Pokemon of the Week #16: Altaria
written by Uralya and Chaos Jackal
Base Stats
75/110/110/110/105/80 (Mega)
Altaria is one of those Pokemon whose newfound gift of Mega Evolution really pulled it out from the bottom of the barrel. For many, and perhaps rightfully, the worst fully evolved Dragon in the game, Altaria was among the last things that would come to someone's mind on hearing the word Overused. But this is no more. With boosted stats, great typing, and the ability to perform a variety of roles, Mega Altaria gives a new lease on life to its once destitute form, launching it into the skies of the OU metagame.
Bulky Dragon Dance
Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 136 Def / 96 SpD / 28 Spe
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Roost
- Return / Facade
- Heal Bell / Substitute / Earthquake
While a mono-attacking setup sweeper at first may not look very enticing, Altaria can pull it off splendidly with this set. Using its typing and bulk, Altaria is very independent defensively and can start a sweep once special walls and Steel-types are dealt with. Dragon Dance facilitates this, giving it great power after two or so boosts. Roost provides Altaria with much-needed recovery, something any bulky setup sweeper normally values. Return is the only mandatory offensive move as its STAB, which has ample enough coverage by itself. In the last slot, if you are using Return, Heal Bell and Subsitute can both be used alongside it to prevent status conditions once Altaria loses Natural Cure. However, if you choose to use Earthquake for things like Heatran, Diancie and Jirachi, Facade is best used over Return to cover for the lack of status control. This set's EV spread aims to cover as much ground defensively as possible, with enough Defense to endure 2HKOs from CB Dragonite (EQ), Mega Heracross (Rock Blast), and boosted neutral Mega Charizard-X (Flare Blitz); and enough Special Defense to survive the same from LO Thundurus (HP Ice). Altaria's given speed gets the jump on Azumarill unboosted and outspeeds Mega Lopunny after two boosts. A spread of Jolly 248 HP / 184 Def / 76 Spe can be used to cover Thundurus after one boost however.
Offensive Dragon Dance
Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe or 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature or Naughty Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Roost / Fire Blast
- Return
- Earthquake
One of Altaria's most threatening sets, this variant of Dragon Dance needs only one boost from Dragon Dance to begin smacking opponents around with its great coverage. Return and Earthquake return as its main moves, with the former a 135 base STAB move after the application of Pixilate. These two alone cover the majority of common Pokemon. Outside of that, the fourth move is a decision between Roost, which pairs well with Altaria's natural bulk, and Fire Blast, which can roast Steel-types not weak to Earthquake - Scizor, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory - but may just better be left to another teammate as a job. Lastly, Facade and Subsitute are decent options in their respective slots but are more situational on this set. The EV spread is straightforward for maximized offensive capacity - a Naughty nature should only be used if Fire Blast is on the set.
Bulky Support
Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 104 Def / 156 SpD
Bold Nature
- Heal Bell
- Roost
- Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower / Earthquake / Perish Song
Altaria's versatility is showcased here by its switch to a specially based defensive pivot. Heal Bell and Roost provide Altaria's endurance and utility as a cleric, calling cards of this set in particular. Hyper Voice is the Fairy STAB of choice as opposed to Moonblast, which is weaker when Pixilate is factored in. The last slot can be composed of various offensive options or more utility. Flamethrower and Earthquake both provide additional coverage for Steel-types, and Perish Song can act as a deterrent to sweepers setting up against Altaria. Other options include Haze, which allows Altaria to combat Slowbro and Sableye - stall's cornerstones - in addition to Mega Latias, and Draco Meteor, which only has the use of nuking Mega Charizard-X. The given spread allows it to survive 2HKOs from (Icy Wind) Keldeo, (Psyshock) Latios, and (Earthquake) max-Attack Landorus-T.
Special Attacker
Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Heal Bell / Earthquake
- Roost
- Hyper Voice
- Fire Blast
The climax of Altaria's boundless sets is this, the polar opposite of Dragon Dancing over teams. This set aims to function as an offensive pivot that takes status well and fires off attacks with little impunity - it can also act as a lure for opponents fearing a Dragon Dancer. Roost is staple on Altaria due to its great mixed bulk, and Heal Bell once again can enable it to function as a cleric, though Earthquake can be an option for Heatran. Hyper Voice provides Altaria's STAB move like before, and Fire Blast serves as the primary coverage move for the power it brings with which to knock off Scizor and Ferrothorn, among others. Other options are Perish Song to scare off sweepers, Draco Meteor as an unwieldy nuke, Ice Beam to OHKO Landorus formes and Gliscor (both die to Hyper Voice anyways), and Agility to pull off fast sweeps (Altaria lacks power though). The given EV spread allows Altaria to be as bulky and powerful as possible while having enough speed to outrun Jolly Heracross and Adamant Excadrill.
Now that you know what Altaria can do, how do you use it? What teams and playstyles do you utilize Altaria in? How do you handle opposing Altaria? Discuss!