Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


no offense to him but I'm tired of waiting.
If WA can improv a mission I'm sure I can get/use my own candies
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: He really should look into my idea of giving everyone his plans for the game so someone can help him out...
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


That's what I pm'd him about yesterday but he was like..oh no, I'm on top of this, just had to go out for an unexpected driving lesson
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Well, im positive lunch doesn't take 1-2 hours
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: Hey don't look at me the improv wasn't my idea.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


that's what I'm saying lolz. as in..he's Not on top of this..


So..wanna trade? (or I'll just trade with an npc..did You want the mareep? or was that fleece?)
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: No no, that was me. So for my shinx. If so, just tell me and ill get to the IN part of it
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Raul rushed to the town where the dogs were running loose. However, once he got there, he sees they are are roped up in vine cages.
"Crap, someone already got here."
He walks over to a houndour in a cage.
"I want it, toto use water gun"
Totodile attacks the helpless dog, weakening it enough for capture.
"go, pokecube." The houndour is then effortlessly caught.
"Now, what to do with these other dogs..."
Raul take the cages and empties them into the woods one by one. The dogs high tail it out of there. Once the last one was gone, he headed back to base.
mission complete (again :p)
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: is there anyone else who hasn't been on a mission besides me? Which missions are open?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


OOC: I didnt miss much did I

IN: Rahul was waiting for orders patiently
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OC: fine by me


ok..I'll trade my mareep for your shinx..and then trade my kadabra for mareep and trade back..ok? I know you mentioned you wanted one on the misson


you guys need to put Mission Complete for the mission to be over
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


IN:Rahul had watched Gaius burn down the forest and sadly knew that he should aid the mission, so secretly from the sidelines he used charmander to burn the entire place down along side Gaius

Mission Complete

Rahul headed back to HQ
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


IN: Rahul was tired and didnt know this newcomer very well so replied with " I would rather wait till the commander gets back and then we can go on a mission"

OOC: I have a history paper to do so I might do one in 40-45 min
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Safari i think you're WA..and not RA
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: oh yeah, my bad. Darn! It's not easy getting started late in RPGs!
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Walks up to Mei Long (assuming she is there)

"Hey..wanna trade me so I can evolve my kadabra?"

Mei long, still distrustful of Gaius, but trying to ammends " long as you don't make any more sexist remarks against me"

Gaius sneered "I promise" I'll say anything so you do what I want Gaius thought..They exchanged pokecubes..and, suddenly..Kadabra spang out of his ball..

"KAAADAABRA" it shouted, as Light started to engulf him once again..He grew even taller, and his arms grew wider...after a minute..the light faded..and an Alakazam stood in his place, "Alakazam!" They then traded back, and Gaius went into his room to sleep.


be back in a bit
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OoC: So bored... not much to do. Eh I guess I'll continue to train my Heracross and Chandelure in Pokemon White.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


C'mon boddy..dude :(
Anyone wanna mission with me?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC:Helloooo everyone.What happened while I was gone?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: Im going to sleep, I have school tomorrow
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