Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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charidude said:
*Fabel flies down and grabs Garret by the throat while taking out her sword.*
"Die puny Lucario!"

"Here we go..."
*Makes two aura blades and slashes at Fabel.*
*Fabel takes out her sword and starts slahing Garret.*
"My master has instructed me to ensure your death!"
*Catches her sword in between his aura blades. Spins them around, and Fabel's sword goes flying. Slashes Fabel across the back.*

"...I've got to find my team!"

*lands in a mountainous place*


*falls asleep*


*Teleports in front of Kira, transforms into a Darkrai*

"Let me help you with these puny wimps, master."

*Makes it Pitch-black and throws Shadow Balls, adding to Kira's*
*Fabel's wounds heal almost immediately and she grabs the two aura sowrds and throws them away while stabbing Garret with a different sword.*
*kira dodges once again. He is lucky that he didn't block it, for as soon as he moved out of the way, the blade grew so much in power, that it left a very long, very wide mark in the ground.*
Kira:"whoa! Now THAT'S how ya use an aura blade! But mine is much better! HEEHEEHEE!!!"
*Creates a large, blood red aura blade, with an intricate design*

(wait, what? 42chocolate, I don't need the help, trust me.)
(Here's a better pic of his new weapons... The things in the guy's hands: )

charidude said:
"Not bad... But can you take-!"
*Fabel transforms back into normal Fabel.*

*Sighs in relief and leaps at Kira, Chakram flashing. Slashes Kira's aura blade away and slices into Kira's arm.*
Kira:" fools! Don't help me! you're only getting in my way!"
*warps the ditto out of there. He's not paying attention, and loses his arm*

(people, stop ninja'in me! I'm trying to keep up as it is!)
Pokemon: Umbreon (duh..)
Name: Shadow the Umbreon
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Funny, nice to be around with, nice, warm-hearted, awesome, creative, leader, and sweet
Other: Even though he looks evil, you can't judge a book by it's cover. :p
RP Sample: Shadow goes into a forest. "I wonder if I could find a partner here.." He looks around and tries to find a partner for his rescue team, Team Dusk. "Anyone here?", he says. He goes out of the forest. "Nobody here.." He sits on rock, sighing for a partner. Shadow sighs. "I'll never find a partner now.." He sighs again. He hears a Dialga. "Huh?! A Dialga?!" He gets up from the rock. "I can't defeat without a partner.. I don't care how strong." He runs into the grass, looking for a partner. "I have got to find one.." He looks at the registration booth. "I want to register, but.." He stops looking, hoping he will find a partner, also hoping nobody has gotten to Dialga..

Umbreon growls. "Either that.. or I'll go myself.." He walks into a cave, going on his first mission, but still hoping to find a partner for Team Dusk. Shadow looks around, and a Gible jumps out infront of him. "Why are you here?", Gible says. "Well, I'm gonna look for Dialga." Gible stares at him, "Dialga?! Nobody has come out alive, but to get to the exit, you must battle me..", he smirks. "Okay.. I accept.", Shadow says, smirking also. Shadow uses Shadow Ball, and Gible uses Dragon Rage. Dragon Rage hits Shadow, making him have major injures. "Err.." Shadow gets up, using Iron Tail, making Gible dodge. "Huh?!", Shadow said, in shock... (to be continued)
*Ditto lands near where Crimson is. Sighs, notices Crimson, who is now fully awake.*
D: "Oh... you again?"
C: "You?"
D: "Listen, Cyndaquil. My master is quite mean... and I don't like him at all. Can I-join you?"
C: "Sure! We'd be glad to have you on our team... as long as you're not a double agent."
*Crimson looks at Ditto suspiciously*
D: "Trust me, I won't be."
*Ditto senses that his master is in danger*
D: "! I'm not helping him!"
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