'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

ManhattanTheStarr said:
That's a mix of a dog and a hyena. I just want a hyena Pokemon. :>
I don't think we're gonna get better than that.......hyenas are canines just like dogs right? Hyena's practically in the name right? Yeah, pretty sure they got that covered.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Now this is nasty. The Zorua and Zoroark you will eventually obtain in B/W are mother and son. Once son evolves into a male Zoroark, and you want more Zorua... ew...

Incest always happens to get good IVs. This is normal lol.

dmaster out.
I'm not particularly happy with the fact Zorua/Zoroark are event only pokemon. Living in Ireland our only hope for an event is for wi-fi really and i'm way more a collector than battler :(

Darn it anyway
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

Looks like we're gonna have to wait to actual release to find out if its breedable. WPM, mind making this a main point of discovery upon release? If you do I'll follow your updates religiously to keep an eye out for it!

Plus when my version gets over here in the post I wanna play it slowly so probably all the info etc will be translated by then. I'll just stick to episode translations~
I don't think Zoroark will be event only...
It's probably just a hand out of a normal in-game Pokemon like how they have given out Lucario, Dragonite, etc.

dmaster said:
Incest always happens to get good IVs. This is normal lol.

dmaster out.

Breed the male with Ditto!
Elfteiroh said:
Is anyone thinking like me?
That all the new pokemons looks like animals that live in Africa?

Most of the tropical or exotic animals live in Africa... They can't create 4 kinds of pigeons...

I'm still hopin for a tazmanian devil, or more dinosaur pokémon
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

yoyofsho16 said:
I don't think Zoroark will be event only...
Unfortunately it is though. It says it (albeit well hidden) in Corocoro so it's gotta be final. "Not available in regular play".
That's so lame...
Why would you make ZORUA event only? I can perfectly understand Zoroark being an event Pokemon, but Zorua? That doesn't make any sense at all. 3:< Zorua is just a tiny little fox Pokemon like Vulpix, and it's event only. Just because it can change forms doesn't give them a reason to make it an event Pokemon. Lol at how many people were excited to have a Zorua of their own, but half of them (including me) can't have one. u_u
I wouldn't worry about that... If you can afford a new Pokemon game, you can probably afford an Action Replay, which might have a code that someone made...

Sudowoodo said:
Most of the tropical or exotic animals live in Africa... They can't create 4 kinds of pigeons...

I'm still hopin for a tazmanian devil, or more dinosaur pokémon

More dino pokemon would be really cool. Sounds interesting...
Chimchar15 said:
Hey guys the official Jp website for BW has just been updated. Here's a link. Pretty cool layout in my opinion.

Can someone translate?


The picture looks like a DS linking to a desktop.