Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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Shadow: Hmmm..... well, let's meet up with Tyler outside and see what he thinks. He's probably looking for me. Come on!
~Crimson looks at Shadow~

Crimson:"Where is your partner?"

~Then he sits by Spring~

Crimson:"Anytime" *smiles*
Crimson:"Sure, I guess"

~Stands up, leaving spring to eat her barries~
Shadow: OK. We'll be back, Spring.

*walks outside and spots Tyler*

Shadow: Hey Tyler! Over here!
Spring keeps eating the berries.
Why did I get all hyper like that and make quick answers.That's not like me..Maybe it's being around Crimson's happy nature..
Where could he have gone? I guess I'll just wait by the Post Office. Here's hoping he hasn't been ambushed *Tyler lays done next to the Post Office and starts to groom himself*
*Wakes up. Leaps into his super-tall tree, grabs 3 Big Apples, and jumps to the ground. Eats one.*
*Notices Shadow* "Hey Shadow! I got everything we need! I got the map and directions to the guild. Did you find anyone?"
*Lucy walks over back into the cave* "Why does Weavile want to kill Garret so much....I don't get it...." Lucy sighed to herself, "I've got to find out why...."
*Puts the apples in the kitchen and goes to town. Sees Shadow and gasps. Dives behind a tree.*
"A Sneasel! The Weavile are getting crafty..."
Shadow: Yes. I found a Cyndaquil named Crimson who'd like to join. There's also a Chikorita named Spring, but she's a little hesitant....
*Fabel spots Lucy leaving and decides to ignore it.*
Fabel-"Save one of those apples for me Garret!"
*Throws an aura sphere at Shadow, hitting dead on.*
"Why can't you and your Weavile friends just leave me ALONE?!"
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