H HypnoticChairman ... Member May 11, 2011 #2,201 "Ok. Let's tilt the boards in a sharp downward motion, rise, and then ambush them from below. You can do your thing from there. Sound good?"
"Ok. Let's tilt the boards in a sharp downward motion, rise, and then ambush them from below. You can do your thing from there. Sound good?"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,202 RA: Martha: "Oh no..My kingdra..what shall I do?" Martha looked distraught.. "I KNOW..THIS!" She exclaimed laughing..throwing another pokecube from her belt.. "C'mon..Poliwrath!" Your go then she goes
RA: Martha: "Oh no..My kingdra..what shall I do?" Martha looked distraught.. "I KNOW..THIS!" She exclaimed laughing..throwing another pokecube from her belt.. "C'mon..Poliwrath!" Your go then she goes
brOkenice Still an Ice Expert Member May 11, 2011 #2,203 In: Dusk: "Mightyena, use another Sucker Punch!"
Rock Wrecker I want to be a Pokemon master :-) Member May 11, 2011 #2,204 "Ok let's go." Dan got underneath Ariel and the guards and brought out Drifloon. "Ok, Bloon use Hex on their Pokemon!" Drifloon was suddenly in front of the guards and he Hexed all the Pokemon.
"Ok let's go." Dan got underneath Ariel and the guards and brought out Drifloon. "Ok, Bloon use Hex on their Pokemon!" Drifloon was suddenly in front of the guards and he Hexed all the Pokemon.
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,205 WA: OOC: That would work if they had pokemon out lol Aerial: Look..an enemy Drifloon..Attack Guard 1: Vespiquen 28 Guard 2: Jumpluff 30 Aerial: Crobat 35 RA: Sucker punch hit..60% left Martha: "Go...Submission on Mightyena!" Mightyena was hit hard..KO Poliwrath did damage to itself 40% left
WA: OOC: That would work if they had pokemon out lol Aerial: Look..an enemy Drifloon..Attack Guard 1: Vespiquen 28 Guard 2: Jumpluff 30 Aerial: Crobat 35 RA: Sucker punch hit..60% left Martha: "Go...Submission on Mightyena!" Mightyena was hit hard..KO Poliwrath did damage to itself 40% left
brOkenice Still an Ice Expert Member May 11, 2011 #2,206 Dusk: "I'm out of pokemon since the platform melted. Rahul do you have any?
H HypnoticChairman ... Member May 11, 2011 #2,207 Pulling Geodude out of his Pokeball, Danny held him an let him use Rock Throw on Vespiqueen. Hypnotic leapt on Swalbu and used Spark on Jumpluff.
Pulling Geodude out of his Pokeball, Danny held him an let him use Rock Throw on Vespiqueen. Hypnotic leapt on Swalbu and used Spark on Jumpluff.
Rock Wrecker I want to be a Pokemon master :-) Member May 11, 2011 #2,208 "That didn't go as well as I thought... Use Hex now Bloon!"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,209 Vespiquen was hit by the rocks 70% left Jumpluff was hit 60% left Vespiquen used Slash on Geodude..60% left Jumpluff used Mega Drain on Geodude 10% left
Vespiquen was hit by the rocks 70% left Jumpluff was hit 60% left Vespiquen used Slash on Geodude..60% left Jumpluff used Mega Drain on Geodude 10% left
U UmbraESP baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon Member May 11, 2011 #2,210 "Monferno,use Ember on Vespiqueen!Astro,Wing Attack on Jumpluff!"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,211 Vespiquen was hit with fire 20% left Jumpluff was hit with wing attack 30% left "Beehive..Use Heal order.." Vesiquen healed itself 70% "Pluff use sleep powder on Astro" Astro fell asleep and started to fall towards the ground
Vespiquen was hit with fire 20% left Jumpluff was hit with wing attack 30% left "Beehive..Use Heal order.." Vesiquen healed itself 70% "Pluff use sleep powder on Astro" Astro fell asleep and started to fall towards the ground
U UmbraESP baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon Member May 11, 2011 #2,212 "Astro!!Gothita,bring Astro back up with your Confusion!Monferno,use Ember on Vespiqueen!Shaker,use Icicle Spear on jumpluff!"
"Astro!!Gothita,bring Astro back up with your Confusion!Monferno,use Ember on Vespiqueen!Shaker,use Icicle Spear on jumpluff!"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,213 Vespiquen was hit with ember..Critical hit..KO Jumpluff was hit by icicle Spear..KO Aerial "Do I have to do this by myself? you're pathetic.." Her guards started to lower to the ground, trying to escape.. "Stay..oh..you useless fools!" Aerial yelled "Go...Crobat!" Crobat flew out of it's pokecube.. "Go Crobat..Cross posion on the shinx!" The attack hit hard..posioning Hypnotic..50% left
Vespiquen was hit with ember..Critical hit..KO Jumpluff was hit by icicle Spear..KO Aerial "Do I have to do this by myself? you're pathetic.." Her guards started to lower to the ground, trying to escape.. "Stay..oh..you useless fools!" Aerial yelled "Go...Crobat!" Crobat flew out of it's pokecube.. "Go Crobat..Cross posion on the shinx!" The attack hit hard..posioning Hypnotic..50% left
U UmbraESP baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon Member May 11, 2011 #2,214 "Gothita,use Confusion!Shaker,use Icicle Spear!Flare,use Ember!Biter,use Bite!"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,215 OOC: you guys are like team rocket lol like...4 on 1.. XD IC: Crobat succumbs to all of the attacks KO "For supposedly being good guys you guys fight dirty..I have one pokemon left..I MUST defeat you all!" GO....TORNADUS (JK) "Go..Gliscor!..Night Slash! Gothita" KO
OOC: you guys are like team rocket lol like...4 on 1.. XD IC: Crobat succumbs to all of the attacks KO "For supposedly being good guys you guys fight dirty..I have one pokemon left..I MUST defeat you all!" GO....TORNADUS (JK) "Go..Gliscor!..Night Slash! Gothita" KO
U UmbraESP baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon Member May 11, 2011 #2,216 OoC:Your mean! "Shaker Icicle Spear!"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,217 Gliscor is heavily hit by times 4 weakness.. 20% left.. "Noo.I must win..Go..Fire Fang..knock out the icicle!!" Gliscor bit hard on Shaker catching it on fire..30% left..Burn..10% left..
Gliscor is heavily hit by times 4 weakness.. 20% left.. "Noo.I must win..Go..Fire Fang..knock out the icicle!!" Gliscor bit hard on Shaker catching it on fire..30% left..Burn..10% left..
U UmbraESP baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon Member May 11, 2011 #2,218 "Use Icicle Spear one more time!"
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member May 11, 2011 #2,219 The spear slams into Gliscor..sending it flying back and hitting Aerial. She looses her balance and falls off her board, however managing to hang on with her hands "Help Help!!! I can barely hold on! I don't want to die!" You now have a choice..do you save the evil Villan..or not? I'll wait an hour and majority will get to decide
The spear slams into Gliscor..sending it flying back and hitting Aerial. She looses her balance and falls off her board, however managing to hang on with her hands "Help Help!!! I can barely hold on! I don't want to die!" You now have a choice..do you save the evil Villan..or not? I'll wait an hour and majority will get to decide
U UmbraESP baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon Member May 11, 2011 #2,220 OoC:I'm feeling nice toady. "Sigh...Grab my hand." Jay reaches his hand out toward Ariel.