Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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"Wow....that isn't very nice....."
*looks at Garret*
"I'll kill those punks if they try to hurt you or Fable. You guys are the only friends I've had."

(g2g, bye!)
SotH said:
(Bob Franklin, I'll have to do that later and SotS, what part were you n?)

~Chatot scans the ID card and explains information to Crimson~

Chatot:"Good luck with your rescue team, now go visit chansey to get your starter kit."

Crimson:"Ok, thanks so much, come on guys"

~He heads up the later to excited to wait for the others~

(What do you mean what part? =p)
*As the others fall asleep Fabel stayed up staring into the distance.*
Something wasn't right about this. The Weavile may be strong but why would they go after all 3 of us together? They'd have a better chance one-on-one with Garret. So maybe this isn't the Weaviles...
*Fabel layed down thinking about the day and happily dozed off to sleep.*
*Lucy's Dream*

*Lucy, Fable, and Garret are running from a whole bunch of Weavile*
*Garret and Lucy use Aura Sphere*
*Fable uses Confusion*
"They're gaining on us!" Lucy yellled.
The three stopped in theit tracks.
They all looked up to see a tall, dark figure in their way.
The dark figure's eyes were crimson red, staring right at them.
"Something tells me this isn't the good guy...."
~End of dream~

*wakes up rapidly*
"Woah, must of been a bad dream...."
*falls back asleep*
*Gets up and sighs.*
Always the same nightmare... Why can't I ever get some peace, even in my dreams...?
*Fabel hears some rustling in the bushes up ahead.*
"Oh-no! I have to get them up or we're all dead!"
*Fabel wakes up Garret and Lucy.*
"Guys, there was something over there. But it wasn't a Weavile, they would've been stealthier."
*Fabel stares at one spot then falls backwards for some reason.*
"Wh-What was that thing? I was just stared at by some creature with glowing red eyes then it ran away. Butthe eyes, they gave me the feeling of pure evil."
"The only wierd part is that it's something I've never seen before. Now I know all this isn't by Weaviles. There's something more. Do any of you have an idea what it is?"
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