and the treehouse begins shaking back and forth. The three Audino are cowering in a corner. Meanwhile, the Ursaring that Barry had punched had fallen over from the Draco Meteor. That Ursaring uses Close Combat. First it sweeps it leg around as it gets up, tripping Barry. It then launches two punches at his face then kicks him hard, sending him flying into Blade and causing even more damage to him. Barry gets up, clearly having taken signifigant damage.
Because of the Draco Meteor, Hakky's special power is weakened. He uses his only physical move, Aqua Tail, on the Ursaring that is beating up Barry. He whips his tail right into the Achilles Tendons of the heavy Pokémon, covered in high-pressure water.
@Fail Barry...

Blade used Claw Sharpen on a tree, then jumped and got on the shoulders of one of the Ursaring. He repeatedly used Slash on the face of the Ursaring, intending to blind the Ursaring.
Silver awoke from Calm Mind, his special attack very high. The treehouse was shaking unsteadily. "Oh no..." Silver said under his breath. Silver used Psychic on two Ursarang, slamming them together, but not dropping them. The treehouse would fall if he let them go.
Kaalia swore. "Destructive little *inappropriate word for this forum*!"

She sprinted over to Barry and pulled out her staff. "Don't move!" She barked and a glow lit up the top of her staff. Within seconds, almost half of Barry's health had been restored.

She jumped out of the way of a stray Draco Meteor and then jumped into a low branch of the treehouse, heading towards the top where the Audino's were. "That trick only works once! Don't waste it!" She yelled back down to Barry, jumping higher in the tree.
OOC: Is Silver using his Psychic to attack the Ursaring or hold the tree up? I'm kinda confused.

IC:Hakky's Aqua Tail slams into the Ursaring and causes him to trip. The Ursaring appears to have taken heavy damage from the blow, probably because using Close Combat lowered its defense. However, it gets up quickly and launches a Slash at Hakky's face. As Blade runs to slash one of the other Ursaring, the Ursaring attempts to cover its face. However, using Giga Impact just before causes it to have little energy left, so its reactions are too slow. It howls in pain but before it can retaliate Silver slams it into the other one. Silver tries to hold the tree together as well but even after a Calm Mind he has trouble holding the tree upright and the Ursaring immobile. The tree begins to sway a bit and Silver can feel his control over the Ursaring slipping. Barry turns and thanks Kaalia, then runs at the Ursaring attacking Hakky. He leaps in front of the Slash and grabs the Primal Ursaring's arm. Using Close Combat, he uppercuts the Ursaring in the face, stunning it. He then lets go of its arm and launches several quick jabs at its face before kicking it in the stomach, causing the Primal Ursaring to go flying backwards and into a tree. It then slumps over, unmoving. However, its impossible to tell whether its dead, unconscious, or faking it.
OoC: Silver is using Psychic.
Silver let the two Ursarang slip from his telekinetic grasp. And he couldnt say more about the tree. It was going to fall and there was nothing he could do.
OOC:I understand he's using psychic, I don't understand how holding the Ursaring together keeps the tree upright though.
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