Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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"Is there anything I can do to help....?"
*stands up*
"I'm going to go find some food....."
*walks off*
"*thinking*....What have I done?!? I can't just leave him there...."
Crimson:"Well, you don't have to join f you don't want to but me and spring are going to make it.
"Ahhh, food....."
*starts picking berries of of a bush*
"I'll......check for poison...."
*takes a big bite out of a berry*
*wipes her mouth*
"Nope, no poison."
*runs back*
"*thinking* I shouldn't wake him up.....he seems so tired..."
~Crimson hands him one of the papers and hands the other to spring~

Crimson:"We all have to sign our ID forms"


Team Name: Team Millennium
Team Leader: Crimson
Team Experience: None, new
Staying at the guild or making a base: Making a base
Willing to accept members to team: Yes

I.D Form:

Name: Crimson
Age: 12
Pokemon Species: Fire Mouse Pokemon
Type: Fire
Moves: Fire Spin, Flamethrower, and Flare Blitz
Signiture: Crimson

~He hands it to Chatot~
ID Form:
Name: Mike
Age: 8
Pokemon Species: Digital Pokemon
Type: Normal
Moves: Tackle, Sharpen, Conversion
Signiture (sloppy, in print): Mike
(Can I get in? I was on like, page 10. xD I may suddenly dissapear. But please get me in story.)
(I asume you can. There are 3 teams so far. SotH, TSL and 42C are in one. Flare and I are in one also and Chariblaze, Ziggoratt and GRQG are in one. Just choose whichever one you want and approach them.)
*Sits up, eyes still closed. Holds out his hand and a Sitrus Berry flies from her arms to his hand. Eats it.*
(Bob Franklin, I'll have to do that later and SotS, what part were you n?)

~Chatot scans the ID card and explains information to Crimson~

Chatot:"Good luck with your rescue team, now go visit chansey to get your starter kit."

Crimson:"Ok, thanks so much, come on guys"

~He heads up the later to excited to wait for the others~
"You're leader, ok!" Spring fills out the form.

Pokemon Species:Leaf Pokemon
Moves:Vine Whip,Leaf Storm,SolarBeam,Aromatherapy(the one that heals other people, like Shaymin's one.)
And she can release a noise and smell like GrassWhistle.
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