Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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Dusk: "Finally! Go Swampert, Magneton, Mightyena, Deino!"

*looks up moves*


"Magneton, use Thunderbolt on Sharpedo!
Swampert, use Take Down on Vaporeon!
Mightyena, use Crunch on Starmie!
Deino use Dragon Pulse on Kingdra!"

Kingler not KINGDRA lol

After this battle assuming we're/multiple Ra are on, only one at a time.


Sharpedo gets shocked and is dealt alot of damage from the thunderbolt it thrashes around 50% left

"Go..Sharpedo Crunch!" The guard orders..the attack hits magneton and deals some damage 80% left

The vaporeon is damaged by Take down..Swampert stumbles back, also damaging itself. 60% left

"Vaporeon..Auroabeam!!" Vaporeon opens its mouth and shoots the beam at Swampert 60& left..attack lowered (rng :( )

The starmie is hit incredibly hard by the crunch 10% left

"Starmie..Recover!!" The pokemon glows white.. 60%

Dragon pulse does moderate damage to kingler 80%

"Kingler..use Scald!!" The pokemon shoots boiling hot water towdards Denio 60% left
I'll continue with Magneton vs. Sharpedo.

Dusk: "Magneton, finish it with another Thunderbolt!"
Guard 1:

Piplup use bubble on Kingler lv 28

Guard 2:

Absol use sucker punch on Vaporeon lv 30

Guard 3:

Charizrd use Night Slash Starmie lv 28

Guard 4:

Larvitar use Rock Smash Sharpedo lv 32
Sharpedo is knocked's trainer climbs down inside the sub yelling "Martha..we have a real problem up here!!"

Kingler is hit by bubbles..70% left

Kingler uses scald on piplup 50% left (it's a piplup lol)

Vaporeon is hit with double damage since it moves after you 30% left

Vaporeon uses Aurora beam on absol 70% left

Night slash hits starmie..40% left

Starmie attacks charizard with Bubblebeam...50% left

Rock smash hits nothing as the pokemon was already knocked out
Guard 1:

Magneton use Thunderbolt on Kingler lv 28

Guard 2:

Swampert use Take Down and Deino use Dark Pulse on Vaporeon lv 30

Guard 3:

Mightyena use Crunch on Starmie lv 28
Kingler is greatly shocked by thunderbolt..20% left

Kingler uses scald on piplup KO

Vaporeon is knocked out as both attacks hit home KO

Swampert damages itself some 50% left

"Go Starmie..Recover!!" You see starmie move before it turns you notice a claw fixed onto it's back. it turns white and heals 80% left

Then crunch hits home..20% left
Guard 1:

Magneton use Thunderbolt and Swampert use Surf on Kingler lv 28

Guard 3:

Mightyena use Crunch and Deino use Dark Pulse on Starmie lv 28
Both pokemon are knocked out before they can make a move..and all guards climb down into the large sub.

brb in a bit posting the part. 20 mins or so hopefully

back sorry


As soon as you recall your pokemon..Martha and the two undefeated henchmen rise from the submarine..

"Why are you here? I told you never to're going to ruin my plan!!"

Do you care about her plan or just want to attack?
OoC: Here's my team:
Lv.11 Charmander (Blaze

Lv. 8 Poochyena (Belle)

Lv. 8 Rhyhorn

Lv. 11 Skorupi (Trouble)

Lv. 13 Jigglypuff (Fluffy

Lv. 14 Lapras

Lv. 13 Sandile (Shades)

Waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy underleveled.

ok..I'm compiling lists and trying to make everyone be mid 20's..Rock I'll probably give you 60 but not allow anyone over level 30.

OOC: Just attack it is..

Make your move (send someone back out)
mlouden03 said:
Danny falls over 3 similar hover boards...

Ooc: I kind of forgot about the RPG'ing part of the RPG. (That sounds so wrong)

Ic: "Wha, what is this! Dan, come here!" Danny examined the boards. I wonder if we can use these.... Danny jumped onto one and he met a sudden lurch to the sky. "Cool!"
Dan gets on a board and begins to try and follow Ariel after some practice.
"Come on Danny let's catch up to them!" Dan yelled over the wind up in the air.

yeah..was wondering when WA would get back to it :p lol

As gm: ninja'd

Danny and Dan sucessfully fly into the notice Aerial and her guards still heading you wait for your teammate or go on together?
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