Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

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Im not sure if you mean "warp" as in teleport, or "warp" as in alter....

But my Guess is Giratina.
The odds of him showing himself is almost never, but when he does, he looks different.
Being in the distortion world, he can warp (alter) things from place to place meaning corisponding places in the human world.
Rotom? It only appears at a certain place at a certain time, and can move appliances whilst in one of it's different forms...
Haha, very funny....sigh
The 'rarely' I would believe refers to a Legendary, though I can't seem to find one that matches both other clues...
Anyways I believe appearing as something different can mean many things, but I'm gonna go with Shaymin
FaustVIII said:
Haha, very funny...sigh
The 'rarely' I would believe refers to a Legendary, though I can't seem to find one that matches both other clues...
Anyways I believe appearing as something different can mean many things, but I'm gonna go with Shaymin


shadoworganoid said:
Ha ha very funny.

I mean, another clue. Somthing else. In addition. You know?


Think of rarely as something to do with time

Ice Espeon said: did you... get it...right?

LOL :p
well, when I read 'I can warp things from place to place', I remembered a movie I watched before, where one pokemon warped stuff for someone, but couldn't remember which.
Then I scrolled down, "think of rarely as something to do with time".
Then it just poped up. XD

-I'm one of the three non-legendary, non-flying type Pokemon that can learn Fly.
-I'm a "Mystic Pokemon"

Flygon said:

-I'm one of the three non-legendary, non-flying type Pokemon that can learn Fly.
-I'm a "Mystic Pokemon"



Flygon is hte Mystic pokemon, and is a Dragon/Ground type, yet it can fly.
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