Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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Game Freeze

til as early as "When I get up" tomorow or til 4 pm assured..I'll leave you with this..the sub won't rise as quickly as you might think
OoC: Here's my Rare Candies

5 Lv.16 Charmeleon (Blaze)

10 Lv. 18 Mightyena (Belle)

7 Lv. 15 Rhyhorn

6 Lv. 17 Skorupi (Trouble)

8 Lv. 21 Jigglypuff (Fluffy)

8 Lv. 22 Lapras

6 Lv. 19 Sandile (Shades)

9 Lv. 22 Drifloon (Bloon)
Dusk jumped off Magneton and sent out Swampert which he landed on.
He then remembered the fiery explosion.
Yet another life taken by red.
Game unpaused---Sorry for 2 hour additional wait..let's just say I had to play 500 card pickup because of my pets XD

Waiting for br0ken/whoever to post then I'll continue
Dan waited to see if Danny would do anything with his Flying Pokemon before they approached Ariel for their Aerial fight.


Gaius was almost halfway to the top...when, all of a sudden, a white stream of light appeared 2 feet in front of Him and Rahul..the sub was cut in half..and their portion was quickly filling with water!!

"Rahul..let's go..I saw some diving suits and oxygen a few rooms back..c'mon" Gaius yelled.

They ran to the next room and sealed the hatch behind them..although it would only buy them so much time. After a minute or two of searching crates they found a case of diving gear

"Good..put this on! We can swim out and see what happened to the sub!" Gaius and Rahul donned their scuba gear.

From the surface Dusk could see a stream of light pierce the surface..and in a few moments sub parts and gear were floating to the surface..among the objects was an intact set of diving gear and an oxygen tank


Waiting on Danny
Dusk took the oxygen tank but stared at the diving gear.
Dusk(thinking): "Do I want to be in such tight clothes? Might as well."
Dusk changed into diving gear and dived down along with Swampert.

What? lol


Gaius and Rahul swam out of the falling sub and saw Martha and her two remaining guards in similar scuba gear. In front of them was a Kingdra..which Martha seemed to be commanding

" thought you killed me? I don't die that easily!" Martha cackled

"What? How are you alive?" Gaius said..realizing each suit hand a communicator in the helmet.

"My guards and I escaped when we detected your torpedo..pity we didn't kill you" Martha explained

As gm:

waiting for Dusk to swim down lol

I wasn't offline..just laying dwn. long day, Anyway..I don't know how much boddy thought about fighting underwater with pokemon..XD Who has water types?

ok. lol

"I think it's just you buddy..I don't have any water pokemon..I don't think Rahul does either" Gaius said

"We need to find a way to force them above the water"

aS GM:

What move do you want to use on kingra?
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