Pokemon pokemon names



Ho-Oh = Houhou which is the Japanese word for Phoenix. ;)

Darkrai = Dark + Kurai(Japanese word for dark)
Uxie = Pixie + You; Or yukusaki for Future + chishiki for Knowledge
Mesprit = Sprite + Me/Emu(japanese for emotion)
Azelf = Elf + Us(used here as Az)/Azure
Flygon Jedi Master said:
Ho-Oh_Master said:
Mesprit = Sprite + Me/Emu(japanese for emotion)

Really? I always thought it was Sprite + Mesmerize, but then again, I don't know Japanese. XD

Could be but how does mesmerize have anything to do with emotion?
Also, I don't Japanese as well ;)

I just realized that it was supposed to be in order...my bad...Well here's more:
Sentret = Sentry + Ferret
Furret = Fur + Ferret
Hoothoot = just Hoot, twice
Noctowl = Nocturnal + Owl
Ledyba = ladybug
Ledian = ladybug + alien
Spinarak = spinneret + arachnid
Ariados = arachnid + ???
Crobat = cross + bat (I've also heard crowbar + bat)
Chinchou = (might have to do something with the Chinese lanterns they send down rivers at certain ceremonies)
Lanturn = lantern
Pichu = chu + pi (cute or little)
Cleffa = clef + fa (As in Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do.)
Igglybuff = iggly (Cute baby word?) + buff (Tough)
Togepi = Toge is the Japanese word for "spike" or "needle"... And I think "pi" means either cute or little... (which explains Pichu)
Togetic = Toge is the Japanese word for "spike" or "needle"... + chick, since its japanese name is Togechikku, and "chikku" could also be written as "chick" (why the official translation is "tic", I have no idea).
Natu = names sound Native American or which makes sense due to the pattern on Natu's stomach; can be part of Aztec language
Xatu = names sound Native American which makes sense due to the pattern on Xatu's stomach; can be part of Aztec language
Mareep = Mare + sheep
Flaaffy = fluffy + baa
Ampharos = amp + pharos (the legendary lighthouse of Alexandria, explains why it is used in the Olivine lighthouse)
Marill: marine + ball
Azumarill: azure + marine + ball
Sudowoodo: pseudo + wood
Politoed: polliwog (another name for tadpole) + toad
Hoppip: hop + pip (type of seed)
Skiploom: skip + bloom
Jumpluff: jump + fluff
yanma = ya-YA TRICK YA- n-nothing- ma-your mother-
wooper= whoop her-
quagsire= quagmire-(from family guy)
You forgot Aipom!

Aipom: ape + palm
Espeon: ESP (extra sensory perception) + the suffix -eon
Umbreon: umbra/ombre, (Latin/French name for shadow) + the suffix -eon
Slowking: slow + king
Misdreavus: mischevious + dread
short for unknown


a palindrome of giraffe

shorten from pine cone

forest + fortress