RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause
OoC: Shiny Pokemon are not capturable, you can only get them through a certain way that will be described at a later date. Hint: It costs money.
Pokemon Search! Lakeshore Pokemon!
The man suddenly asserts himself. In a New York accent, he says, "Hey, yah, welcome. You wanna play the Grass Lotto? For just 10 Dollars, I'll make a random Pokemon appear in this here tall grass. You can catch as many as you'd like, but I have to caution you, only one person can enter at a time. Once that person leaves, it gets reset so that the nex person can have a turn. You's interested?"
Investigate the Strange Noise!
Legina and Robert both walk into the village, and see their Field Coordinator. Legina walks up, and says, "Hey, you are the Coordinator, right?"
The man was kneeling on a house. He straigtens up, and says, "Sure am. Listen." Robert cups his ears, and hears an odd metallic clanging.
Robert quietly says, "It sounds like metal." The man wipes his nose, "Sure does. Your job is to follow it. Sound simple enough?"
Investigation of the Shady Characters!
The drunkard clasps his head in pain. "Ow! Oi, who's disturbing my Pops Rocks' eating?" The men turn around, and see Tidus and Daniel. They gas when they see you're World Avengers soldiers.
"Hey, look, it's the cops!" They suddenly get up from the booth. The largest man stands in front of them. He's got burly muscles, and a torn vest. He says, "Hey! What do you think you're doing, assaulting my buddy here. You oughta be taught some manners!"
He takes out a PokeCube, and says, "Go, Patrat!" The Patrat comes out, and the man says, "Go, use Bite on the Geodude!"
Stampede of the Dogs! Help the Village!
The chief elder salutes Vincent, and kisses his feet. "Oh, thank you, kind warrior with fancy techno-whoozi-whatzits. The dogs are causing a lot of strife, especially the leader, Houndour. They're mostly afraid of fire. Go! Help us!"
Just then, you hear the barks of Lillipups and Poochyenas outside. There are tens of them scattered around, capturing civilians in the corners.
The Wild Lady of the Forest!
Without noticing, you see that Stephon has joined you, Joey. He adresses you, and in broken English, says, "I think I hear woman."
You listen attentively, and you hear crazy drums, and a woman yelling, "Baduu nika WAA WAA QUAAA!!!" It's coming from the East.
Expansive Field! Pokemon Search!
The man, who was dozing, suddenly straightens up, and says, "Hey! You! You likes Pokemons, don't ya? Well, I've got a deal for ya. This here's Grass Lotto. For just 10 dollars, I'll spin the wheel here, and whatever Pokemon it lands on, will be the one that appears here. You can then go in this tall grass, and find it. However, once you leave the grass, it resets, and there's only room for one person. So, who'd like to go first?"
Night of the Living Bugs!
Mei Long and Ilya walk in calm and collected, when they see the huge holes made by the bugs. Mei Long shrieks, "Eeek! Uggh, these bugs are freaking disgusting! I don't even know why I signed up for this!"
Ilya rolls his eyes, "Are you done whining? Come on. Let's go. Turtwig!" He throws his PokeCube in the air. He points at a nearby hole. "Go, Turtwig. We can search in the holes. Are you coming Mei?"
Mei desperately nods, and the two walk off into the tunnels.
Search for the Rare Mystic Water!
As you enter the craggy area, you see the Mystic Water on a small leaf. You sigh at the simplicity, and bend down to pick it off. However, you soon realize that it was tied to the tail of a Taillow. The Taillow retaliates by attacking you.
Rare Pokemon! The Red Army vs. Snorlax!
Niel and Korina walk into the scarred forest. The terrain is black, and ashes are littered everywhere. Korina clutches Niel. "Oh, Niel. This is horrible."
Niel pats her on the back. "I know, but, chin up. All we've got to do is find the Snorlax." Korina nods in acceptance, and the two walk forward hand in hand.
Search For Survivors in a Scarred Forest!
Nobody entered this one. :/