RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause
Walks up to Mei Long (assuming she is there)
"Hey..wanna trade me so I can evolve my kadabra?"
Mei long, still distrustful of Gaius, but trying to ammends " long as you don't make any more sexist remarks against me"
Gaius sneered "I promise" I'll say anything so you do what I want Gaius thought..They exchanged pokecubes..and, suddenly..Kadabra spang out of his ball..
"KAAADAABRA" it shouted, as Light started to engulf him once again..He grew even taller, and his arms grew wider...after a minute..the light faded..and an Alakazam stood in his place, "Alakazam!" They then traded back, and Gaius went into his room to sleep.
be back in a bit