Writing Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - Vote now for winning story! Entries at post 37!


Proud ownr of 300 Chimchars and counting
Hello Pokebeach. This short story writing contest, I hope, will pick up where Bacon's contest left off. It will be very similar, each round lasting a month with a three week time period for entry and a one week time period for voting. Members will vote for their first second and third favorite stories. Each round will have a different theme and every story has to be Pokemon related. All entries will be PMed to me and then posted in this thread so that the author will be unknown. I hope that this can be an enjoyable competition and I hope to get lots of the fantastic writers on the Beach involved. :D

The rules are basically the same as in Bacon's Competition:

The rules are pretty simple here.

1) Your story has to relate to the theme of the round
3) Your story can be no shorter than 1,000 words, and no longer than 3,500.
4) The story must be related to Pokemon.
5) You must PM me your story.
6) You have to give your story a title

Entry period begins now and will end in three weeks time. Again, Private Message your entries to me and I will post them anonomously in this thread. Unlike in Bacon's competition though, the voting process will probably take place in this thread after the three weeks are over.

This Round's Theme:


Write a story that has to do with this coming holiday season. Go wild with this.
Good luck everyone and let the competition begin!:D
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

Oh my God, Daren, I love the theme! I am so in this.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

I'll enter. I've never really been in a Short Story Competition, but I've always liked to write.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

Stickying. :D

I might as well join for once. Enjoy the competition.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

I will be joining. Also, how does te theme come into play? If this isn't judged by a rubric, couldn't we technically write about whatever we want?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

Remind me: When is the due date?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

Juliacoolo: If I don't think that your story follows the theme I'll say so and then you can sorta re-write it.
Zyflair: December 14th
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

Ouch, gotta get working...
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

Just posting to say that I hope this competition is sucessful! Good luck with it Daren, and good luck to everyone who's entering!
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest

cristen_flores: Yes, you may enter, just submit your short story to me via pm before the 14th of December

Bacon: Thank you so much for the good lucks. I appreciate the enthusiasm:)
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Nice theme. Now just wondering, who judges?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Christmas is kind of a tacky theme. Just how Christmas-y does it have to be? As long as it conveys the spirit of the holiday, will it count?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Urk, short short stories. D: I'd totally be in for this if I could write in the word limit. I know I'd go over. I KNOW it.

Good luck with this. I'm also curious with this as to who's judging. By the looks of it it's gunna be by popular vote? I hope not?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit this one out; I have too little time to do this and I can't think of an original idea.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

I know it's late, but could I possibly write something? I would love to do it :3 I have never really had a chance to show my writing off, so it would be great if you could let me in late.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Members will vote. Like in Bacon's SHort STory contest. Only voting will happen in this thread.

Dauntless: It really needs to be about Christmas. Not just about giving. It should really have to do with Christmas itself.

Brawler: Yes, you definately may right something, just PM it to me in 6 days or less (BY next Monday) :D
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Could I still join?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Aw man, count me out.

You can't make a really convincing story with a true Christmas theme. Christmas Carol I believe is the only exception, and that was only because it had less to do with Christmas itself and more to do with one man's life story. You could take Christmas totally out of the equation and still have a good book.

I will be extremely surprised to see a good one show up here.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Kingdra King: You are absolutely welcome to join, and I will be glad to have you

Dauntless: Suit yourself, personally, I am eager to see what kind of creative entries the writers of Pokebeach can come up with. :)