'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

2 Days until Corocoro is released, hopefully someone gives us high quality scans like a close up of the weather indicator and the pokedex and all that so we can clearly see what they say...
I really love it how pokemon following is in this game aswell.
My theory, TerraVoltage Ability Allows you to use Electric Moves On ground types, (Terra=earth ) and Turbo Blaze is a fire motor drive
HealUrManz said:
My theory, TerraVoltage Ability Allows you to use Electric Moves On ground types, (Terra=earth ) and Turbo Blaze is a fire motor drive

It's tera (prefix meaning trillion), not terra (meaning earth/ground).
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

yaminokame said:
It says right in the scan "ゾロアもゾロアークも通常のプレイでは出現しないのだ。"

If you keep a clear and open mind, the statement in Japanese that you saw might refer that those are the moves that Zorua and Zoroark don't learn normally since the arrow is pointing into the pictures showing the moves they learn and this is usual the case with event pokemon, they learn moves that normally don't.
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

Tensho said:
If you keep a clear and open mind, the statement in Japanese that you saw might refer that those are the moves that Zorua and Zoroark don't learn normally since the arrow is pointing into the pictures showing the moves they learn and this is usual the case with event pokemon, they learn moves that normally don't.

Not at all. They're not going to give their readers a half-assed explanation and expect them to know something by reading between the lines. Especially to the extent that you're suggesting.
Look at two months ago when Celebi's attacks were revealed through Corocoro:


These are two instances where in both they make it perfectly clear that they are talking about attacks.
I've been following corocoro very closely for a year now, and they have always explained moves that cannot be learned normally in the same way (as above).
Adding onto that, where do you see on the corocoro scan that those attacks listed (and pointed to) were the event Zoroark attacks? If you look at them closely, Claw Sharpen is not one of them.
Claw Sharpen has been directly linked to the event Zoroark on the official movie website as one of it's attacks when you get it through the event (see here). This means that here they are just showing you "attacks of a Zoroark," which has no bearing over "you can only get it with these special moves through this event."

Oh yeah, I had one hell of a clear and open mind when I went through all that, believe me ;)

HikaruAyame said:
Yami, what was the line the guy above you posted? Does it confirm a Palpark-type thing or is it ambiguous?

Nope, just a transferring machine :p
Well next week they would reveal the same stuff as corocoro but in more detail.
And gameplay videos instead of pictures ;)
Zorua is an event-exclusive Pokemon?!?! That makes no sense whatsoever. I hope they do what they did with Riolu, and an NPC gives you a Zorua Egg.

*paddy185 goes into a rage*
Now this is nasty. The Zorua and Zoroark you will eventually obtain in B/W are mother and son. Once son evolves into a male Zoroark, and you want more Zorua... ew....
I've let brother eevee and sister eevee breed with each other.. so it ain't that bad I guess..

Anyways, will we be getting more information once CoroCoro is officially released?
Water Pokémon Master said:
Now this is nasty. The Zorua and Zoroark you will eventually obtain in B/W are mother and son. Once son evolves into a male Zoroark, and you want more Zorua... ew...

Oh, that is soooooooo wrong! >_<;

I think I'll just breed them with Ditto...though Ditto is a whole other case of ew.
Update: Now this is nasty. The Zorua and Zoroark you will eventually obtain in Black and White are supposed to be the mother Zoroark and her baby boy Zorua from the 13th movie. But once son evolves into a male Zoroark, and you want more Zorua... ew...
Eww...What is wrong with those crazy Japs xD
Atleast you get more Zorua's...
It is blatantly obvious that Zoroa and Zoroark can't be bred if they are event-exclusive Pokémon. You could use Phione as a precedent, but if Zoroa could be obtained via Zoroark, the second event would be rendered rather pointless. Case in point: There has never been an event for Phione.

I'm wondering if Zoroa can't evolve into Zoroark despite the preliminary report about them. It would only make sense to force players to preserve Zoroa if breeding isn't an option, and again, there would be no need in the Zoroark event if it could be obtained via Zoroa. This is coming from someone who is looking forward to the events themselves, as opposed to just the Pokémon.
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

HikaruAyame said:
Yami, what was the line the guy above you posted? Does it confirm a Palpark-type thing or is it ambiguous?
No no, "Like pal-park" is what I said. Just says there's a machine which transfers Pokemon (and suggests you use this to get Celebi from your old games by using it)

Saraform said:
I'm wondering if Zoroa can't evolve into Zoroark despite the preliminary report about them.
Hmm, Corocoro has stated it evolves so I don't think it's going to change at this point.

I hope we get that Celebi and shiny dogs events in England, we still didn't even get Jirachi ;__; (Luckily I downloaded with my Japanese Platinum though, but still!)

PokéJungle said:
There was that rumor on 2ch about zoroa and a garbage can...

Wasn't that the same rumour that said it'd be level 15 though? (turned out to be lv.10)
Tensho said:
If you keep a clear and open mind, the statement in Japanese that you saw might refer that those are the moves that Zorua and Zoroark don't learn normally since the arrow is pointing into the pictures showing the moves they learn and this is usual the case with event pokemon, they learn moves that normally don't.

As much as I'd love for it to be ambiguous, 「通常のプレイでは出現しないのだ」is as certain as it gets. "Does not appear in normal play".
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

*Just going to revise my statement*
They seem to be more commonly referred to as the legendary dogs though, no?
Although there seems to have been some debate here and there online.

I've always been under the impression they were based on Chinese Guardian lions (which I'd always thought were Korean dogs up until research a few minutes ago!)
or atleast something like the Japanese Nue/ぬえ(No idea what the Kanji for that would be xD)
Water Pokémon Master said:
Now this is nasty. The Zorua and Zoroark you will eventually obtain in B/W are mother and son. Once son evolves into a male Zoroark, and you want more Zorua... ew...

Well I'm sure like Lucario, you will be able to breed her with ground or human shape egg groups. If you don't want to breed mother and son (gross), get a ditto. Just 'cause it's event doesn't make it the end of the world...
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

Thanx for mentioning that update! I can see a new episode of south park in a year or two.
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

Jah10 said:
'cause it's event doesn't make it the end of the world...
I take it you're in the US!?
I'm afraid we don't always get it so good outside of there in terms of events and releases, hence we groan!
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

kriffix said:
Saraform said:
I'm wondering if Zoroa can't evolve into Zoroark despite the preliminary report about them.
Hmm, Corocoro has stated it evolves so I don't think it's going to change at this point.
They stated it four months ago and haven't said a word since (they implied that the unique method would be revealed). The various official web sites haven't said anything about it at all.

I have no doubt that Zoroa is Zoroark's pre-evolution, but since we are dealing with individual creatures, Game Freak could very well come up with an explanation as to why this particular Zoroa (the only one we'll see in Black and White) can't evolve. In fact, they've done it before with Spiky-ear Pichu, and the reason provided was that the Pichu had traveled through time with Celebi and lost its ability to evolve. A coincidence?
i remember back in the day, when the only event pokemon were mew and that surfing pikachu... those were the days. :/ i hope they don't ruin this game with 2349023908234 legendaries and event pokemons. personally i just think they're annoying.