Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

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My turn!

EDIT: Im going to change part of the riddle, but the answer is still the same.

When you are lost at sea, look for my light.
Let my light, guide you through the night.
Okay, okay. I will put you all out of your missery and tell you the answer.

The answer is......Ampharos.

Ampharos is used in lighthouses as a way to guide lost ships at night.
So as per the riddle, it is a sailors savior and its light guides you safely home.
Obviously not you, we can't have a banned person take the floor. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Whoever has the closest guess by tonight at 8:00 UTC (3:00 EST, 2:00 CST, 1:00 MST, 12:00 PST) will take the floor. NOTE: Must be within plus or minus 10 of the answer, otherwise I take the floor myself.
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