Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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OoC: No he's going with me lol
I'm eating toast and it's crunchy... NOM NOM NOM
No really I'm eating toast
Ooc: Can we share the toast?

In: "Our other teamates can catch-up later. There's only three boards anyway, and they be able to see our smoke trail.(or whatever they're powered by) We need to catch them before they escape!"
OoC: I finished it and I'm kinda at my house. Otherwise I would share it... maybe
"Ok let's go!" Dan said as they quickly caught up to Ariel and guards together.


FYI Anti-gravity..think hoverboards from Back to the future lol

You pursue Aerial but she has not noticed you yet..

Phase 2. You may now catch pokemon:

Pidgey, Zubat, Spearow, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Natu, Taillow, Wingull, Swablu, Starly, Combee, Drifloon, Pidove, Woobat, Ducklett


Martha sees the attack coming and quickly climbs down the ladder and closes the hatch..the Large sub starts to move away from the dock

Gaius exlaims "You fool..she's escaping..we must Pursue!"
OoC: lol I watched that B2TF on the weekend
"Danny I think we'll need some of these Pokemon for the Aerial fight. We need to catch one before we go on."

Dusk: "Heh heh, sure. Swampert, use Surf!"
Swampert jumped in the water and Dusk stood on it's back.
It then began to tear through the water following Martha.

mlouden03 said:
Gaius exlaims "You fool..she's must Pursue!"

nice..I actually didn't think of that :p however..I had the story planned a different way. Also kind of following boddy's storyline but with my twist.


Since Gaius has no water pokemon..he and Rahul climbed into one of the 2 remaining un-manned subs left behind.
After a few minutes they get it working..Gaius's father once had duty on a submarine and had taught him the fundamentals. Gaius pilots the sub following Martha's.
"A battle in the air might be difficult. I agree a flier could be a valuable asset. But do this quickly and quietly as we're on the run.."

Danny quickly threw a Pokecube at an unexpecting Swablu. In a sharp turn, he grabbed the Pokecube out of midair and caught Swablu.
"Your turn, Dan." yelled Danny quietly.
"Ok now I'll get one." Dan fished through his bag and realized he didn't have anymore Pokecubes.
OoC: mlouden can I call into base to buy a Pokecube? I have $50.

As Dusk surfed through the sea, he took out a Pokeball and popped a Magneton out.
Dusk: "You could be helpful later on..."
OoC: ok lol
Dan got on a special WA cell phone to call WA HQ. "Hey uhm base? Yeah, I kinda don't have any Pokecubes. Yeah, could transport a Pokecube through the phone. Ok, I'm inserting the $20."
A Pokecube teleported to Dan through the phone. He finally saw and unsuspecting Drifloon which was just what he was looking for. He threw the Pokecube at it and caught it.
"Surprising how simple it is to catch unsuspecting flying Pokemon." Dan said to Danny. "Ok let's move in on them."
OoC: mlouden could we get levels for our Pokemon?


yeah sorry. multi-tasking trying to write up missions lol.

drifloon is 13

Swablu is 11

Anymore catching or no?


Gaius and Rahul continued their pursuit of the Martha

"At this rate..they're gonna get away..we need to do something to stop them..or..even Destroy them" an evil smile crept across Gaius's face. Quickly he found the Torpedo controls..and lined up a volley aimed directly at Martha's sub.. "This should shut that wench up for good".

you can only use them 10 make your guys at least 15-20s lol..Aerial and her guards are me you'll want them lol
Dusk noticed that Gaius was readying to fire a torpedo.
He climbed onto Magneton's back and floated up into the air while recalling Swampert.
He now was flying through the air on his Magneton's back.

The torpedos are speeding through the water and hit their mark. a HUGE explosion occurs...Gaius turns to Rahul "We got her..and we didn't even have to battle..give me a few minutes and I'll rise the sub and we can go home!" he exlaimed.
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