Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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"Wow this sounds serious. Ok guys we better get down to Antartica, but before we go I think I should try to synthesize my first Pokemon." Dan informed the other Avengers. "I got a Norm essence from the mission before last, and I just got an Aviator essence. I would like to synthesize a Hoothoot." Dan told a professor nearby holding up the items.

"Sure buddy..The professor said..taking the essences..He dumped them into a large machine and Dan could see the essences combining on the monitor..and slowly a form taking shape..After a few moment..a pokecube popped out.

"Here's your hoothoot young man" The professor said, giving Dan the pokecube.


You'll Also be using an Alakazam under the same conditions of RA (12 hour time limit In Game not Real life lol)

lmk if you're still on
OoC: Is Hoothoot lv.1?
"Thanks! Ok guys, unless anyone else wants to synthesize I think we better get going." Dan told the other Avengers

Dan, Danny, and the other WA Stood around their Alakzam..slowly they were engulfed by a white light....


"Let's get this over with, sooner we do this sooner we get a break" Gaius said

He, Dusk and Rahul stood around their Alakazam..and were engulfed in a white light..


When both teams' vision cleared..they saw a large Bunker like structure, only one story tall but about the size of 2 football fields stacked end on end.

Both teams looked and saw they were alone..and they saw a large steel door 20 feet in front of them (Think the bunker door on Endor). It appealed to be sealed
"Blaze come on out and use Ember to try to open the door even though it doesn't like not being sealed." Dan told his Charmeleon.
Dusk: "Let's blow it open! Mightyena, use Crunch! Swampert use Mud Ball! Clamperl use Water Pulse! Magneton use Flash Cannon!"
Dusk's Pokemon pop out of their Pokeballs and use their respective moves.

fyi I won't be too much as Gaius for this unless It's necessary


After a minute of pounding..the door starts to give way. The Red Army force their way in and find themselves in a pitch-black room..

"Dusk..use your magneton as a light source" Gaius ordered.


Dan if you have a water type use a water move and the door will shatter. or spend one more post of burning
OoC: No water types.
"This doesn't look like it's working and Blaze is getting tired. I'll only leave you up there a little bit longer." Dan said sad that his Pokemon looked like it was getting weak.

Charmeleon's searing flame finally burned a hole through the door..the WA stepped through..finding themselves in a dark room

Do you/any WA have electric types?


The move revealed a room full of computers and electronic equipment..most of them console seeemd intact but lacked power. A door was also on the opposite side of the room.

"Use magneton to shock the computer..that may jump start it and give us some information"
OoC: Yeah I was going to say Blaze's tail. I'll say it anyway.
Dan walked into the room, but couldn't see anything. "Blaze make your tail more fiery and stuff." Suddenly he could see his surroundings.

Blaze's flame grew til it reached a foot long and burned brighter..Dan and the others could see a room of broken computers..a book on the floor seemed familiar to Dan.

They could also see a door on the opposite side of the room



Broken I'm not sure if you missed it but there's a computer intact..and magneton needs to provide power to it to get some information :)
"Woah, what is this place? Did someone have a party? What's this book doing here?" Dan asked looking at it.
OoC: I don't know what it is so I can't really go along with it.

Dan recognized the book as the introductory manual for pokemon that he and the others received when they joined the World Avengers but before they received their pokemon.
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