Pokemon Pokemon Rivals


Aspiring Trainer
I've thought a lot about this. Everybody knows Serviper and Zangoose are rivals, but what about other rivals? Discuss on why some Pokemon are rivals.

I was kinda interested in Absol, and then I started thinking of its rival as a Lucario. I don't really know why, but it seems to me that they might be rivals. Disaster versus aura... Absol can predict disaster, while Lucario senses auras. Suppose those two Pokemon met. Lucario wouldn't hesitate to fight the Absol, seeing as he might sense his aura to be negative.
Maybe something like Dusknoir and Chandelure competing to eat a soul first. Don't forget Durant and Heatmore (though it is a one-sided battle).
There are also Red vs Blue Basculin, and of course the classic dispute of Groudon and Kyogre. Starly and Wurmple are also rivals.
What about Solrock and Lunatone? Or Umbreon and Espeon? You know, sun vs moon kind of thing.
Shelmet and Karrablast are an acknowledged one...
How about Bastiodon and Rampardos?
Garchomp vs. Hydreigon. This might be biased because I play TCG but this seems like a good rivalry for me.
Flygon2071 said:
of course the classic dispute of Groudon and Kyogre.
Dialga and Plakia (and Giratina)
Umm, no. Kyogre and Groudon actually fight. Dialga and Palkia are not rivals, just part of a duo&trio...
As Lunatone & Solrock are part of a duo, etc. ... those are not "rivals"...
Karrablast and Shelmet are more like friends, totally not rivals.
If you read Karrablast's Pokedex entry, it says "This Pokemon targets Shelmet." Doesn't sound very friendly to me.
Scyther vs Kabutops? They look similar, but still different enough to treat them as rivals. Like a battle between the present and the past. It's still can be treated as a friendly rivalry, thought.
Teal said:
Flygon2071 said:
Dialga and Plakia (and Giratina)
Umm, no. Kyogre and Groudon actually fight. Dialga and Palkia are not rivals, just part of a duo&trio...
As Lunatone & Solrock are part of a duo, etc. ... those are not "rivals"...
Karrablast and Shelmet are more like friends, totally not rivals.

They did fight (or at least in the anime)
I agree that Solrock & Lunatone aren't rivals.
That's like saying Pulsle & Minum are rivals.
Kabutops and Genesect.
Think about it for a while and look closely.
If we are playing in movie grounds, then Zoroark vs Crown Beasts!
@DNA: That's actually good... I sure get your point.
A lot of legends are rivals, like the ones people have said plus:

The Legendary Birds, Mew and Mewtwo (or at least according to Mewtwo), etc.

Plus, I imagine many pokemon would be rivals over food and other resources in "real life".