I've got even more badges then what's on the list.
*=My Edit.
Deoxys & Winner
Emerald & Winner*
Unseen Forces
Delta Species
Legend Maker
Holon Phantoms
Crystal Guardians
Dragon Frontier
World Qualifier: 2004-2008*
Stadium/Gym Challenge
City Championships (Plus Promo)*
2004/2005: Charmander
2005/2006: Machop
2006/2007: Whismur
2007/2008: Shinx
State, Province, & Territory Championships (Plus Promo)*
2004/2005: Charmeleon
2005/2006: Machoke
2006/2007: Louderd
2007/2008: Luxio
Nat. Championships*
2004/2005: Charizard
2005/2006: Machamp
2006/2007: Exploud
2007/2008: Luxray
1997/1998:* (I'll glady take pic of the Johto one's)
Kanto/Johto Badges
2006: (when I re-started)*
Floe/Kin/Chrono/Trainer Tower
2007: Battle Frontier*
Dome, Factory, Arena, Palace, Pyramind, Tower, Pike & TCG.
Kanto Badges
10th Aniv*
POP: Tournament Winner