Pokemon Promo Cards

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I added some more promo cards and I also updated the tournament section with the Darkrai sleeves and a few other items.
I haven't read most of this thread but think I noticed two missing promos.

Regionals Loudred Europe-only 2006
Kraze Club Skitty (Legend Maker UK stamped magazine promo)

manicgiraffe said:
Regionals Loudred Europe-only 2006
I also got that Loudred.
It was last years promo card for the States 2007 season.
This years one so far is: Shinx (DP1)
Updated with the new DP Tins and POP Series 7. Also a few other small adjustments.
I'm very disappointed in the POP 7 set. I was hoping for brand new cards or at the very least reprinted cards that would be rotated during the next rotation of sets.

I would love Time Space Distortion to be reprinted as a promo so it would be a little easier to get. It would be nice to have some trainers reprinted that are going to get rotated like Castaway, Cessation Crystal, Celio's Network, Scott, Steven's Advice, Tv Reporter, Windstorm, and many others.

If these trainers are not going to be reprinted then Nintendo really needs to put some new trainers in the next couple of sets. And some really good ones.

Updated with some new cards.
I completed the original WOTC Black Star Promo set. The Nintendo Ex series, I still need like two or three. The DP Promo set I need two.
PKM4 said:
I would love Time Space Distortion to be reprinted as a promo so it would be a little easier to get.

But it is good having rare cards, not as rare as the worlds tropical wind and stuff but like when Rare Candy was only in Sand Storm and it was considered to be the coolest card around and anyone who had it was OMG!...
I've got even more badges then what's on the list.
*=My Edit.


Deoxys & Winner
Emerald & Winner*
Unseen Forces
Delta Species
Legend Maker
Holon Phantoms
Crystal Guardians
Dragon Frontier

World Qualifier: 2004-2008*
Stadium/Gym Challenge

City Championships (Plus Promo)*

2004/2005: Charmander
2005/2006: Machop
2006/2007: Whismur
2007/2008: Shinx

State, Province, & Territory Championships (Plus Promo)*

2004/2005: Charmeleon
2005/2006: Machoke
2006/2007: Louderd
2007/2008: Luxio

Nat. Championships*

2004/2005: Charizard
2005/2006: Machamp
2006/2007: Exploud
2007/2008: Luxray

1997/1998:* (I'll glady take pic of the Johto one's)
Kanto/Johto Badges

2006: (when I re-started)*
Floe/Kin/Chrono/Trainer Tower

2007: Battle Frontier*
Dome, Factory, Arena, Palace, Pyramind, Tower, Pike & TCG.

Kanto Badges

10th Aniv*

POP: Tournament Winner
Yes they did and I wish they would bring them out over here >_>
Add these

Pokemon League Promo Cards (Nintendo)

Metal Energy Holographic (Unconfirmed) CONFERMED WITH MY EYES!

DP-P Japanese Promo Cards

PCL - Pokemon Card Labratory

Japanese books

Lucario Lv. X Diamond/Pearl Visual Book #1
Porygon z Lv. X Diamond/Pearl Visual Book #3
Heatran Lv. X promo#092/DP-P Diamond/Pearl Visual Book #4

Mc Donalds



Suicune - pokepark grand opening

Special Items Given at Prereleases & Premeir Tournaments


Citys Groudon hard cover (red)
Citys Pikachu hard cover (yellow)


Worlds Hawaii (yellow)
Black Worlds Mewtwo


Japanese gold with silver AND silver with gold Pikachu.
Prof. Shinx, do you have pictures of the folders, notebooks, and sleeves?
I knew Pokemon JP had a thing with Mc Donalds but whoah!Promos!I haven't seen JP with Pokemon Mcdonalds stuff for a while.These are images I found on the internet for 2005 and 2006 Mc Donalds Japanese Pocket Monsters (Pokemon) promo cards:

Notice the trademark Mc Donalds ''M'' in the bottom left corners of the cards!
I will update the list later tonight. I have to study for an Anthropology test. Thanks for the pictures!
PKM4 said:
Prof. Shinx, do you have pictures of the folders, notebooks, and sleeves?

i dont, I got them from memory and from our Professor guys stuff.
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