*Lucy starts running towards the Tyranitar* "We weren't doing anything......uh..nothing was happening. You're just wasting you're time and all.....OH, I GIVE UP!" Lucy said. *Lucy trys to punch Tyranitar *
"I'm NOT letting this happen to me again!"
*Leaps at Shadow, but suddenly falls to the ground. A dagger is protruding from his side.*
*6 Weavile stand at the entrance to the town.*
"Huh! One's getting away! I don't care if the pokemon attacked us! I gotta help him! EXTREMESPEED!!!" *Tyler starts Sprinting to at the Weavile.* "I'm gaining on you!"
*The big Weavile looks around and growls.*
"I wasn't counting on this much resistance... Fine, looks like we do this the old fashioned way."
*Shoves his claw through Garret's chest and drops him. Runs away. Garret is now on the floor, bleeding to death.*