RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause
OoC: Oh my Arceus, I need to stop going to school! jk
IC: Dec wakes up from the daze he's in. He looks at the old man at the booth. "Yeah, let's see, I've got $50 (OoC: If I remember correctly…) Let's take a shot at this." Dec waits patiently, hoping he gets a Pokemon he wants.
EDIT: lol safariblade, I'm not done yet. School takes up every waking moment of my time.
OoC: Oh my Arceus, I need to stop going to school! jk
IC: Dec wakes up from the daze he's in. He looks at the old man at the booth. "Yeah, let's see, I've got $50 (OoC: If I remember correctly…) Let's take a shot at this." Dec waits patiently, hoping he gets a Pokemon he wants.
EDIT: lol safariblade, I'm not done yet. School takes up every waking moment of my time.