Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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"My master is in trouble... but I'm not going to help! You know why?"
*Shouting at the top of his lungs*
"Because my master is an evil liar and no good will ever come of him being on this planet!"
*Stops struggling, a strange gold light envelops him*
C: "...Ditto?"
*Suddenly, Ditto morphs into a Gallade*
D: "This... is my true form."
C: "But... how?"
D: "A long time ago, when me and Kira were both only Ralts, we were the best of friends. We would battle for fun all the time, and we both chose the same path as the other one. But then... Kira became evil, and made me his servant. He used a machine to transform me into a Ditto. He just called me... Ditto."
C: "Then... what's your real name?"
D: "I don't know. The transformation made me forget everything."
C: *shocked* "You don't know your own name? And how do you remember this if it made you forget everything?"
D: "Nope. And the morph back into my old self brought most of my memory back. Anyways, Kira started using me less and less, and eventually I just became an object. I tried to help more, but it just didn't work. Now, I seek revenge. And I want to know who I am. Crimson... can you help me?"
C: "Yes, of course! But... what should I call you?"
D: "I think my name started with an... L... so just call me 'L' for now.
C: "Okay. What should we do first?"
D: "Seek out Kira and... I'll explain the rest to you later.
(WHOA! Even I didn't know that! Seriously, don't speak for me.)
Mask:"SERVE ME!!!"
*10 Gallades circle around the mask*
(Ok, I won't in the future. But... can we go with that for this time? It seemed really good...)

C: "Do you know where Kira is right now?"
L: "Of course I do! I can use my... oh. I don't have my powers to seek him out anymore."
(but seriously, L?!? Come on, think of something more original)
*the mask latches on to another Gallade*
Kira:"Back in action!!! you're pretty good, but you'll have to wait a little longer to kill ME! bye for now! Hahaha!!!'
*all of them disappear*
(He can't remember his name. All he knows is that it starts with L)

C: "Well, we've got to find him! C'mon!"
*Crimson runs down the mountain, L following him*
L: "Wait! I'm getting something... my name! It's-"
*Suddenly, they both bump into an invisible force field*
C: "Who put that there?"
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