Pokemon pokemon names

Raichupika33, thunder in Japanese is "kaminari", not "rai"...however the term for Pikachu makes more sense: as to pika is the way the Japanese decribe the sound of thunder in context, and yes, chu is the squeak of a mouse. Oh, and the rai part makes no sense at all to me. Maybe they just put that in because it sounded good...who knows?
pokemax55 said:
Raichupika33, thunder in Japanese is "kaminari", not "rai"...however the term for Pikachu makes more sense: as to pika is the way the Japanese decribe the sound of thunder in context, and yes, chu is the squeak of a mouse. Oh, and the rai part makes no sense at all to me. Maybe they just put that in because it sounded good...who knows?

A Pika is also a small rodent that lives I think in the mountains.
Dezuray said:
S(judo?) wood

Pseudo = used to mark something as false, fraudulent, or pretending to be something it is not
I may take Skitty on norweagin:

S = søt = Cute
kitty = kattunge = Kitty

søt kattunge = Cute Kitty
Arceus as in...this
Arch or highest
Dues which is like Greek or Latin for God
Or based on Arch and Zues
or the word arkhaios whichis greek for beginning