Dusk: "Finally! Go Swampert, Magneton, Mightyena, Deino!"
*looks up moves*
"Magneton, use Thunderbolt on Sharpedo!
Swampert, use Take Down on Vaporeon!
Mightyena, use Crunch on Starmie!
Deino use Dragon Pulse on Kingdra!"
Ooc: I kind of forgot about the RPG'ing part of the RPG. (That sounds so wrong)
Ic: "Wha, what is this! Dan, come here!" Danny examined the boards. I wonder if we can use these.... Danny jumped onto one and he met a sudden lurch to the sky. "Cool!"
Dan gets on a board and begins to try and follow Ariel after some practice.
"Come on Danny let's catch up to them!" Dan yelled over the wind up in the air.