RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508
*Chase wanders into the forest, avoiding poison ivy and walking through branches. He heard a lound chirp, echoing for miles and miles. Chase looks up, Ho-oh overhead, hundreds of miles in the air.* "Sigh... So beautiful... I want it." *Joey continues to trudge in the forest, hearing a sound, similar to a Mudkip*
OoC: Care to jump in here Darkvoid? After all, you are the only one with Mudkip. First RA vs. WA fight.
*Chase wanders into the forest, avoiding poison ivy and walking through branches. He heard a lound chirp, echoing for miles and miles. Chase looks up, Ho-oh overhead, hundreds of miles in the air.* "Sigh... So beautiful... I want it." *Joey continues to trudge in the forest, hearing a sound, similar to a Mudkip*
OoC: Care to jump in here Darkvoid? After all, you are the only one with Mudkip. First RA vs. WA fight.